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Mr. Lloyd, you sir, are a flaming turd. As are all of you damn judges! You shall be flogged to within an inch of your lives!

Well played! I fell for that shit big time. I just hope you don't seriously consider this in the future though. :banghead: Ya asshats! YOU'RE ALL FIRED!

Someone should totally finish that metal Ice Cap Zone ReMix. That was an awesome song.

I agree. Heck, I'd love to see the Metal Ice Cap Zone with Male Vocals finished just to see what funny lyrics could be added. If it gets to be too much.....that's what OLR is for. :smile: It was a funny joke, but playing along and pretending to be fooled was even better. I wonder how many were playing along like me.


Users banned for trying to spoil yesterday's festivities have been unbanned. If you're one of those people that registered an alt account and it got ban/purged, then you've got an IP ban on the forums, which means I can't really get rid of it, so you'll just have to deal with it until someone with the proper access can. Please be aware that it's not high on our list of priorities, as you shouldn't have registered an alt account anyway.

In any case, it happens every year, and I always have to say: I don't understand why people feel the need to tell everyone that it's a joke. The fun for us is in fooling people, and the fun for everyone else figuring it out for themselves. Jumping on the forum and saying "GUYS IT'S APRIL FOOLS DAY" is just being a spoilsport; why ruin it?

And FYI, Emperor Whateverhisnameis is on a one week vacation for being an ass. It's fun to play along with the joke, but if you're warned about your conduct, try to take that seriously.


Jill forgot to mention diotrans, who did the Ice Cap and Terra solo piano ones. zircon made a new export of one of the tracks that screwed up, so there's a track you guys would be missing. I have all the mixes including the new one in a zip, 132 mixes in total, 193 MB. :shock: If someone can host it, I'll send it to them.

In any case, it happens every year, and I always have to say: I don't understand why people feel the need to tell everyone that it's a joke. The fun for us is in fooling people, and the fun for everyone else figuring it out for themselves. Jumping on the forum and saying "GUYS IT'S APRIL FOOLS DAY" is just being a spoilsport; why ruin it?

Quoted for emphasis.

Shut up about what day it is and PLAY ALONG WITH THE JOKE. :lol:


Haha, at people getting banned... Sorry, but it's pretty funny.

I'm always kinda amazed people fall so hard for this stuff as everyone else on net seems to take advantage of the day as well. Isn't Topeka'ing stuff, a bit a of clue?

Anyway, Bravo OCR! Another fine April Fool's day prank! You guys should seriously consider keeping an archive of these fine efforts with the front pages/announcements and accompanying reaction threads from previous April Fool's. And maybe even a casualty list of all those who got banned.

This stuff is too fun to disappear after April 1st of every year.

...just read this today HAHAHAHA...you've been infected by the intellectual demise of your roomies at Mag finally. I knew it would only be a matter of time. (pulls hood over head) :lmassoff:

I admit that I abused the "take your clothes off" sound file way too much in both of my larry mixes. XD

I might actually use it in a real mix sometime. It'd be a LiOAntamer collab. :-)


In any case, it happens every year, and I always have to say: I don't understand why people feel the need to tell everyone that it's a joke. The fun for us is in fooling people, and the fun for everyone else figuring it out for themselves. Jumping on the forum and saying "GUYS IT'S APRIL FOOLS DAY" is just being a spoilsport; why ruin it?

I think part of it is just that we've already seen it before and no one's really falling for it. That's the key part to any April Fools - it has to be believable, and 2,000+ active members all taking a look at the biggest event of the day are not all going to be in on the joke.

Don't get me wrong - ASS was a GREAT joke. It was very creative, well executed, and I legitimately soiled my monitor twice during the day. Darkesword had the BEST comment on it that I was laughing at even today. It's just that by now, we come to expect OCR charging for downloads, doing bullshit deals with EA Sports, etc. There wasn't a surprise factor until Zircon and everyone came up with "Macarena of Time" which was absolutely perfect in every way. :)

That's all that was really missing and it was up front. I still thought it was a GREAT progression and one of the more memorable April Fools I've seen in a while.

I think part of it is just that we've already seen it before and no one's really falling for it. That's the key part to any April Fools - it has to be believable, and 2,000+ active members all taking a look at the biggest event of the day are not all going to be in on the joke.

Don't get me wrong - ASS was a GREAT joke. It was very creative, well executed, and I legitimately soiled my monitor twice during the day. Darkesword had the BEST comment on it that I was laughing at even today. It's just that by now, we come to expect OCR charging for downloads, doing bullshit deals with EA Sports, etc. There wasn't a surprise factor until Zircon and everyone came up with "Macarena of Time" which was absolutely perfect in every way. :)

That's all that was really missing and it was up front. I still thought it was a GREAT progression and one of the more memorable April Fools I've seen in a while.

Actually, you'd be surprised at what people fall for, as exhibited in this thread and with various other emails, PMs, etc.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: EA ReMix was freakin legendary.

Sadly, I managed to lose the "promo" song that even included bits of Madden's voice... any care to send it/point me to where it is?


I'll permit myself to say a few words about this:

I read the news of the ReMixinator at about 13:15, and i have been fooled for over 13 hours, not really shure if it was a joke or not...

I registered yesterday specially to PM DrakeSword to ask him an get confirmation if this was or was not a joke.

So, some people DID fall for it, although we may be very few...:)!!

Quoted for emphasis.

Shut up about what day it is and PLAY ALONG WITH THE JOKE. :lol:

I never said what day it was, but I did hint it, so I'll remember that next time.

Thanks for the A1 Steak Sauce tho, who ever gave me that. Now where's my steak :lol:

Seriously, that joke almost convinced me for a second. But it had a few obvious giveaways that I'm surprised people actually fell for it. I mean no submission and the judges are relieved of their duty? Did that not speak "APRIL FOOLS!" for anyone?

I never said what day it was, but I did hint it, so I'll remember that next time.

Thanks for the A1 Steak Sauce tho, who ever gave me that. Now where's my steak :lol:

Seriously, that joke almost convinced me for a second. But it had a few obvious giveaways that I'm surprised people actually fell for it. I mean no submission and the judges are relieved of their duty? Did that not speak "APRIL FOOLS!" for anyone?

lol, yeah, I got the A1 ban as well. I figured that I had been banned for my post saying "wow, I cant believe you people are falling for this"...... Don't know that I agree with banning just to try and perpetuate a joke, but meh....whatevs. I figured A-1 steaksauce was perfect for "A"pril "1"st =P

I got banned even though I NEVER SAID APRIL FOOLS EVER.

Pissed me off.

Shaddap. Don't make a lulz thread implying what day it is and you won't get steaksauced next time.

If you imply April Fool's with something stupid like "given what day it is, nuyk, nyuk, nyuk", you're doing it wrong.

And it's just a lulz ban for the rest of the day to keep your trap shut. Don't serious business about it. Just shut up next time. :lol:


It took me about 1 minute to realize what day it was. I thought it was awesome how every once in a while I would find a post with someones personal freakout:



....and then 5 minutes later, that post would mysteriously disappear! And they were banned!!! That's the REAL April fools joke!

ROFLarious! I am impressed we pushed this to 30 pages so fast! Good work everyone.

Years from now, people will sour the net for the ultimate automatic music maker, and they WILL scour this thread for links to the Remixinator in VAIN! That thought brings me great joy.

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