ocre Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 No Last Guardian. No rumored Patapon 3. No Agent. Sad. Oh well. They weren't shown during the conference but hopefully there's TLG release info in the press kits.
Melbu Frahma Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Have to say that Portal 2 and Twisted Metal were good surprises, definitely. ...still ticked off that Final Fantasy XIV is going to be an MMORPG, though. GIMME BACK MY RPGS, SQUARE ENIX, YA BASTIDS! I dunno. I guess the last half hour or so made up for, like, 10% of the rest of the press conference. But 4-5 B-rolls of clips from upcoming games without really showing them to us, mostly automated demos, and a disunified presentation still sunk the boat in my opinion.
Kureejii Lea Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Well, Gabe Newll of Valve just walked on stage, so I guess Valve games are on PS3 now. It was probably just nervousness, but I swear he sounded like he was about to cry at times. You could almost imagine that Sony was holding his family hostage backstage and forced him out there to get back at his "disaster" comments.
prophetik music Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 holy shit MICROSOFT edit: thank god my new tv supports 3d. i'll definitely be utilizing that functionality with some of these games. twisted metal makes me very excited. too bad the move presentation was terrible - they were ADVERTISING that their motion controller had buttons. wasn't the whole point of a motion controller to NOT have buttons?
AJ-enova Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 Where the fuck is last guardian!!? This is an outrage!!
The Damned Posted June 15, 2010 Author Posted June 15, 2010 Didn't you hear? It was canceled along with that other thing you like.
Bleck Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 obviously they had to cut the last guardian so they could have enough space to fit in three extra trailers for killzone 3
NeoForte Posted June 15, 2010 Posted June 15, 2010 No Last Guardian. No rumored Patapon 3. No Agent.Sad. Oh well. They weren't shown during the conference but hopefully there's TLG release info in the press kits. Patapon 3 was shown....in the montage of PSP titles. Yea it was just there...
JCvgluvr Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 My friend thinks that Sony won E3. After reading this thread, he sounds like a nitwit.
Sengin Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 Unless Killzone is like your favorite thing ever of ever and your jaw dropped to the floor for the fact that Move has buttons, how could you think that Sony won E3 when Nintendo showed off what looks to be an amazing new piece of hardware, new games that we've been asking for (DKC Returns, etc..), and a new IP (Epic Mickey, which looks good), and started it with Miyamoto "teleporting" in? Sure, Gabe Newell appearing at the Sony Press Conference was more of a surprise than a sucker punch to the nads and a pie in the face on the way down. But that's really a Valve announcement and not a Sony announcement since Portal 2 will be on the PC (and will likely be the focus of development). And the new Twisted Metal is interesting, but compared to Nintendo's, it doesn't compare. Sony's conference, to me, was "Killzone 3! Move your arms with Move! Killzone 3! PSP is for hardcore gamers! HAVE I MENTIONED KILLZONE 3!? DON'T FORGET ABOUT KILLZONE 3! OH, and GT5 finally has a release date!" Of course, there was a couple good things (Portal 2, new Twisted Metal) in there as well, but with the PSN+ (if you stop paying you lose your extra content!), the same montage of Killzone over and over again, it just seemed like they tried to fill the conference will fluff. ...though Sorcery looks like it could be neat.
Bahamut Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 Sorcery? More like mock Nintendo for Wiimote gimmicks and then show gimmicky gameplay.
The Author Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 But you see, the move is MORE EXPENSIVE, it is, therefore, much better. This perspective is very well aligned in the current economical situation.
Sengin Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 Well yeah, I'll admit it wasn't breathtaking or completely original. But depending on what they do with it, it may turn out to be fun (but I certainly can't say for sure with what little bit of the game they actually showed - hell, it could turn out to be a "flick your wrist for 7 hours and you're done").
Melbu Frahma Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 I wouldn't go that far, Bahamut, although I would agree that I wasn't that impressed with what they've got so far as far as Sorcery - five spells, plus items, whoopty-doo. But let's say they eventually get up to 50+ spells, and possibly dabble in other magic as well - Alchemy (if you consider that a form of magic), Summoning, maybe some Lycanthropy (again, if you consider that magic) or Telekinetic stuff - and you could have a halfway decent game on your hands, especially considering how convoluted and wonderfully tactical the spell combination could get with that many spells. Create a giant fireball and hit it with a sonic wave to create a miniature explosion from across the room, combine a tidal wave with an icy attack and then hit that with your basic magic bolt to create a massive rain of ice shards, combine a lightning bolt with a rain attack and high winds to scatter electrically-charged bullets every which direction... it could easily be a great deal of fun, if they did it properly. Of course, they'd need to back up its release date to fit all that in... and make it a slightly more mature-oriented game, because it seems to be aimed at the Harry Potter kid/tween/teen crowd at the moment. As it stands now, I have to agree, it's more gimmickry than substance.
Sir_Snooze Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 I think Sony's was readily the worst of the E3 performances. All I got was jabs at Nintendo, followed by doing the same thing. To be honest, I watched this cold (i.e.: not looking for anything in particular); I didn't find anything interesting. Portal would be if it was exclusive; Killzone 3 is another FPS. GTA5...I think that title should say it all. Uninspired, childish and crass.
The Damned Posted June 16, 2010 Author Posted June 16, 2010 I think Sony's was readily the worst of the E3 performances. All I got was jabs at Nintendo, followed by doing the same thing. To be honest, I watched this cold (i.e.: not looking for anything in particular); I didn't find anything interesting. Portal would be if it was exclusive; Killzone 3 is another FPS. GTA5...I think that title should say it all. Uninspired, childish and crass. That Kevin Butler guy was the least insulting part of it. And then he 180ed himself with that whole PSP reel. Like I said before, does no one go over any of the stuff they prepare to make sure it doesn't make them look bad?
Bahamut Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 That Kevin Butler guy was the least insulting part of it. And then he 180ed himself with that whole PSP reel. Like I said before, does no one go over any of the stuff they prepare to make sure it doesn't make them look bad? Even worse, I remember when Kevin Butler was all like but enough talk, let's bring on the games (paraphrased)...then followed by lots more talking. Sony really failed in preparing for the press conference, that much is evident. Compare that with Nintendo, which decided to show game after game, dominating their presentations with relevant talk & a touch of buildup. They were on message, and the concept of how they chose to market themselves was well-conceived. Sony made themselves look like amateurs.
SirChadlyOC Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 My GameStop (ex) co-worker said that Sony won. I wanted to punch his arteries shut. He claimed that it was because they spent the least amount of time talking about their motion controls. And Killzone 3.
Gollgagh Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 well I only watched the last half of the sony presentation and none of the others and I'd have to say that the others would have had to have been supremely lame for sony to win
prophetik music Posted June 16, 2010 Posted June 16, 2010 i'm a little confused here. i read that the move is only going to cost 50$, and that's a big deal and that's why sony's presentation is so winrar. penny arcade put up an article that's pretty good, asking how much it'll cost after you've got a second controller, and the eye camera. that's about how much the kinect's going to cost, right? and, what about how expensive stereoscopic 3D glasses are? you'll need 2-4 pairs, probably, just to play with someone else. you get one with your tv if you buy it now. that's going to add up, too.
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