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Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! - History

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I know what it is, Akuma just signed the T&C for Apple and is becoming the world's first Human CentiPad. Some computer problems, indeed.

I lol'd. :nicework:

GTA: Don't worry, when I actually get down to making a mix, I get it done in a couple days at most, generally speaking. I work quickly, once inspiration hits. You can ask Emunator to verify this, if you must, and I'm pretty sure Hylian knows I'll get my work done on his project, too. Bear in mind that I (and a bunch of other people, I suspect) am finishing up a grueling semester of college in which I had the misfortune to take 17 credit hours and am almost-failing one very tough class. I also work part-time, am about to start a full-time summer internship, and have lots of other "life" duties as well. Cut me a bit of slack. Also, do consider this--I'm prioritizing projects in order of when deadlines hit, and the Oracle project still has a lot of deadline left.

Bear this in mind as well--I'm not totally devoted to OCR, music-wise. I have other projects. Some of them I get paid for, and some of them have much tighter deadlines. OCR is a hobby that I happen to be really good at.

My post urging everyone to hurry was meant to be in good fun, hence the ":-D" at the end, as well as the prominent use of the word "y'all." I'm a bit surprised that someone who's not even a project artist, let alone director, is calling me out for not working on music that is entirely voluntary (and which I still have every intention of completing).

tl;dr I'm cranky because I have too many finals and some guy who doesn't make music is calling me out for something I didn't do. Also, Brandon is funny.


I just bought Donkey Kong Country 3 Advance yesterday.

The temptation was too big, since the game has a totally new soundtrack - it wasn't too expensive either :)

I'm going to play through it and enjoy the new music, trying to forget the old tracks so I can judge the new ones for the quality and not just compare them.

C'mon guys! Get it done :D

I'm dying of anticipation here! xD

I just bought Donkey Kong Country 3 Advance yesterday.

The temptation was too big, since the game has a totally new soundtrack - it wasn't too expensive either :)

I'm going to play through it and enjoy the new music, trying to forget the old tracks so I can judge the new ones for the quality and not just compare them.

Right on man, this is what I like to hear. Dave Wise is a VGM legend and it's a shame that so many people can't appreciate the new OST (or won't even give it a chance) because they're so hung up on comparing them to Eveline's original score. Both soundtracks are TOTALLY different (in fact, the GBA one was composed because it would have taken too long to properly port the SNES soundtrack and so Dave just wrote a brand new soundtrack that was better suited for the GBA soundchip) but have their own merits that make them awesome. Seriously, it means a lot to me and Cody that the project is exposing people to the other half of DKC3 :-)

Anyway, status update; the last 5 artists don't seem like they're going to be finishing anytime soon. So, we're thinking about just releasing the preview a bit early to tide you guys over, cause the next month or so is going to be a tough wait for everybody involved or interested in the project :\ We're about 75% done with the final preview so I'll keep you all posted! Sorry about the wait, we're doing what we can without wasting the extensive effort that all 5 of the remaining artists have already put into their songs.

Wait a minute. What is David Wise's contribution to this track?

He did mixing/mastering on it and contributed a solo section to the climax of the song. And yes, it's amazing. Not the first time a composer has collaborated with a remixer to remix their own work, but still... it's a stellar remix and shows off Monkey Kong and Dave Wise at their best.


Oooh, Heart of the Cave... I can't speak for Rozovian (or anyone else for the matter) but the remix is absolutely wonderful. 8 1/2 minutes might seem like a long time for a remix, but please take my word when I say every second of it is fully warranted. It's sure to please fans of the original and first-time listeners alike!

When I first found this project thread I was honestly a little skeptical at the thought of a DKC3 SNES/GBA soundtrack remix project (mostly because I hold both versions in such high regards and thought it'd be difficult for people to remix certain tunes appropriately). However, with the amount of high quality, true-to-the-source remixes churned over the last year, I've really been proven wrong. And it's my pleasure to admit it :)

Truly great work to everyone who has helped with the project thus far, it wouldn't be the same without each and every one of you.


I really like the GBA soundtrack too.

Even though nostalgia wants me to like the original soundtrack more, I actually find each soundtrack to be good in its own way.

I don't think I've heard a better soundtrack with better quality for the GBA. The sound is so clear it's unbelievable.

So tell me Rozovian, IS longer better? :tomatoface:

If you know what you're doing with it, yes it is. Otherwise it's just a weird meandering thing that doesn't know where it's going or how it's gonna get there. In that case, it's better to have a short but well handled one instead.

Oooh, Heart of the Cave... I can't speak for Rozovian (or anyone else for the matter) but the remix is absolutely wonderful. 8 1/2 minutes might seem like a long time for a remix, but please take my word when I say every second of it is fully warranted. It's sure to please fans of the original and first-time listeners alike!

The length is Emu's fault. But apparently I did something right. :D

He did mixing/mastering on it and contributed a solo section to the climax of the song. And yes, it's amazing. Not the first time a composer has collaborated with a remixer to remix their own work, but still... it's a stellar remix and shows off Monkey Kong and Dave Wise at their best.

Awesome. How did this collab come about in the first place? Seems like a huge opportunity for Monkey Kong.


The only two other people I know who've successfully made 8 minute remixes of single source tracks are Disco Dan (Blue Lightning) and bLiNd (that Trenches remix of which the name eludes me). And I know that Rozo can do something equally well. I can't wait to hear it, and everything else, and then review it.

Awesome. How did this collab come about in the first place? Seems like a huge opportunity for Monkey Kong.

It was really just a one-time thing, but all they had to do was ask :-P Pretty bold move (and, for the sake of his sanity, I wouldn't recommend everyone rush in and ask him for solos on their mixes too) but it does show what you can get if you've got some guts and you're in the right place at the right time.

Topic title: This project is never going to get done, is it?

OK, Emunator, you're starting to scare me again! So we know Enchanted hasn't gotten done because AkumajoBelmont's computer malfunctioned, but what do you know about the other four?


Hey, for all the anticipators out there, me and Flexstyle are spending the weekend at his place doing final prep work on all of the album (minus the few songs that are still in the red... crossing our fingers that those won't hold us up.) But when this weekend is over, we'll have final mastered, encoded, tagged, and (where appropriate,) gapless playback-enabled MP3s and FLACs for about 95% of the project. The rest will come shortly after. We are going to make a huge amount of progress this weekend and be well on our way to release.


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