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omg, u ddont like my voice3?

i should throw a fit.......

c'mon, folks, leave gigabowser alone... he doesn't have to like your music in order for it to be validated. this album rocks. everybody who participated in it rocks. gigabowser rocks, too

(i rawk)

Posted (edited)

This album is really really good. Definitely the best since Voices of the Lifestream, if not surpassing that one too. The level of consistency here is high. But the standout tracks in my opinion are:

- The first djp track (classic djp)

- Both Patrick Burns tracks (who is this guy? I've never heard of him and he has two of the best songs on the album)

- A New Place (reminds me of some late 80's / early 90's song I can't place, starting at 2:53... either way I like it)

- Dave Wise's song is obviously good

- Plenty of other good stuff like Simian Soiree, Roller Disco, and Us Monkeys Together.

The only song on here I really don't like is the death metal song, which just isn't my style... even then the instrumental version of that one is fine.

Also, there are some cool points that sound like references to other songs to me... the thing I mentioned in A New Place, plus Beneath The Canopy seems to have an Anxious Heart reference and This Chase is Haunted reminds me of Still More Fighting.

Edited by Kaxon
Posted (edited)
Well the biggest part I hated is the voice of the vocals,but I only feel that the vocals fit with "in a snowbound land" but the other too I disliked the lyrics and the voice if there wasn't an instrumental version on monkeys disarm their kremlings it would've been three cause I think the vocal on that one was horrible V_V if I'm being rude please tell me the correct word I should use and I will change them.


The correct word you should use is none.


Hehe.. ok.. :-(

I guess you could say my vocals were a success since so many people don't like them. :-D

Edited by Brandon Strader
Posted (edited)

I stand by my previous comment: I believe Serious Monkey Business has broken records as best OverClocked album. The vocals, as a whole, were fair, if you ask me. Everything else is nigh insurpassable.

I read GigaBowser's comments, and I thought, "Hey, at least (s)he still liked the tracks without vocals."

So to GigaBowser: The vocals were not the absolute best thing about the album, but they're better than you make them out to be.

To everyone else: I implore you NOT to let this turn into a huge falling-out. I don't want any trouble from any of you.

Edited by GTAHater836

Alright so basically this entire album is amazing. Definitely my favourite release from OC Remix to date. I'm a sucker for vocals so major props to all the songs which had them involved.

The standout for me was Trapped in the Minds, I loved the DoD version and have been waiting for the finished result for ages. So impressed with how it turned out as well. Getting Hale on board was defintiely a good move, can't get that chorus out of my head. The vocals remind me of "Carry on my Wayward son" for some reason, and the rapping was tight.

I also loved Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings (the instrumental version though, sorry Brandon not a fan of the roaring vocals, but I'm sure they're great for people into that sorta thing :wink:). It was good to have both versions provided so that people can choose the one that suits their preferences. But yeah, just loved the overall energy of the song, such a good match for the what the original was trying to convey.

Special mention also to Pickin' Out the Fleas, basically cos its Sixto and the drums were crazy awesome.

Congrats to everyone who contributed to this album, such a great success

Guys, quit shitting on giga bowser. If he doesn't like some tracks, he doesn't like some tracks. That's fine. Obviously I disagree with his reasoning, but I don't think anything he's said is out of line.

Giga (and everybody else): thanks for listening and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Yeah, this is a review thread after all. People should be allowed to have their own opinion without everyone jumping down their throats if that opinion is at all negative.

I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but I was impressed by quite a few of the tracks. Nice work, from what I've heard so far.

Posted (edited)

Maybe it's because the source material is so awesome, but I was honestly a little disappointed by this album (actually, I've only listened to the first CD so far. The DIXIE CD is sounding a lot better). I still like it, though (I just like the SNES soundtrack more)

EDIT: Okay, the Dixie CD rocks

EDIT2: Okay, I've changed my mind on the second listen, not trying to compare it so much to the original songs. I think it's pretty good

Edited by a_d

This is not really a review, per se; just a collection of random comments and observations I put together as I was listening.

'Sturm und Kong'

Man, I forgot how much parts of the DKC2 soundtrack sound like David Arnold's Independence Day score until I heard the intro to this song.

'Simian Soirée'

Apart from an odd sounding guitar chord here and there and a rather annoying audio glitch near the end, this track is pretty damn good.

'Rare Respite'

Wow. I'm at a loss for words. Gorgeous.

'Token Up'

This one has an awesome beginning, but the timing starts sounding sloppy around the two minute mark; the various elements seem pretty out of sync at times. I like the random guitar noodling though; I just wish the rest of the song was a little tighter.

'Beneath the Canopy'

I definitely hear the Pink Floyd sound djp mentioned in the writeup. Probably part of the reason I like this remix so much...

'A New Place'

There are a few moments in the male vocal sections that sound autotuned, which is okay, but I kinda wish it was a little more subtle. I love the acoustic guitar bits, it provides nice organic touch among the electronic elements. And what is it about this song that lends itself to vocal tracks? First Darangen's version, now this... not that I'm complaining; this is one of my favorite tracks on the album. :D

'Roller Disco'

This was one of my favorite tracks on the Game Boy version (Donkey Kong Land II) of the soundtrack when I was a kid. Nice to hear someone *finally* do right by it.

'This Chase Is Haunted'


'Backwards Room'

Now this is more like it, zyko! It's much tighter, and all of the elements just 'click'. But... what happened at 4:09-4:10? Sounds like a bad splice or something.

'Trapped in the Minds'

I like this song. Performance wise, everything is great, and personally I love the vocals, but the recording / mixing sounds... flat. It's lacking the kind of 'punch' that it deserves.

'Dance of the Zinger'

I know I wasn't the only one who was expecting virt's remix to sound, well, nothing like this. That being said: way to knock it out of the park, man. :D

'Dead Raggening'

When I saw the title I immediately wondered if there were going to be any nods to Clint Mansell's Dead Reckoning, and at 2:56 I was like 'totally called it!'

'Exit Row'


'Pickin' Out The Fleas'


'Bramble Reprise'


'Castle Crescendo'

Another of my favorites. Something about electronic music that incorporates orchestral elements does it for me all the time... :)

'Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings'

Alright, so I'm not a fan of growling vocals in general, but I can't deny they work well in the context of this arrangement. (I also won't deny that I'm glad an instrumental version was included, because I really like Nekofrog's approach to this song.)

By the way, is that a recorder at the end? :lol:


What is there to say? Well, other than that I STILL can't believe that Taucer and Bahamut managed to get this TRIO OF LEGENDS on an OCR album.

'Bonus Bop'

My toes were tappin'; my head was bobbin'. Can't ask for anything more.

Overall, a very solid album; my favorite from OCR in quite some time. Definitely worth the wait.

Posted (edited)
'Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings'

By the way, is that a recorder at the end?

Yes, I played that recorder at the end - it was my first time recording it. Had fun with it. Would have been good to have a little reverb on it but that's on Nekofrog, hehe... I said it before much earlier in the thread and I don't mean to sound 'needy' or anything by saying it more than once, but I didn't get credited for it on the track so I just thought I'd let people know. o_o

Also there's a difference between the vocals being "bad" and not being your personal preference. I know a lot of people don't like death metal but to sit there and say the vocals are horrible is just mean. If you don't like death metal then it's not for you, no reason to insult. <_<

Edited by Brandon Strader

Worth the wait. I am a bit iffy with the choice for Bayou Boogie, but I guess that's because there have already been remixes that would have fit the album a bit better already released beforehand. Otherwise, the songs are nice arrangements. Keep up the good work and hoping to see DKC3 remixed in the future :D


Just so everybody knows:

Mithius did a mix of Game Over that was actually pretty good, and I hope we'll still be able to release it; the reason it isn't with the project is that we couldn't get in touch with him for a submission policy agreement. But let the records show that he did a mix, it was good, and it should have been on the project.

Just so everybody knows:

Mithius did a mix of Game Over that was actually pretty good, and I hope we'll still be able to release it; the reason it isn't with the project is that we couldn't get in touch with him for a submission policy agreement. But let the records show that he did a mix, it was good, and it should have been on the project.

Man...that's too bad. I LOVE mithius' work. Been a fan ever since his solo outing for "The Story of Hyrule". There's just something that screams style in his guitar playing and tone.

I hope this gets a bonus release in the near future.

Man...that's too bad. I LOVE mithius' work. Been a fan ever since his solo outing for "The Story of Hyrule". There's just something that screams style in his guitar playing and tone.

I hope this gets a bonus release in the near future.

Ditto. Stick it on the end of Cranky, perhaps?


ok, well i just finished my fourth listen...and I have one small complaint. no, two:

1. Why weren't the tracks longer!? They could've been longer. Everyone wants more!! 5 minutes should be the bare minimum. :smile:

2. I was kinda waiting for one track to work itself into the next, oh well. Not necessary though.

Overall? 9.8/10 <-- A+ !! 4.0 GPA! with distinction.


This album is amazing ,but it would have been better if they at least do a less shrill version for each shrill track the shrill frequencies really did piss me off I myself am not a fan of shrill music bu who knows if they had thought of adding this option things may have been alot better and they won't lose anything except time and I think its worth it.


It might just be my earbuds and the lack of bass from the music while in the bus, but it seems half the tracks are mixed really shrill. Something felt wrong on my mixing headphones too, but haven't listened enough on those to know for sure.

So far, I've enjoyed bustatunez' tracks the most, but Tensei's is pretty awesome too. And flickerfall and sixto and djp and wise and... yeah. Lots.


Loved the album. Still love the album. Listened to it a few times all the way through and I have to say: the only track I personally don't like is 'Us Monkeys Together.' No offense intended to Amy and Vinnie, but it just sounds like it could've been better.

Overall, though, great work by all parties involved!

(I don't have much else to say without repeating myself. "LOVED IT!")

(There, I did anyway.)

This album is amazing ,but it would have been better if they at least do an instumental version for each vocal track the vocals really did piss me off I myself am not a fan of vocal music bu who knows if they had thought of adding this option things may have been alot better and they won't lose anything except time and I think its worth it.

I too would like to see an instrumental version of Trapped in the Minds particularly. Great job and congrats to all.

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