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OCR02023 - Final Fantasy VIII "Shine Tonight"


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This song has me asking, "Should I like more pop songs like this, or do I only really like it because the source is from a videogame?" I don't normally enjoy listening to stuff like this (speaking to the voice effects more than the upbeatness), but I find myself putting this on repeat, like, way more than I thought I would.

I definitely like how the melody from FFVIII is actually used as a background, with original stuff laid on top. It's something I want try to work into my stuff more, making original bits more prominent in an arrangement.

I also really like the female vocal at 3:12. It just sounds so...clean, and pure, sung out after the denseness of the material immediately prior to it.

Just a really well-written and well-performed (produced) song. Great stuff!

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  • 1 year later...

Pretty bouncy and happy, with nice glitchy vocals. Poolside has a great harmony between them, which, considering the use of autotune and other technological voice stuffs, that's a damn good feat. I am grateful for the lyrics tab at times though. But yeah, this song really picks up halfway through. Catchy and really fun to listen to, and about the only thing I could nitpick about is that I wasn't fond of the quick ending. Poolside is made of win.

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  • 6 months later...

I don't think I've commented on this, so here goes:

I freaking love this song so much. If I had a top 10 list on OCR, this would easily be in the top. There's just so much to love about it. The autotuning works very well IMO, and the way it's written (along with the rest of the song) is absolutely brilliant. This arrangement is great, and this song has great production values on top of that. I get annoyed whenever vocalists seem embarrassed or whatever of their lyrics and try to put their vocals in the back of the song, but this song has nothing to be ashamed of. The singing is great, the lyrics are great, everything's just great.

It's cute, catchy, and cool. I hope Poolside has more stuff like this put up on OCR soon. Thanks for this song : D

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  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02023 - Final Fantasy VIII "Shine Tonight"

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