Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 They definitely could have done more with the Sky Realm. Giving you more in the way of flying races, maybe more combat, and/or an optional secret dungeon(that would rely on the Clawshots and other items, naturally) that would be a REAL test hidden in the clouds might have been awesome. For all the touting of the residents of Skyloft and their connection to their birds as the Goddess' providence, they didn't really do much with those concepts. Quote
LuIzA Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 As far as temples go, I liked the ideas in TP better... like the iron boots being used for magnetism and so on. I found the bosses harder because of the controls. I took a lot more damage in SS. Quote
GravitySuitCollector Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 I took a lot more damage in SS. The octorok things in the forest hurting one heart killed me once. Those guys were pure evil. Pretty much all the enemies hurt at least one heart, so that made you have to be careful. Quote
nohero Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 For all the touting of the residents of Skyloft and their connection to their birds as the Goddess' providence, they didn't really do much with those concepts. ... Wait a tic... Given that Zelda games don't follow an iron-clad connection from one to another, and that the games can be interpreted to be, themselves, interpretations of a series of legends... Skyloftian + Loftwing = Ooocca? The oocca hailed from the Sky Ruins. Perhaps if we consider each game to be a distortion of the "real" history of Hyrule - after all, the portrayal of the sages differs greatly from game to game - the legend told in TP distorts the inhabitants of Skyloft to have been human/bird hybrids. Quote
LuIzA Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 Skyloftian + Loftwing = Ooocca? I always thought there was some connection. Perhaps Skyloftians devolved into Oocca, or something. Quote
Overflow Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 Don't forget about the cloud city in Minish Cap. Quote
Cecilff2 Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 Groose is basically a good-natured Gaston (from Beauty and the Beast) and that's pretty much the best thing ever (Both are slightly spoilerish) Quote
Mirby Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 I LOVED the double clawshot in Twilight Princess....And I was really, really, really eager to get a second pair in SS... Only, it wasn't made advantage of in 'quite' the same way... Seriously, the Sky level from TP could be expanded to an entire small 'Portal' style game and it would be brilliant. Agreed. The City in the Sky was pretty great. Also, it culminated in what is still my favorite boss fight in the series. Argorok, Twilit Dragon. I mean, you climb the walls FOUR STORIES or so, and then grab onto some flying nuts. After that, you grab onto the dragon after dodging its fire breath and attack the spot on its back a few times. And then you ride him down those four stories or so and when he lands, what does Link do? A hella stylish backflip off of Argorok. TP Link gives exactly zero fucks about dragons. Quote
PixelPanic Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 Agreed. The City in the Sky was pretty great.Also, it culminated in what is still my favorite boss fight in the series. Argorok, Twilit Dragon. I mean, you climb the walls FOUR STORIES or so, and then grab onto some flying nuts. After that, you grab onto the dragon after dodging its fire breath and attack the spot on its back a few times. And then you ride him down those four stories or so and when he lands, what does Link do? A hella stylish backflip off of Argorok. TP Link gives exactly zero fucks about dragons. Let's not forget about Ashe busting in with a ROCKET LAUNCHER. Quote
PROTO·DOME Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 I always thought there was some connection. Perhaps Skyloftians devolved into Oocca, or something.Two words. Probably three don't question it.Interspecies lovemaking. Quote
nohero Posted February 10, 2012 Posted February 10, 2012 Agreed. The City in the Sky was pretty great.Also, it culminated in what is still my favorite boss fight in the series. Argorok, Twilit Dragon. I mean, you climb the walls FOUR STORIES or so, and then grab onto some flying nuts. After that, you grab onto the dragon after dodging its fire breath and attack the spot on its back a few times. And then you ride him down those four stories or so and when he lands, what does Link do? A hella stylish backflip off of Argorok. TP Link gives exactly zero fucks about dragons. Again, TP's bosses were much more enjoyable than SS's, overall. They felt so damn epic! Much more epic than a Cthulhu impressionist who looked like he got rejected from a Jamaican knockoff of Monsters Inc. Let's not forget about Ashe busting in with a ROCKET LAUNCHER. Ashei is too quickly forgotten. She needs a spinoff with Groose. Their babies would be badass. Quote
RealFolkBlues Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 So, beat Skyward last night. Fantastic. Maybe not as much emotional kick as some of the other games of recent years, but damn. HUGE. And so much cool. For the size and fun factor, I'm thinking this has to be my new favorite. Also, yeah, Groose is the shit. Just wait you guys who aren't there yet. The ole' Groosenator will win you over soon enough. Quote
Mirby Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 So, beat Skyward last night. Fantastic. Maybe not as much emotional kick as some of the other games of recent years, but damn. HUGE. And so much cool. For the size and fun factor, I'm thinking this has to be my new favorite. Also, yeah, Groose is the shit. Just wait you guys who aren't there yet. The ole' Groosenator will win you over soon enough. I haven't even played SS yet and I like Groose. Quote
GSO Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 zelda looks absolutely gorgeous in this game...kinda makes me wish I was her. Link's lucky. Quote
RealFolkBlues Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 zelda looks absolutely gorgeous in this game...kinda makes me wish I was her. Link's lucky. Yeah she is adorable in a Taylor Swift way like the whole game. Very charming. Still only like my fourth favorite incarnation of Zelda, though (my first three are in order WW, Oot, and TP.) Quote
LuIzA Posted February 19, 2012 Posted February 19, 2012 I beat it last night! I gotta say I was a little disappointed with the ending, especially how Ghirahim turned out. I thought he was the best Zelda villain I know, so it was kind of a waste. He's still awesome though. I have to admit I cheated on the last Silent Realm, I downloaded a save right after it. I really couldn't be bothered to try it again and again. And they're the sole reason why I won't be playing this game again so soon, if ever. Quote
Red Shadow Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 interesting, i quite liked the silent realms. they were like a callback to my favorite portion of phantom hourglass Quote
RealFolkBlues Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 I enjoyed the Silent Realms as well, but I could see how they could be frustrating. I had to restart Din's Trial after getting all but one or two of the tears and that was pretty annoying. Still, I thought they were well done, beautiful, and a great way to put some variety in the game play. Speaking of which, another thing I felt was great about the game was that the pacing was pretty fantastic. The break points are a really nice touch as well. Quote
LuIzA Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 I had to restart Din's Trial after getting all but one or two of the tears and that was pretty annoying. Exactly that. Plus the fact that it takes one... ONE hit... and it's all over. You can't fight back, you can barely dodge. And then you have to go through all the hard work all over again, you can't pick up where you left off. The scene it shows every time the guardians awoke was annoying and my nerves couldn't take all the anxiety when they were awake, or when you were doing so good, but suddenly fell into a trap, be it the water or the poe things with the lamps. We had not one of these, not two, but FOUR increasingly big trials. I guess one can tell by now how deep my hatred for these trials go haha. Quote
liquid wind Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 I didn't experience extreme difficulty with it but that scene that it shows every time annoyed me to no end. The game has a really incoherent theme where they do some things to streamline the gameplay like dashing, leaping, no pause item screen, and then they do all these things to break the flow, it's like giving a massive team 5 years to make this game was too much for Nintendo to keep them all on the same page Quote
LuIzA Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 That and every time you started playing the game on another day, you'd get the description for each treasure you collected again, even if it wasn't new. Quote
liquid wind Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 That's even worse from a design standpoint because everyone already complained about rupees doing that in TP, there's no reason for them to have thought that would be a good idea that everyone wouldn't hate This game makes me angry with things like that because I WANT to love it, on the story and presentation side I think it's the best Zelda in a long time, the art style might be my favorite in the whole series, but it has -so- much bad game design... Quote
LuIzA Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 To be honest, I don't think this had any better of a story than any other Zelda game. And despite everybody's love for the art style, it really just seemed like an excuse for the wii's limitations to me. The tree in Faron Woods come to mind, and how they have "billboards" for branches/leaves. And yes, I did love WW's art as well as TP. I also didn't particularly like the whole sky thing and how you can't go from Faron to Eldin (for example) without going back to the sky first. I'll take exploring with Epona over flying to holes in the clouds with a giant bird any day. Quote
EC2151 Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 Let's not forget about Ashe busting in with a ROCKET LAUNCHER. too bad the resistance in that game was like, the biggest useless pile of fucks in any Zelda game ever. I mean, no one in any Zelda game ever does anything except for Link, Zelda, and Ganon, but these guys did nothing yet the game treated them like they were huge heroes and a big help to Link. I actually kind of hoped that when the castle just up and exploded, the resistance was caught up in that explosion. Quote
Bahamut Posted February 20, 2012 Posted February 20, 2012 To be honest, I don't think this had any better of a story than any other Zelda game.And despite everybody's love for the art style, it really just seemed like an excuse for the wii's limitations to me. The tree in Faron Woods come to mind, and how they have "billboards" for branches/leaves. And yes, I did love WW's art as well as TP. I also didn't particularly like the whole sky thing and how you can't go from Faron to Eldin (for example) without going back to the sky first. I'll take exploring with Epona over flying to holes in the clouds with a giant bird any day. I felt like that was a cop-out by Nintendo to decrease how massive the world could become. Quote
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