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Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! - History

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Hard-hitting and intense? You've sold the deal on me. Nuts & Bolts (604) was my second favorite from the OST besides Treetop Tumble (610). And "Blast Beatdown" just sounds like something as hard-hitting and intense as you say, something I'd like to go "Fightin' 'Round the World" to!

AkumajoBelmont, is mastering for "Enchanted" going well?

Hard-hitting and intense? You've sold the deal on me. Nuts & Bolts (604) was my second favorite from the OST besides Treetop Tumble (610). And "Blast Beatdown" just sounds like something as hard-hitting and intense as you say, something I'd like to go "Fightin' 'Round the World" to!

AkumajoBelmont, is mastering for "Enchanted" going well?

UPDATE: Now I count 12 without WAVs and 6 with fixes requested. That'll bring the total to 66 official tracks and at least 8 bonus tracks. *paces in front of the gates to Mama Bird* Come on, COME ONNN!


My arithmetic mistake. I was thinking 21 + 17 + 25, with a reference point of 21 in the middle, but I accidentally multipled 3 by 22 instead! Alas, the countdown is at 18 tracks.

I blame Hylian Lemon for all of that. He really screwed the pooch on this one.

Arf arf?

Heh, Flexstyle, if you're here, WE PASSED THE PANEL buddy.

Wish I had the remix sense you do. I'm very grateful for this.

Don't think this will make me into something resembling Brandon, I swore to myself that no matter how many mixes of mine get posted, I will still stay myself.

Don't think this will make me into something resembling Brandon, I swore to myself that no matter how many mixes of mine get posted, I will still stay myself.

For the last time, I dropped the album you wanted to do with me because you evolved into an asshole. If you would have stayed yourself, everything would have been fine. And furthermore, stop mentioning me, stay out of my business, because you're really starting to get on my nerves with this constantly. Everyone else at least has the decency to talk about me behind my back. Way to soil your collab pass with this douchery. Congrats Flexstyle, no congrats for you draco.

Come on. I already had to remove you on facebook.. You don't know me well enough to say I've changed from being posted, because if you did, you'd know it's actually the opposite.. I'm a lot more self-conscious about my music now, I'm not arrogant as a result. I never even talk about it so I have no idea wtf you're on about. -_-


It's 1:30 now? You never send anything to me! Just like you constantly neglect to send child support for our son :-( I don't want to make a buncha drama now, because we're currently below the line, but YOU NEVER CALL ANYMORE! I'm worried what the world will be like for our son growing up without his fancy-haired mother... How hard is it to just PRETEND that you care about keeping this family together!?!?!


I miss you...

Also, I got a WAV from Monkey Kong and David Wise for Stilt Village GBA, which will be tackled twice on the album :-) This smooth, 80's-inspired jam is serving as something of a credits mix on the album in lieu of a remix of the actual DKC3 GBA credits theme, and the musical quality is certainly worthy of that prestigious album slot :-D It's one of my favorite songs on the project and I hope the rest of you will agree!

Emu, why did you not announce I had given you a substantial WIP? It's at like 1:30 now. Why would you neglect that? Why did I not get my name in funny colours like everyone else? Why?


It's 1:30 now? You never send anything to me! Just like you constantly neglect to send child support for our son :-( I don't want to make a buncha drama now, because we're currently below the line, but YOU NEVER CALL ANYMORE! I'm worried what the world will be like for our son growing up without his fancy-haired mother... How hard is it to just PRETEND that you care about keeping this family together!?!?!


I miss you...

MOMMY! DADDY! STOP FIGHTING! You're tearing us apart!


Emu got his computer back. All unfinished artists, beware his vengeful typing wrath of super-kindness!

You shouldn't underestimate Emu simply because he's so nice he makes Mister Rogers look like Joseph Stalin. You may not have thought much of his earlier approaches involving unending complimentary requests for mixes, but now his back is to the wall and we're starting to see what he's really capable of. Just last week....

Emunator: Hi! How's it going? :P

Prophecy: Not much, just writing some emails.

Emunator: You finish that mix yet? :P

Prophecy: No, haven't had a chance to yet.

Emunator: But your almost done, right? :P

Prophecy: It's "you're".

Emunator: Oh did i maake a mitsake u see thx 4 find? :P

Prophecy: Stop that.

Emunator: U wants meh sterp wut!?1 loal? :P

Prophecy: My inner grammar Nazi is exploding right now. Please make it stop!

Emunator: u iz r can 4 wit u mickx meks 4 iz can mai haz@? :P

Prophecy: Ok, you win. I'll work on the mix now.

Emunator: Oh really? Thanks! :P!

And the next day:

Emunator: Hi! How's it going? :P

Prophecy: Just writing some code.

Emunator: You finish that mix yet? :P

Prophecy: No, I'm afraid not. I'm clicking the X on this window if I see one mispelled word.

Emunator: Even if you write it? Anyways, I actually just wanted to share some news with you. :P

Prophecy: Oh? What's going on?

Emunator: It's Akuma. I'm afraid he's not going to make it. :P

Prophecy: Na, I'm sure he'll get his mix done in time.

Emunator: That's not what I meant. Akuma is dying. :P

Prophecy: Oh wow, that's terrible!

Emunator: Yea, I forget the name of his sickness, but he's only got a few weeks to live. He told me, as his dying wish, that he wanted to see the project completed. Shame it probably won't happen. :P

Prophecy: Gosh, that's just awful. Anything I can do for him?

Emunator: Weeeeellllll. There is one thing. We just need ONE wav to finish the project so Akuma can pass away happy. And it's your wav. :P

Prophecy: Gee, I'll get on it right away! Poor Akuma!

Emunator: :P

And then, just yesterday...

Emunator: Hi! How's it going? :P

Prophecy: Good, just eating dinner.

Emunator: You finish that mix yet? :P

Prophecy: No, but I did talk to Akuma and he's fine.

Emunator: Oh, he got better? That's great! I've got some more news you might be interested in. :P

Prophecy: Whatever it is, I'm not interested.

Emunator: It involves the Guinness Factory. :P

Prophecy: What's going on at the factory? Is everyone ok? Is the beer ok?

Emunator: I'm afraid not. Seems one of the workers found a magical flute on the ground, blew into it, and accidentally summoned a horde of leprechauns. :P

Prophecy: Leprechauns?

Emunator: Yes. All inside were slaughtered. :P

Prophecy: And the beer? Is it ok?

Emunator: Being held hostage. The leprechauns are requesting ransom in exchange for the safety of the beer and the factory. :P

Prophecy: Gosh, that's terrible! What do they want?

Emunator: That's the funny thing. They specifically asked for a remix of Chase from the Donkey Kong Country 3 OST. :P

Prophecy: Well then we're saved! Diggi Dis already finished one.

Emunator: He did? Oh yea, err, um, but that was from GBA, they specifically requested SNES. :P

Prophecy: Alright then, I'll get right on it! Gotta save the beer!

Emunator: :P :P :P

I called the Guinness Factory and everything was fine there. Not sure why I keep falling for his tricks. Maybe I'm just super gullible or maybe I'll believe anything Emunator says because he's so nice. Perhaps a bit of both.

I told you, he keeps tricking me.

I think I need a chaperone or something to look over my shoulder when I'm talking to him.

I thought the trick was that Akuma was dying, which I actually believed cause that guy goes to sleep at like 1pm every day, but then I remembered he's in Australia... but still, that's around 4am, can't be a healthy sleep schedule.. anyway hope you're doing ok Akuma. xD

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