Emunator Posted April 4, 2011 Author Posted April 4, 2011 @Christian, we tend to work in spurts where we both hang out together and mix/master anything we need done in spurts. So as long as you have the stems sent to him, rest assured we'll get to it As for the macro, I'm afraid I can't help you there @Proto, I'll take off ALL my clothes when I get YOUR wav, bebeh <3
Jason Covenant Posted April 7, 2011 Posted April 7, 2011 Those without WAVs shall henceforth be subject to public humiliation! Not sure I follow. Guess it wouldn't apply to me anyways because I've already got a wav turned in, thus, I am not without a wav.
Emunator Posted April 8, 2011 Author Posted April 8, 2011 Gah, you guys have got to stop leaking internal project-related memos. All this Emugate nonsense is making me look bad. I've got a country to run, dammit! Okay, so, in other news, we've got 2 finished songs recently WillRock (with the aid of the trusty Level 99) has FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY finished his remix. After, like, a year and a half. But it's totally worth the wait. All I can say is... whatever your expectations would be for a collab between these two might entail, get rid of them. This song sounds NOTHING like you'd expect it to And, on another note, David Wise's track is finally finished This one's been a long time in the making, and it's safe to say that Mr. Wise has put a TON of time into polishing this one up and making it perfect. As for the nature of the track itself, I'm going to leave that a complete surprise, but suffice to say this is one of the grandest remixes I've ever heard, and I think many of you will agree when you see just how much effort went into making it. Can't wait til you all can hear this one on launch day
Jason Covenant Posted April 8, 2011 Posted April 8, 2011 Gah, you guys have got to stop leaking internal project-related memos. All this Emugate nonsense is making me look bad. I've got a country to run, dammit! Sorry, guess I steered things a little off-topic. Anyways, It's 6am here and I just finished the final recordings on my last song. I'm gonna polish things up and hopefully I'll have a wav done by the end of this weekend.
Level 99 Posted April 12, 2011 Posted April 12, 2011 1) That latest preview was pants-wettingly awesome. Seriously. Definitely recommend checking it out, even if you've listened to all 37 other previews! 2) It is so far past the Feb due date that you should break out the cat o' nine-tails for people who have yet to finish. DISCIPLINE THEM, MISTRESS!
Brandon Strader Posted April 12, 2011 Posted April 12, 2011 Sometimes you have to make the unfortunate cut for people who don't take deadlines seriously. On the other hand, if you cut Enchanted, i will murder you.
Thylacine Posted April 12, 2011 Posted April 12, 2011 Sometimes you have to make the unfortunate cut for people who don't take deadlines seriously. On the other hand, if you cut Enchanted, i will murder you.I think you should be threatening the remixer with death, not the project manager.
Mirby Posted April 12, 2011 Posted April 12, 2011 Then again, this is Brandon you're talking to sooo.... I kid, I kid!
Brandon Strader Posted April 12, 2011 Posted April 12, 2011 I didn't know I had built a reputation of someone who murders project directors. Emunator, sure, over the years, yes... but... cut me some slack. As for Enchanted, Akuma's gonna figure out how tough it is to get WIPs and WAVs from people with his own project, Vroom.. maybe that'll inspire him to start tossing in his own sooner.
GTAHater836 Posted April 12, 2011 Posted April 12, 2011 Right, AkumajoBelmont. Why didn't you get Enchanted out of the way before you took up that bulky VROOM project?! And if Enchanted gets cut, Emunator and Belmont, I'll murder you both!
Mirby Posted April 12, 2011 Posted April 12, 2011 He hates GTA so be careful; he knows the most effective ways to kill... or something like that. D:
Emunator Posted April 12, 2011 Author Posted April 12, 2011 Y'all don't be hating on Akuma, he's a good guy and I know he'll get things done He's gone through a lot of effort to get his mix sounding the way it is now, it's one of the most remarkably improved songs since the first WIP
Emunator Posted April 14, 2011 Author Posted April 14, 2011 Ok, so, some good news finally I got 2 finished (save for some little touchups) songs from ilp0 and Monobrow last night, and a very progressed wip from DJ-AKX earlier this week! They're sounding FANTASTIC. I'm also expecting finished material from a few others in the very near future, so with any luck, we might be wrapping up soon! It's gonna take effort from everyone to make it happen, bu there's really only a few problem songs to deal with once we get all the blue songs taken care of. In short... things are starting to get back on track. Let's keep it that way Oh, while I was typing up this message I got a WAV from ilp0 Quite a surprise, I was honestly not even expecting this song to get finished but the final product is pretty rockin'! Some rough-and-dirty classic rock loving for the fantastic Treetop Tumble is a bit of a liberal take but it's damn good Thanks ilp0!
Archangel Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 This has gone on long enough. I'm very, very angry, also because of some stuff that's happening to me in real life, so I guess this stupid thread was the last straw. And now I need to vent. I find it extremely unfair that most of the remixers on this project did their work well before the deadline, while a few other couch potatos are holding back this whole album with not a care in the world. It's been TWO MONTHS, and that's enough to make an entire remix from scratch, not put finishing touches on something that's already 90% done. I don't understand why I, for example, had to flunk an exam, miss a couple of classes, sacrifice a couple of days of my social life, and put myself into a sleep-deprived, zombie-like state in order to finish my little ditty in time, while others can just wait as if there is no deadline whatsoever. All of you red-ass, grey-ass and blue-ass baboon clowns should be ashamed of yourselves. I guess the joke's on me for being such an idiot and respecting deadlines. Well, you know what? I'm not going to do that anymore, so if anyone wants my crappy music on their project, they'll be waiting until I feel like messing around with violin and clarinet samples. To hell with discipline and commitment! There. My reputation will probably plummet after this, but see if I care. I have spoken!
Monobrow Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 I guess the joke's on me for being such an idiot and respecting deadlines. The joke's only ever on you when you get this upset. *_* I don't think anyone on this project isn't respecting deadlines because they are couch potatoes. But I am not going to flunk an exam for a song, or lose my job, or neglect myself. That's not what music is about to me and after all, this is where the music is coming from. I feel bad because you had to go through all that to get your song done, but that's not my problem or anyone else here. No one told you to do that, and I'm sure if you had said that this would be the consequence, people here would have understood. As for my song, it's been "done" for a while now, I just keep adding to it and making it better because while I could have considered it done a long time ago, I was personally not happy with it. That being said, I could have rendered out a finished wav for Wes 2 months ago if I rushed and killed myself over it, but I've done that before and it's just not worth it to me, so I chose not to and I've been in touch with him (as he is in touch with others) since then about its progression. The point being, it's great that your song is done, and I am sure it's great, but a project is about unity, and it's not so much about the individual. You sometimes HAVE to wait for others, and that's part of the nature of being on a collaborative work of art. Whether or not it's fair doesn't always play into the finished product. And while ideally, everyone will do their part in a timely manner, you have to realize that's just that, an ideal. And really, 2 months isn't that horrible... Especially considering that there were other projects in line to be released two months ago, and are ahead of this project, regardless of whether or not a couple songs are a couple months late. How fast this project actually progressed in the first place (a little over a year) is actually really pretty fast in terms of OCR projects... Two months to complete a project is a ridiculously short amount of time... So I don't understand that statement. So yeah, I think your anger is a bit unfounded, and while I understand it, and have actually been on the other side of the fence on other projects (Milky Way Wishes, I have a song that was done about five years ago on that project that sounds horrible to me), I think that just because your observations are negative in nature, they won't really help the situation. Not only towards people who are late, but because Wes is doing a great job managing the project himself, he has a handle on how it's going, so why not trust him (and everyone else) a little bit instead of lashing out and probably making him feel bad? So no, not a bit ashamed. I'm actually really happy with my song and how it turned out, and I commend Wes for being patient and forgiving, after all, he could have cut the people who were not finished if he wanted to... Would that have made you happy?
ilp0 Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 I apologize for delaying the project and making some people angry. The thing is that I love OCR and have high respect for all the people that make this musical community happen: fellow remixers and especially the site maintenance crew and project managers. BUT: for me (and many other remixers) this is still just a hobby, something fun to do when I have inspiration and spare time. I don't stress about it and I miss ocr project deadlines all the time because I lack either time or inspiration to finish my work. That's just the way it is. Sorry folks Anyway, this project is about to be finished and published and that's great let's be glad about that. I feel like each completed and released ocr album is a small miracle given that no one gets profit for doing it. Thumbs up!
Level 99 Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 While I understand the frustrations, I really don't think you have any right to be mad at anyone but yourself. Let me give a few reasons why: 1) It is the director's perogative as to how best to manage their project. Some directors set deadlines and will cut anyone who waits a day later. Some are more understanding and will give extensions. Some set deadlines to simply give the illusion of progress and try to pressure people into doing things, but might not act on it if there are delays. Some want to get the project out as soon as possible, quality be damned. Some would rather just wait and give the best goddamn product that they can. Really, as a mixer, YOU sign on to be managed however they see fit. You are an piece of the puzzle, not the alpha and the omega. If you have concerns like this, tell that to the director. However, making a post like this publicly is really rude, and shows little to no concern for other people on the project, most of all emunator. This is basically a slap in the face to him and anyone else who might not have made it for that deadline, whatever their personal reasons may be. 2) I feel for you for having a shitty time in school because of your work ethic in regards to mixes, as well as whatever shit you have going on with yourself now. But you know what? That was your decision to flunk a test and miss class and whatnot in order to do a mix. If you tell a director that REAL LIFE is getting in the way, then they always understand. If they want to keep the schedule super-strict, then they will have to unfortunately cut you. If they have some kind of flexibility, they will give an extension. Just because you chose remixing over your school studies does not give you the justification to complain about the ramifications of your decision. 3) You don't know what other people's lives are like, and this is a hobby for everyone on the site. Nobody gets paid to make an OC ReMix. Let me repeat: THIS IS NOT A FORM OF INCOME FOR ANYONE ON THE SITE. It is for FUN, it is to HONOR THE MUSIC AND THE COMPOSERS, and unless your staff, it is NOT TO BE TREATED LIKE WORK. Once you lose the fun, then you should stop right there and reassess what you're doing. And never assault other people for delays, not even if you are privy to the intimate details of their private lives. Again, I feel for your frustration, but you are definitely not in a position to be making these comments to emunator, especially publicly. Keep the drama to yourself or between the people it involves. Drawing attention to it like this just makes you look like a whiner, no offense.
Brandon Strader Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 It's an issue. I can understand your anger as someone who has been on a lot of projects and also ran a few. There's people who are responsible about the deadlines and those who aren't. What it boils down to is whether the director has the guts to make the cut or string it along for a while to get that last good track. If the wait is worth it, then they'll do it. Sometimes you come up empty handed. As for remixers... A lot of them make excuses for not doing their work. The bottom line is a lot of them are pretty lazy or have priorities with "bigger name" OCR people that are more important.
Rozovian Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 Not aimed at anyone in particular: If you're running late, you MUST LET THE PROJECT LEADS KNOW ABOUT IT, ASAP. Seriously folks, nothing sucks as much as not knowing where ppl are with their tracks. Should I ask some more reliable, faster remixer to do that source so there's a mix of it on the album, should I wait, should I cut? I completely agree that it's not fair to other remixers when a project is held up because of stragglers. At the same time, it sucks if life happens and you can't finish your mix on time, and you get cut for things out of your control. And letting real life suffer for some hobbyist music project isn't an option for everyone. As one of those project leads who's way too nice to ppl about deadlines and tracks and stuff (trying to change), I want everyone who wants to be a part of the project to have that opportunity. Taking into account time zone differences, time zone confusion, and late awakenings to the matter of a due date/deadline, I set those due dates/deadlines a day ahead of when I expect stuff in. Don't abuse this knowledge.
Level 99 Posted April 17, 2011 Posted April 17, 2011 It's an issue. I can understand your anger as someone who has been on a lot of projects and also ran a few. There's people who are responsible about the deadlines and those who aren't. What it boils down to is whether the director has the guts to make the cut or string it along for a while to get that last good track. If the wait is worth it, then they'll do it. Sometimes you come up empty handed.As for remixers... A lot of them make excuses for not doing their work. The bottom line is a lot of them are pretty lazy or have priorities with "bigger name" OCR people that are more important. Excuse me, where do you get the right to call people lazy? Having more songs != having good songs. Calling people lazy blindly make you also look like an asshole. Let people take their time and give the songs the care and attention each one thinks it deserves. Let the director direct this project however the fuck he wants, it is his right to do so. Calling people names and accusing mixers of laziness does nothing to help the situation. Real Life > OCR.
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