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  The Damned said:
OK, seriously. What is it supposed to be? The trailer left me slightly confused and maybe a little hungry.


is it gonna be a megaman game where megaman can get the powers of other capcom properties?


Very odd teaser trailer. Interesting that Mega Man turned 8-bit when he 'died'. Is this going to be Mega Man using powers of other Capcom charaacters or other Capcom charaters playing through Mega Man stages? And what visual style do you think you'll go for? Apparently this is a PSN/XBLA title, so who knows.


The idea of new official Mega Man content is exciting but like some others I am mostly left wondering what the hell this is really going to be. Seeing Arthur was cool though, Ghouls n' Ghosts needs some love.

Trailer seemed really low quality too, like I almost didn't believe it was official.

  Swanky said:
I'm still waiting for a grudgy, glamorous continuation of the X series. Nothing much for me here.

After X7 it's pretty hard to imagine anyone wanting to really continue work on the series.

Probably because they can never hope to top Flame Hyenard's epic boss fight.


After some analysis of the trailer Ive noticed/become aware of Bionic Commando, Darkstalkers, and 1942 arcade machines in the trailer. This could mean a number of things. I wouldnt rule out any Capcom property to be in this game in some way. Dead Rising, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and others probably have a chance of being in this game. Also, the MM1 boxart cameo made me fangasm just a little.

As for teh trailer's music, the use of MM2's opening was the obvious choice for most of the trailer, although it sounded a bt off in the begining and end of the trailer. GnG theme was sleek, but I could barely recognize Ryu's theme until a it got a few seconds in.


Most fans I talk to, and I'm kinda one to agree, say that the reason X8 looked good is because well, anything could look good after BURN TO THE GROUND BURN BURN BURN TO THE GROUND.

It's a big step up, but a big step up from utter shit.

We can dream, though. We CAN dream...

  LuketheXjesse said:
To be fair, Mega Man X8 turned out pretty damn good.

As I recall what MM8 turned pretty good because of English voice acting, well to think of it MM8 is the only version that I enjoy. And even the upcoming release I think I still prefer MM8, I just like I don’t like the concept its like rebooting whole Mega Man’s story.


I hope you mean MM -X- 8, because Megaman 8 is remembered for everything BUT good voice acting, if memory serves me correctly.



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