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Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! - History

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Words can not express how happy I am to know this is in the works.

Unlike most gamers back in the day, I was actually introduced to the DKC series in reverse. Played DKC3 first at a friends house, who later gave the game and his SNES to me when he got an N64. My cousin eventually got the second game and we played that when I visited, and the I got my playtime with the first DKC through a friend I gained years later.

Because of this, DKC3 is my absolute favorite of the series with my favorite soundtrack. However, most people seem to push it to the back of the list when compared to the first two games, which is why DKC3 gets the short end of the stick when it comes to remixes.

This album will remedy that, I'm sure. :D

I do have to be honest though, I raged when I bought the GBA version and learned it had different music. But back then, I probably didn't give a dang if it was good music or not. all I knew is that it was different, and I didn't like it. But I've been giving it a listen thanks to this album, and I'm finding I remember a surprising number of them, even though I didn't like them before. Clearly a case of nostalgia-earphones, because these are awesome. Almost like what the game would have sounded like if they had stuck with the same music direction for the third game as the first and second.

I can hardly wait, but I got Serious Monkey Business to tide me until then. ;)

Also, we need to think of a name for the album. I'd suggest not using a name like "kongs in _______" because it would be too much like Kong in Concert.

I was thinking of something along the lines of "Apes Gone Alpine," "Primate Elevation," "Kongs of Kanadia," or "Krool Heights."


DKC3: Double Trouble (two games being remixed and pays homage to the original title)

DKC3: Third Banana

'Northern kReMixsphere' (portmanteau of ReMix and Northern Kremisphere, the area explored in DKC3)

or 'Northern ReMixsphere'

The last two could also be seen to reference the 'scope' of the project (which boasts a large number of tracks); a 'sphere' or collection of ReMixes

DKC3: Double Trouble (two games being remixed and pays homage to the original title)

I think this one's standing out to me most of all the suggestions. Not sure if it's something I'll really consider going with in the long-run, but good suggestion :-) I want something that either references the fact that it's ending out a trilogy, or that both game soundtracks are being remixed in one album.

Thanks for all the suggestions and words of encouragement, I'm glad there's people interested in both halves of the project!


"Double Trouble" is clever, but it's also extremely generic. It'd also make the album's name nearly identical to the game's, removing only "Dixie Kong's" from the title.

How about "Two Kinds of Kong."

Also, will we try and have a vote on this eventually after enough nominations or will it be solely based on Emu's opinion?

Ultimately the name will be chosen at my discretion, but I value public opinion a lot so if a certain suggestion gains a lot of support, it may very well influence my final decision.

Fair enough.

Also, "Kong's Final Country" might work.


Well, they're both aware of each other's interest in the same track, but I don't think either of them wants to collab. I'd be pretty excited to see that happen, but I'd say that 2 separate remixes by two of the most talented remixers in the community is nothing to be disappointed about either ;-)

Well, they're both aware of each other's interest in the same track, but I don't think either of them wants to collab. I'd be pretty excited to see that happen, but I'd say that 2 separate remixes by two of the most talented remixers in the community is nothing to be disappointed about either ;-)

Hell yeah, either way, it's win-win on our part. :)!!

Hell yeah, either way, it's win-win on our part. :)!!

Yeppers! This'll kick ass; plus, closing out the DKC series is simply an epic way to do business. Well played, OCR! Well played, Emu and Brandon (and anyone else I'm missing - sorry)!

Yeppers! This'll kick ass; plus, closing out the DKC series is simply an epic way to do business. Well played, OCR! Well played, Emu and Brandon (and anyone else I'm missing - sorry)!

Brandon? Huh? Last time I checked he was only remixing, I don't currently have anyone else working with me on the project :-P But he has made a really kickass Title theme remix, so kudos to him on that! And same to all the other artists who've submitted WIPs or finished songs!

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