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Nice beatwork as usual, lots of tight little riffs and beat effects. On the musical aspect, personally it was a little too dirty for me, but I get what you're going for.

Someone that appreciates industrial and heavier music than I do would like this a lot more. Production is great with nice compression and eq used all over. Well done stuff here that will appeal to the target audience..


pretty good. theres just too much going on at once. it sounds good but i can't follow the whole song. So many samples and breaks and transitions. I'm impressed that it all sounds so good. I think if you remixed all the sonic 2 songs into club music, this would fit in fine as it builds well into the ending. cool bomb effect too.


Ouch, that sound at the very start hurts my widdle ears. Extremely cool percussion. Wow. Just listening to the drums you get lost in how intricate this song is. Wait, there's other instruments?? Yaargh!! I have to agree that there are way too many things going on at once throughout the whole song, and the listener gets lost and can't appreciate everything. Still, the production that went into this song is mind-blowing, and I must give Beatdrop kudos for the most intricate drums I can ever remember hearing on this site. Yeehaw.


Pretty nice stuff. Some of the samples were extremly annoying, notably the very first one. It's also a bit dirty, which is nice, but this kind of goes overboard. But I have to admit, it has style. I'm not a huge fan of it, but I still think it's a great mix :)


I'm really enjoying this song; ive had it on loop for the past 15 min. Hell, this song ROCKS! The amount of effort that went into this song is evident in just about every little thing. The drums kick ass and the rest of the song has that delectible, raunchy, dirty feel to it. The only problem that i have is that it gets a little to raunchy and kinda detracts from the song a bit (i.e. the part where it runs into some otherwise kick-ass filter effects). Don't let that get ya down Mr. Drop, this ranks up real high on my fave's. Keep it the hell up! :twisted:


A very high standard mix, making use of a good range of effects and some pretty good drum programming. This manages to avoid being overly repetative and remain interesting, which is always good, although I would have liked to have seen it being a little more adventurous (a drum break here and there wouldn't have been out of place). Otherwise, a pretty good listen overall.


I honestly must say, this is the best sonic remix I've heard to date really! That kick is so amazing and the whole percussion is outstanding. This song is exactly what I LOVE hearing and I hope we can expect more like this in the future on OCR because it's just so much fun and great to listen to! Excellent work!


Hey now!

Probably the best interpretation of this song I've heard yet on OCR. Not as creative as some others, but definitely the best one. A few minor suggestions still:

1. FX are great, but turn them and the drums down a notch or two.

2. Synths rock, but kick 'em up a notch or two.

Other than that I have no criticism. Very raw beginning, I almost got impatient waiting for the melody line, but it's cool. Keep it up Beatdrop. B)

PS: For all who wondered what happened to me, I took the wrong warp pipe at Albuquerque. Aside from that I am almost done with school. Still piecing together a DK remix.

Sorry for the minor blog, but to all, if you haven't dloaded this mix, go for it.


Turn them Down???! 8O

NO!! I want MORE ! BIGGER !! LOUDER !!! :twisted:

but i do agree This is the best Mines Mix yet & it shoots to the top Ranks of my OCR collection

It also has earned a spot on My personal Mp3 Album

:idea: OverClocked Off The Leash :idea:

I listen to it all day at work & I never Wear out.

(although i do tear thru batteris like water)

I like alot of BeatDrop stuff & This is no exception

i see nothing Wrong with this except the Shortness & Sudden End......but thats just my personal peeve..

i also wish Neighburgers by Protricity was Longer :puppyeyes:

anyways Great Mix keep up the good werk :!::!:


Sorry to break the feel good atmosphere here, but this just wasn't my cup of tea. It was, as someone stated earlier, too "dirty" for me. Although of a high overall caliber, for lack of a better description, it was somewhat cacophonous, especially near the end.

Am I the only one who loved the first sample?

Nope. I like it too.

Love the way the main beat drops in as well (pun i suppose, make of it what you will). This mix kicks my ass all over the place, and with that idea in place i guess i could liken myself to a masochist, because it leaves me wanting more. while i think thats the strangest description ive ever conjured up, id say its pretty accurate too. excellent mix

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