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I only see unintentional jokes because they don't know how to spell his name.

It's not that hard, really. Shy-a-ma-lan. The "y" appears to be silent in pronunciation, so it sounds like "Sha Milan" whenever it's said.

And wow, recommending Eclipse instead of this movie - that's cold.


It's Dragonball Evolution all over again. That crapped all over an anime classic and this is crapping all over a modern classic. I wish Hollywood would keep their grubby paws away from these things. >__<


This video perfectly sums the movie up in comparison to the cartoon series in 30 seconds.

WOW, that fit so very, very well. Even Sokka's "But the effects were decent!".

You know trouble was brewing when you started seeing Nickelodeon selling this movie out all over the place. That was mistake number one; what were they thinking? "Hmm, who should we get to help us produce a major live action anime crossover epic?" "How 'bout the guys that made Good Burger!?" "Brilliant!"

For the record, I haven't seen it, and wasn't planning to.

Uh, you realize that the original show this movie is based on was a Nickelodeon property, right?


Nick has not done a lot right ever since they 'figured out' that kids don't like cartoons.


Keep in mind, though, that by and large, Hollywood at this juncture is completely incapable of an original idea, even to save their lives.

That's why we're getting Cats vs Dogs 2, a sequel of a shitty movie.

They'll do anything again, even if it was bad!

That's why you can expect an Airbender 2!


I'm pretty sure if Hollywood was as dumb collectively as everyone on a message board says they are, it wouldn't still be making movies with huge budgets. :P You don't get to be a big decision making executive by being an idiot and making stupid decisions constantly. Hollywood's just like any other industry, show business still requires a business end, and certain people make good decisions and bad. It's just like anything else.

The only movie I want to see this summer is Predators, but I need some money to come in first. lol.


Tensei-San, you know that just further proves my point on how Hollywood can't come up with AN ORIGINAL IDEA.

Counter-Counter Point: James Cameron really fucking sucks, and Avatar was atrociously bad (but really funny).

I'm pretty sure if Hollywood was as dumb collectively as everyone on a message board says they are' date=' it wouldn't still be making movies with huge budgets. :P You don't get to be a big decision making executive by being an idiot and making stupid decisions constantly.[/b'] Hollywood's just like any other industry, show business still requires a business end, and certain people make good decisions and bad. It's just like anything else.

Those two sentences right there show that you really don't understand Hollywood.


So I went in thinking this movie could not possibly be as awful as everybody was saying it was.


Let me get the good stuff out of the way first: effects and costumes were spot-on. Nicola Peltz and Dev Patel seem like pretty good actors and would probably do fine given a good script and good direction. And the earth kingdom prison break was unintentionally hilarious. I burst out laughing at the synchronized earthbending dance.

Otherwise, this movie is on par with the Pokemon movie and the Santa Clause 2 as being one of the absolute worst movies I have ever seen. The script, the direction, the casting, and most of the acting were absolutely terrible. Noah Ringer was especially atrocious.

And, perhaps the most heinous crime of all, they completely neutered Iroh's character.


I went to go see this last night with my family. My mother thought it would be pretty entertaining, I guess. I didn't mind, since that meant I could still see the movie, but wouldn't be wasting my own cash if it turned out wack.

Well, I was certainly disappointed, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's the worst movie I've seen. Had I not been such a fan of the original series, I probably wouldn't have thought it was quite so bad. The tone of the movie is considerably less dynamic, and the pacing is kind of awkward, too, since they tried to capture so many different plotlines into one movie. Honestly, it would probably be a real pain to follow if I didn't already know what was happening.

Anyway, I've definitely seen much, much worse movies in my day. I still wouldn't recommend this to others, though.

perhaps the most heinous crime of all, they completely neutered Iroh's character.

Uhh... no. The most heinous crime of all was that they completely neutered EVERYBODY's character. NOBODY had the personality they should have.. if anything they had very very watered down versions of it.

Uhh... no. The most heinous crime of all was that they completely neutered EVERYBODY's character. NOBODY had the personality they should have.. if anything they had very very watered down versions of it.

Yes, but since Iroh had the most awesomest character in the cartoon series, neutering him is the most heinous crime.


I think it would just anger the A:TLA purists more. The TV show wasn't exactly hilarious all the time, but it had good humor. The humor was due to the personality of the characters, not the stupidity of the script.

The only reason other TV-to-movie remakes can get away with that is because they can exploit dated fashion and humor that, in retrospect, wasn't that good (or isn't good to the current movie-going generation). This is a recent TV series fresh in everyone's minds (with an outsider crowd), so making a farce of it wouldn't end well.


I found it interesting and it had a lot of potential, but lacked the pacing to exploit it.

Had they covered less material (Lets say from the south pole to the Zuko rescuing Aang) they could have made it better. I liked how they streamlined the South Pole events (in the series, that alone was about an hour) and they managed to do a lot with the little time they had on each plot point. But if they try to make the second book in one movie, they will make this a lot worse. That movie was simply looking for a slower pacing, which was actually surprising because pacing is one of Shyamalan's strengths in his other movies. (Although I've only seen Unbreakable and The 6th Sense...)

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