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Just in case you've been living under a rock, and I'm actually kind of suprised this hadn't been posted here yet, Nario, my good buddy, has successfully beaten Castlevania with a dance pad. Here's the original thread of the endeavor in progress.

Here's all the levels on youtube. Watch every one of them.


Another reason why Nario is one of the coolest dudes ever to dance upon this earth.


Thanks for sharing this over here, OverCoat! I also appreciate you saying "Watch all of them." :3

The news spread quickly as I beat Castlevania with a dance pad. Next thing I know, I'm on Kotaku, "Nick Hagman" and "castlevania dance pad" is all over Google now,

, etc. etc. etc. All I did was release the video, and BAM!






Crazy! It's such an honor to have my hard work recognized!

If you want, you can become a fan of me on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/NarioFan

(Please tell me you have a Facebook, OverCoat!)


I've seen some of these videos before, and probably at some point will see them all - I've just been too busy lately finishing up my last academic work ever (!!) and preparing for the impending job search...

BUT they are indeed awesome - I'm surprised someone even thought of using a DDR pad to beat another game, but not really surprised it was Nario :-P .

This is why I don't post here often. People at OCR hate me.

No, that's just FR being FR.

Just finished all of them. Cool idea, great execution... especially with the third when you went to two cameras and split-screen. Good entertainment value too (ex: nice Juese references). Progressively building your stuffed toy collection - with commentary - was a nice, subtle touch. And damn, I never knew holy water was so cheap.

Might want to update (or remove) that hit-counter on your last video though. It's well over 14k now!


a guy can't give his honest opinion without being called a troll these days

I could have worded my post a little better though...


Coming Soon: Super Mario Bros... ON A DANCE PAD.

Ignore the troll :-( .

I hate to bring it up even further, but every time I create a thread here on OCR (or in this case, one is created for me), I always get a comment that isn't cool, and it's never from the same person either. I FINALLY thought things were smooth sailing, but then FR came in to show that the pattern still exists here...

I have no need for one, so I don't, sorry!


I forgive you, because you're totally awesome! I miss seeing you more, though.

chthonic: I don't have one. Still, it's good to see you again after all these years!

I hate to bring it up even further, but every time I create a thread here on OCR (or in this case, one is created for me), I always get a comment that isn't cool, and it's never from the same person either.
How does that saying go? Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch, or something like that... :razz:

Nario, I make videos too, and I've gotten my share of negative comments. But don't let that get to you, focus on the positive. People have their right to say they don't like your videos, and that's okay. It's impossible to please everybody. I've tried, believe me.

That being said, you came up with an interesting concept here to play VC games with a DDR pad. Good job beating a balls-tough NES game that I can't even finish with a regular controller.

You need a title with for these videos, like, I dunno... "Let's Play...WITH A DANCE PAD!"

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