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Also, maybe its just me, but The presenter or whoever the main guy talking is looks like a fool.. I hope Sony`s and Nintendo`s representative looks a little more put together. (Im sure they did that on purpose to give him a modern day edge.) .but he still looks like a rejected celebrity.


All Nintendo has to do is show a 3DS mockup, play a Zelda video, maybe show some Metroid Other M footage, and that's it. No one is really expecting Nintendo to do anything really big. The only way they could do something big is "oh, by the way... Wii 2 next summer. OK, good bye!" and then walk of stage.

MS and Sony, on the other hand, are expected to show us what their motion-systems are supposed to do, and wow us with them. So far, MS isn't really doing that. Maybe Sony will do that

Oh, and they just showed a much smaller 360 model. Looks to be about a third smaller than the current one. Same price as current one, and ships as of now. Like, today now. In stores later this week.

And the audience just got free mini-360s! EVERYONE GOT A FREE MINI-360!



Redesigned system for the same price? I'm sure the kind of kids who say "Micro$oft" will find some way to insult them about that still. I think it's great. I just wish I could trade my elite for one. :-(

Kinectimals, yes creepy, but looks like fun. :-)

Fitness games look pretty sweet.

Kinect Adventures, whoo.

Star Wars, looks like it is on rails but still, if it works the way they make it look, it'll be the best Star Wars game experience evar.

Gears 3, looked a little basic. It's not anything we haven't seen before. Ok sure, giant squids shooting out of the ground, that's new. And maybe I'll be impressed or freaked out by that when I see the game. :-P

MGS Rising.. Raiden is a badass, and you can literally cut anything you want in any direction you choose. They chopped a dude in a few pieces. At the end, they sliced a watermelon down to edible pieces. Extremely impressed with this one.

Halo: Reach... meh... first look at campaign looked a little generic until they went into space. Looking forward to the outer-space ship battles.

Dance Central... haha, ok, that was pretty gay. But some sick part of me thinks it would be worthwhile to learn how to dance. For the ladies.


They're simply banking that Kinect will stir up media buzz and catch the attention of the Wii userbase of grandmothers and moms.

Now let's just hope Sony has more to show us than Move.

Either way, all I care about is when The Last Guardian comes out.

Also: Swinging around the ol' timed exclusive trick for Call of Duty? Ho ho ho. Maybe that would've stung a little bit when Infinity Ward was it's glorious former self, but it just reeks of desperation now.

atmuh don't tempt me I swear I will blow up the whole internet

He'll do it, too. I've seen him say things, and then he goes and does those things, and everyone was all like "DAYYYYYYYYYM!" and then they died. Most exploded for no reason, but some just fell over dead like they were shot or something.

True story.

atmuh don't tempt me I swear I will blow up the whole internet

Too late. The fact that I agree with atmuh means the internet probably already exploded. Either that or there's no more porn to be found on it and none of us are really here anymore.

Anyway, pretty lackluster announcements. I'd say I was disappointed, but that would imply I had expectations higher than ankle level to begin with. Microsoft just never seems to wow me.


Kinect Adventures looks a LOT like Nick Arcade (from the early 90s), as I mentioned in IRC.

I will get this is the price isn't ridiculous, but nothing is specifically appealing to me about it other than super-easy menu navigation -- voice commands for the 360 media center while I surf the web on the computer may be the best part of Kinect.

atmuh don't tempt me I swear I will blow up the whole internet

well if he's talking about WW, it has been the better part of ten years since then

not even kidding, look it up


Yeah, giving away 300 to 350 new, unreleased hardware (even if it is just reduction of the same system) was the ballsiest move any of the big three have ever done at any event. That (at least for the people in the audience) made up for the boring presentation.

Looking forward to see what Sony and Nintendo will try tomorrow.

Microsoft literally had no ace in the hole, and everything was just lackluster. They might as well have just shown sales figures.

I give it a D.

Meh, I'd give it a C+. For actually showing things being done with Kinect, other than that, I didn't really see any games I'd want to play on the 360.

Of course, journalists and the gaming press are going to give it all sorts of praise and preach the Doom of Nintendo, like they've been doing for the past decade.

The smaller 360 probably still has a power supply the size of a big brick.


i think you're all missing something here.

MS is the only one of the big three to release new hardware. sure, sony'll show the Move camera again (or whatever they're calling it now), but Kinect represents the first time you're going fully controllers-off on big-name games. plus a new console refresh, which sony proved was enough to take the show last time.

plus GOW3, MGS:R, COD: Black Ops, halo: reach, and the crytek teaser.

i don't see sony able to bring up that many big-name games. GOW has sold what, 15 million from two games? plus exclusive content for COD, first MGS game on a system other than sony's, crytek's first game in a year or two for a console, and halo reach which will probably sell 10m easy.

awesome presentation, i think.

i think you're all missing something here.

MS is the only one of the big three to release new hardware. sure, sony'll show the Move camera again (or whatever they're calling it now), but Kinect represents the first time you're going fully controllers-off on big-name games. plus a new console refresh, which sony proved was enough to take the show last time.

plus GOW3, MGS:R, COD: Black Ops, halo: reach, and the crytek teaser.

i don't see sony able to bring up that many big-name games. GOW has sold what, 15 million from two games? plus exclusive content for COD, first MGS game on a system other than sony's, crytek's first game in a year or two for a console, and halo reach which will probably sell 10m easy.

awesome presentation, i think.

Microsoft the only company to release new hardware you say?

I, for one, welcome our new gimmicky shovelware-bundled Wiimote peripheral overlords.

I hate any and all online gaming

Join the club. There's only a few games I've ever truly enjoyed online, Blur, Dr. Mario RX, and a match of Halo 3 with friends, that's it...

And Prophet, we're not missing anything. Kinect has potential, but we all know that Microsoft is only trying to cash in on the expanded audience (aka "the casuals"), if the price point ($150) from Gamestop is to be believed, this thing won't take off.


Also, isn't Nintendo coming out with a new portable this fall? You know, that fancy one with the 3D display you don't need glasses for? Isn't that new hardware?

I mane, it's got a very different processor, loads more system memory, larger screen, that whole 3D thing, motion sensors, camera, mew games for it...

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