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Foundry achievement whoring was a lot of fun tonight. :)

I tried my hand at some token crafting for the Pyro and Scout tonight, hoping I might luck out with a Maul or Three-Rune Blade if I didn't get one of the new weapons. Pyro was a bust, but I wound up with a Wrap Assassin, so it wasn't a total wash.

Foundry achievement whoring was a lot of fun tonight. :)

I tried my hand at some token crafting for the Pyro and Scout tonight, hoping I might luck out with a Maul or Three-Rune Blade if I didn't get one of the new weapons. Pyro was a bust, but I wound up with a Wrap Assassin, so it wasn't a total wash.

Seven tries but I finally crafted a Eureka Effect. BOOYAH. And then the Pomson dropped in one. I was like :tomatoface:


FYI: ivel, phill, Hoopy, and a bunch of other cronies will votekick you from BLU if you play the game, do not type/say anything, and do not break any rules

How embarrassing that I have to call an admin to discipline server regulars to not abuse votekick



Folks, let's try to remember that OCR's TF2 servers are primarily for playing TF2, not for achievement farming and/or other shenanigans. I'm not saying you guys can't do that stuff, but you cannot use things like votekick to get rid of people for playing the game, even if it interferes with your farming/made-up-on-the-spot rules (unless, of course, we are doing some kind of special, pre-planned event).

Clearly, I've missed out on some juicy drama.

OCRTF2 drama really only lasts 20mins or so. If you don't time it just right or cause it yourself, you miss out on all the fun.

OCRTF2 drama really only lasts 20mins or so. If you don't time it just right or cause it yourself, you miss out on all the fun.

Totally. Wasted that popcorn from earlier.:banghead:

2 crates opened.

2 stranges.

Don't ask me, I don't know how :P

And I think I ran into you earlier today. I think I was healing you on some random server in dustbowl :P

Most newer crate series (except naughty and nice crates) have a very high chance of giving you stranges.

Naughty crates have a slight chance of giving you a Strange version of the festive weapons.


I was going to schedule a WarioWare event, but I just found out that it's been broken since sometime in mid-2011 due to the speedup effect not working properly (it requires sv_cheats 1, and there are exploits that can be run on the server to compromise it if sv_cheats 1 is set).


For my latest irregular rant on the topic of "Oh my god is your average pub really this stupid," I discovered that I am perfectly capable of sneaking up behind people without the benefit of cloak or disguise. As Heavy. On Egypt.

I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry.

We've released a mandatory update to Team Fortress 2. The notes for the update are below.



Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)

- Limit the effective FOV of players using wide-screen resolutions with aspect ratios wider than 1.85:1. The sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov ConVar can be changed to remove the restriction or make the restriction also apply to full-screen players.

Team Fortress 2

- Fixed Cp_Foundry not ending the map in the middle of a round when mp_timelimit is hit

- Fixed the Spy saying 'Prego' for one of his 'Thanks!' lines

- Fixed incorrect player animations for the Buff Banner and the Battalion's Backup

- Fixed some cases where strange Ullapool Cabers and wrenches would fail to correctly count kills

- Improvements for client stability

- Updated the localization files

- Crafting changes:

- Added crafting recipes for weapons introduced during the holiday update

- When selecting items for use in crafting, the items selected will show their quality in addition to the item name

- Ellis's Cap can now be used as a crafting reagent

- Item changes

- Added The Lucky Shot helmet

- Added The Killer Exclusive to the Mann Co. store

- Added Mask of the Shaman to the item drop list

- Fixed particle display problems for items with multiple effects

- Fixed the Dr. Whoa paint not drawing correctly for the Blue team

- Updated the Desert Marauder and the Villain's Veil so they can be equipped together

- Updated the Fancy Dress Uniform and the Kringle Collection so they can be equipped together

- The Bombinomicon no longer shakes the screen and has a delay before the explosion so that Snipers, Spies, and others can get better feedback on the actual cause of death

- The Bazaar Bargain functionality has changed: only one stored head is lost on a miss or a bodyshot and no heads are gained when missing while crit-boosted

I'll check soon if it installed.


Glad they finally added crafting recipes. Maybe I can finally get the Pyro/Engineer weapons.

The Bombnomicon change is also welcome, but highly unexpected given Valve's recent tendency to go "lol whatever" re: cosmetic effects. Although it did make it hard to use YER.

Server's really starting to feel dead. Looking at the HLstats graph is sad.

I'll be honest, I've been playing on Reddit Midwest lately. It probably doesn't help that I haven't contacted the server host about moving to Dallas yet.

Speaking of our server, there's a Prop Hunt event scheduled for tonight 9pm EST / 6pm PST.


I've been getting in a reasonable number of games recently. I'm almost always willing to hop on when other people are playing, so like, just start playing.

In other news, a person on another server I sometimes play on gave me a free Genuine Stahlhelm out of the blue. Said person may or may not have been high at the time, but hey, free hat.


I was on the server earlier, but my connection is all sorts of fucked up and I spent a good portion of the time staring at an interactive powerpoint. This is likely an issue on my end, not the server. *grumble*

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