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Disney might have some rights here but capcom has the game itself. And like it or not the other crossover games have been smash successes. If Disney pushes too hard capcom could just tell them to shove it and use a different version. But yeah i'm worried about Disney trying that crap too.

Disney might have some rights here but capcom has the game itself. And like it or not the other crossover games have been smash successes. If Disney pushes too hard capcom could just tell them to shove it and use a different version. But yeah i'm worried about Disney trying that crap too.

Uh, don't?

Seriously, Disney bought Marvel so that they own the properties and make money off of whatever Marvel does, not so that they can dictate every aspect of Marvel's business creatively. Disney doesn't give a shit about this game beyond how much money the licensing deal is making them. Your "worry" is totally unfounded.

The game is called Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Give it a rest.

Uh, don't?

Seriously, Disney bought Marvel so that they own the properties and make money off of whatever Marvel does, not so that they can dictate every aspect of Marvel's business creatively. Disney doesn't give a shit about this game beyond how much money the licensing deal is making them. Your "worry" is totally unfounded.

The game is called Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Give it a rest.

Hey this is the first big test. If they're gonna leave this alone and they dont screw with marvel storylines then fine. But a lot of people were worried about this deal. I admit i was one of them. And this was with the knowledge that Miramax studios was disney owned.


Hell, my post was making fun of everyone else. Keep in mind that it's Marvel vs. Capcom 3, not Disney's New Acquisition Marvel vs. Capcom 3. The game won't have any Disney characters in it (even though Scrooge is the only one awesome enough to be in it ^_^), just Marvel characters and Capcom characters. Wait, didn't Cap make the Ducktales and Darkwing Duck games for the NES?



30 as of right now

expect that to be 90-120 before launch. With about half being unlockables.

But as i can not believe they would not involve megaman in some form (be it X or original) my beam team is fully back. While this thread is up what were your favorite groupings?

Mine: Beam team: Iron Man Ryu and Megaman though i swaped mega with warmachine cable and cyclops. The name says it all i think.

You gonna die sucka!: Wolverine Ryu and Sakura Wolverine's barrage comboed with Sakura's best finished by a massive beam. It typically didnt get better than that. It limited unified strikes but i liked chain better in this circumstance anyway

Oldschool Capcom: Ryu Ken Sakura Uppercut city followed by the beam from hell. A real crowd pleaser

Marvel for the god damned stone cold fucking win: Wolverine Ironman Cable

Wolverine i used for the setup. Cable and Ironman for a nasty finish.


I'd like to hope that Capcom will put Nathan "Radd" Spencer in their line-up. They already announced a sequel to Rearmed as part of their list of mega-announcements.

He could use his arm and various weaposn for special attacks and his hyper combo could be a bazooka rocket fired at someone's face....IIIIN SLOOOOOOWWW MOOOOTION!

Completed with glorious headsplosion, or something. Just a thought.


Capcom should really just do "Nobody vs Capcom" since Capcom characters seem to be what everyone actually cares about, me included. Wolverine? Spider Man? Thor? YAWN. Gimme Rad Spencer, Haggar, Arthur, and Zack & Wiki.

Capcom should really just do "Nobody vs Capcom" since Capcom characters seem to be what everyone actually cares about, me included. Wolverine? Spider Man? Thor? YAWN. Gimme Rad Spencer, Haggar, Arthur, and Zack & Wiki.

Actually, a couple buddies of mine are die-hard Marvel fans and they have played this particular franchise mainly because of the Marvel characters. I actually think the Marvel roster is kinda neat to pair up with Capcom's, in order to keep the game from degenerating into an anime inspired clusterfuck, Sort of like an "EAST MEETS WEST" sort of motif. I think that's what makes the series so damn popular.

They've apparently disclosed that the final boss in this game is supposed to be an individual that "marvel fans will love", so I'm thinking potentially Galactus or some other super large baddie of that nature.

Although I still think Onslaught was pretty awesome from the first game. Completely out of left field, that one was.


Well I was hoping for some awesome HD sprite action, but DAYUM that new comic book-ish shading looks sweet!

btw Capcom, where the hell is MvC2 HD Remix? (a lost cause I know but I can dream)

oh and Dante. DMC1 Dante if you have any sense Capcom. ANY SENSE.


Holy crap that trailer is awesome!!

I wouldn't worry too much about Disney characters. From what I've read, the people involved with the game from the Marvel side actually work for Marvel, not Disney. Even if it were to happen, it might be one joke character or something, there's no way Disney is going to dominate this game.

30 characters actually sounds like a good number to me. I wouldn't assume there will be many more than that. Don't forget, this is a completely different engine from MvsC2 so they can't just reuse their old work.

From the brief (seemingly) in-game shinkuu hadouken in the trailer, it seems the game might be based on Tatsunoko vs Capcom, which means they could reuse some of the Capcom characters from that game, but the entire Marvel side is going to have to be newly designed and created.

Capcom should really just do "Nobody vs Capcom" since Capcom characters seem to be what everyone actually cares about, me included. Wolverine? Spider Man? Thor? YAWN. Gimme Rad Spencer, Haggar, Arthur, and Zack & Wiki.

Hey, at the rate their going, pretty soon it'll be "OCR vs Capcom" at some point...

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