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"da black market" is one of my favorite mixes. never fails to put a smile on my face and get my head bobbin. 8-) i've been listening to ocr for over a decade, and at the time it was a new thing--vocal arrangements were scarce and hip-hop moreso (dct's "memories frozen in time" was posted earlier that year, and the excellent "niggaz 4 life" the year before). i went in not knowing what to expect and liked it instantly. the beat is simple, yet groovy and catchy--at just the right laid-back i-don't-give-a-fuck kinda tempo; but, the real draw was the lyrics and execution, both which impressed me and had me laughing at the same time. to think that i still regard the piece highly five years since its creation is testament to both the quality of the arrangement and clever execution of the lyrics.

despite sounding incredibly "white" you guys had some nice rhymes and flow, and i really, really dug the fact that you portrayed ness and co. as this group of hardass mofos, which in a sense, they were ('cause giygas sure as hell wasn't messin around). and flik's verse is just sick, incredibly sick. white or not, those kinda lyrical acrobatics take talent.

so sorry it's five years late, but...joe, mythril, d-lux, flik--thank you for such a kickass mix. :grin:

well, now that i've established myself as a fan (i come in peace!), i've gotta say--not diggin this mix quite as much. i definitely respect all musicians involved and the spirit through which the piece was birthed; i think that in the end musicians should make music they enjoy and just have fun with it. i don't particularly object with the fact that it was posted or the method thereof--not my calls to make, anyway. ocr has posted far far worse stuff in the past, most of which has since been removed after its new submission guidelines came into effect, but "everclear hangover iv" is certainly produced well and has a decent beat.

it's not quite my stylistic cup of tea--i prefer more melodic and funky beats to dirty south/crunk type beats, but it gets the job done. my main beef is with the lyrics--not because they're offensive or anything like that, but they're just...empty. lacking purpose. not explicit or profane enough to offend, not intense or stylish enough to impress, not humorous or witty enough to make you snigger--it is exactly as lame as the subject matter itself; namely, getting drunk off your ass and letting your dick get you in trouble.

i don't think vocal game mixes' lyrics need to be about or even reference the game, but that was one of the elements that made "da black market" great. it took an ordinary kid with a striped shirt and baseball cap and threw him into a world where he was a badass with a posse ready to fuck pokey up. not only did the lyrics make some great reference to the game but they were clever, and the rappers did a bang-up job.

so once again, i'm all for having fun and all that, and i'm glad you guys are still doing your thing. ocr may be serious guideline business but good to know that these types of mixes make it through once in awhile. but, i would really, very really much like to see another mix along the lines of "da black market". this mix feels like a small step back. which, to be fair, is understandable since you guys weren't exactly priming it to be the best mix out there, but as a fan, this makes me want more, 'cause i know what you guys are capable of.

and i'll be damned if i won't wait another five years to get it.

till then, keep it realz yo


I, for one, enjoyed this remix. Yes, the lyrics don't have much purpose to them; they're just about having fun and getting into trouble. For what they're intented to be, they're spot on.

However, as djp pointed out in his write-up, the lyrics sometimes "seem to be aiming too hard for the jugular of those they are bound to offend." Especially Flik's part "I just came on your face! But it's not so bad You got practice with your dad" is way over the top; a little less would've been more.

Overall, I enjoyed past works like Da black market and River City Rap more, but still, I'm having fun with this one.


I‘m impressed at the directions this thread took. To bring us back on track though, I think we can all agree on one thing when looking at a remix of this kind of flavour:

Any form of words, lyrics, poetry, and sentences, with or without entertaining expression, vulgar or fluffy, humorous or serious, are more than just letters fused together. They contain a power, gigantic or small, that can either build or destroy something. And of course, profanity's purpose is only a back-up move to make something or someone spitting those words more powerful than everything else but in reality displays how weak and hurt people really are. The power of words causes controversy that does not sleep, praise that leaves a listener begging for more, dismissal that will help someone move on, and violent opposition that proclaims what the opposing party believes as truth worth dying for. This mix is no different. If words, songs, essays, profanity, and lyrics were just letters on paper or literally audible evaporated spit, and yet they do not communicate something powerful (positive or negative), which in fact they ALWAYS DO, ALL rap/lyrical remixes would NEVER exist on OCR, djpretzel would never post a disclaimer in his description, and this thread will be pretty much dead quiet.

I may even include this post in future commentary if I decide to actually submit a remix with vocals here (which would probably be highly unlikely).

  • 1 month later...

Vulgarity! Violation of the Poetry of Rap! Veneration of Immaturity! Void of Creativity!

That was my impression of the past 10 pages of comments.

Whatever, I think my biggest problem with the song is that I feel like the chorus could have happened one less time in the song. Maybe not using it as the intro and conclusion or something. Though the creative changes to the final line are neat. I would love to hear a instrumental version of this (like Nuff Sand In Yo Eyez) as well, for the occasions that I find any lyrics distracting. Content-wise, there are jokes/references that I don't understand, which occurs with most music; along with references that I may be misinterpreting.

The mix is fun, but I found one issue that I don't think was addressed earlier.

I challenge the Crakaz & Co's capacity to comsume alcohol. After any single person has consumed 10 shots of Jager I question their ability to drink any great amount of Everclear, notwithstanding a full case of beer (shared between you all I presume). Spread it out over enough hours and anything is possible, but come on people - let's not get too ridiculous. :roll:

  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't heard this mix until just now. I kinda wish I didn't listen to it. It's not the vulgarity of the track that I mind. It's the fact that the lyrics are just so... corny. The majority of the lines feel forced and fake, as if they're just there to take up space and provide a rhyme for a previous line.

If the sole purpose of the song was to make the audience laugh, the song failed in that respect. If the sole purpose was to offend quite a few people, then judging by the rest of this thread, the song fulfilled its purpose.

  • 2 months later...

I love this ReMix for one simple reason: It's a joke song that you know is going to piss people off. It's too much fun watching people get all bent out of whack over this. But does it sound good? Sure, if you don't take it seriously. Is it more suited for OLR? Probably. Could it be a little less juvenile? Absolutely. But all in all, I see nothing wrong with most of the production, the lyrics, while corny and white as hell, are okay (but really, let's leave this to Weird Al from now on). This is a ReMix that begs the question to a lot of reviewers: "Why so serious"? Not the best ReMix, at all, but it was worth it for the review thread.


First time I listened to this, I was unimpressed. The chorus, and lyrics as a whole, are not very hot.

Now I think it has solid beats, and Joe Cam's vocals are spot-on. It really grew on me.

  • 7 months later...

This is rather hilarious, and I had managed to skip this somehow (probably the same way I skipped Sixto's "Burn, Baby, Burn!" when it came out) until tonight.

It's friggin' hilarious, and the content is just loltacular.

But the part that always gets me is the end.


  • 2 years later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02071 - Final Fantasy IV "Everclear Hangover IV"
  • 4 years later...

So, it's 14 years since this absolute banger was released. It's come up in rotation for me more than a few times over the years, but I honestly forgot about it until.... It came on while I was driving across town the other day and I knew every single word! So many great lines. Managing to rhyme "charges" with "beverages" kills me every time as well as the "terroristic beard" lol

Are the lyrics terrible? Yes, but it was supposed to be a group of guys horsing around and it makes me laugh every time.

Anyway, I'm 42 now and this is still as awesome as when I heard it at 28

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