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If Mega Man isn't there, I certainly won't be happy about it. Zero is hardly similar, not making for the best replacement. Having MM as DLC would be a small consolation, but I need him NOW!


Is it my imagination, or is the character roster looking like it'll be much smaller than MvC 2?

I'm not talking about potential DLC down the road; no amount of DLC is enough because there shouldn't be any DLC. When you put down $60 for a game, you should get the full and complete game. Day 1 DLC or DLC released just afterward that was clearly part of the programming and simply excised to make an extra $5 in a microtransaction is crap.


The roster is smaller because unlike MvsC2 it's actually been balanced. We're expecting an initial roster of 36, which seems to be around what's expected for fighting games these days.

Jill and Shuma will be available in March, and the rumour goes that any other DLC will be available around 3-6 months after that.

The ethical side of things is pretty much dead and gone, though. DLC has proven far too successful -- it's here to stay. Either stop buying games that have DLC or just accept that developers will make DLC and that people will buy it.

To their credit, Jill and Shuma are not on the disc -- they weren't completed on time for production.

Megaman will be the next DLC after Jill and Shuma, along with Elektra or Ms. Marvel or Cyclops. Mark my words.

That said, Taskmaster's lines are seriously lame in a hilarious way.

"You are the ass-kickee, and I am the ass-kickER!" And that overly-dramatic sword show when he wins.

Akuma I'm fine with. He might not be an outright villain, but at least he's an antagonist, something the Capcom side is seriously lacking in. But then, if one thinks about it, Capcom doesn't have much in the way of iconic villains outside the Resident Evil, Megaman, and Street Fighter games anyway.

Last two reveals are supposed to be Sentinel and Hsien-ko. We'll see.

That leaked twitter feed from last month...so far everything it said has come true. So I'm believing it lol

Supposedly, Megaman was ruled out from the start because he "offers nothing unique to the game".

Cyclops has been deconfirmed since the beginning. Which makes no sense at all to me.

I hear there's only going to be a few DLC characters. Since they've deconfirmed several popular characters and are going with lesser knowns.......my bet is they'll be characters nobody cares about and won't pay money to download.

All I know is it's due time for Darkstalkers 4...........:sad:

link to proof

K here ya go

That was posted December 14th and everybody called BS on it. The twitter account was closed quite fast strangely enough. Yet......most everything it says actually happened. Like saying that Akuma and Taskmaster are hidden characters. Which was revealed today. It also said Metro City would be a stage. Just last week or so.......metro city was revealed.

Sure, this doesn't "prove" that megaman won't be in the game.......still I'd place my money on him NOT being in the game.

That's okay with me. I hate megaman lol

Is it my imagination, or is the character roster looking like it'll be much smaller than MvC 2?

3-D character models made from scratch are a little harder to create than 2-D sprites. Cut Capcom a little slack there. (Not counting Zero, and the like.)

Supposedly, Megaman was ruled out from the start because he "offers nothing unique to the game".

What the frick is that supposed to mean? And I suppose She-Hulk and Akuma DO offer something unique to the game? That's just nonsensical bull spit. We just had Mega Man 9 and 10. Mega Man Universe is on the way. Can someone explain to me how it's possible that Mega Man is being overlooked in such a critical time in his career?


I do not have a clue, but it totally pisses me off. Somewhere, in some office, a hundred Japanese men are laughing hysterically. I'm gonna go with a conspiracy theory that Capcom are being a collective dick because of Inafune's departure. That, or either it's because that half of the characters are spawned from minds of those who think it's a good idea to sell underwear in a vending machine.

3-D character models made from scratch are a little harder to create than 2-D sprites. Cut Capcom a little slack there. (Not counting Zero, and the like.)

What the frick is that supposed to mean? And I suppose She-Hulk and Akuma DO offer something unique to the game? That's just nonsensical bull spit. We just had Mega Man 9 and 10. Mega Man Universe is on the way. Can someone explain to me how it's possible that Mega Man is being overlooked in such a critical time in his career?

Well if that really is the reason megaman's not gonna be in it......I agree.

Akuma's only in because he was the first Capcom character to crossover with Marvel I'd assume. I don't get all this she-hulk hate to be honest.

I do not have a clue, but it totally pisses me off. Somewhere, in some office, a hundred Japanese men are laughing hysterically. I'm gonna go with a conspiracy theory that Capcom are being a collective dick because of Inafune's departure. That, or either it's because that half of the characters are spawned from minds of those who think it's a good idea to sell underwear in a vending machine.

This actually makes a lot of sense. (A desperate, unfulfilled mind like mine will believe anything at this point.)

More like they can't just reuse sprite assets from previous games, am i rite?

To-tally, dood.

I don't get all this she-hulk hate to be honest.

Personally, I don't hate She-Hulk so much as I just don't care about her. And, like I said, she offers nothing unique to the game as a character. She's just Hulk with larger than usual chest muscles. If Mega Man is so worthless as a character entry, her inclusion in the game is hypocritical.


i'm actually cool with the current roster. I mean, i'd love to see a lot of my personal faves, but hell, i'm gonna enjoy the existing characters thoroughly. She-Hulk included.

Go she-hulk.

AND X-23.

i'm actually cool with the current roster. I mean, i'd love to see a lot of my personal faves, but hell, i'm gonna enjoy the existing characters thoroughly. She-Hulk included.

Go she-hulk.

AND X-23.

Yeah it's so sad that so many people are going to pass this game up because it doesn't have that ONE character they really wanted.

X-23 is pretty awesome

I'm also extremely satisfied with the roster as is -- I got three of the four Capcom characters I wanted (Firebrand is the missing one).

Maybe I missed it but what are the 3 capcom characters you wanted?

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