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OCR01247 - Chrono Trigger "To Far Away Memories"


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This is a truly excellecent mix, the judges's panel did a good thing by making Neil resubmit his work.

On a side note: My uncle passed away on Friday evening, and hearing this song makes me recall the memories I've had with him. As mentioned before the strings bring back memories of those Far Away times.

9/10, didnt like the ending, felt it dragged on a little much, other than that completely solid.

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sorry for being so late about this, but i've finally put up a partial tab sheet for this song. i didn't tab everything (only the first half of the song), but if you can play what i've tabbed, i'm sure you can figure out the rest on your own. you can find it at my website linked below, or you can just go here: http://www.s93850634.onlinehome.us/ct_tab.htm

final_oblivion - i'm sorry to hear about your uncle's passing away, but i'm glad that you can find some comfort in my song.

thanks for all the enthusiasm and compliments, you guys. it's really overwhelming to know that your work is liked by many. thanks again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you had as much issues with your panel of judges as is suggested in your review of this mix than I suggest you ditch the panel because they don't recognize good music. Most of the Chrono Trigger remixes on this site are awful, this is one of the few exceptions. Yet somehow it almost doesn't even make it to the site... something is wrong with your system of evaluating submissions.

This tune is a refreshingly serene interpretation of a great Chrono Trigger theme and feels more like a "real song" than most oc remixes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

christ, i never would thought that this song would get this much of a reaction from people. i'm really really glad you guys like it. i'm currently working on a few other songs (whenever i get some time to myself, which isn't often). i have more music at my website, if anybody's interested. mostly original vocal songs.

also as a reminder, i've put up a partial tab of 'far away memories' at my website, for all those people who asked me for it.

you'll be hearing from me again. . . :)

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I burnt a CD with remix music on it for my car, and I almost always zip ahead to this song on the CD. Man, this was great. I even sing along to it. O_o (Harmony of course.) You did an awesome job here. Although the ending is REALLY quiet, and I love the ending chord progression, so I have to crank it way up to hear it, then remember to crank it down quick so I can save my eardrums/speakers.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I never come down here to give regards to remixers, but this song is just so damn emotional that I have to. From the second I heard this I knew it was going to be my favorite. I wanna take up guitar just so I can play this song. I would really like to see Neil do a similar style rendition of Peaceful Days, that would make my life.

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The original was one of the most powerful songs from a video game that I've ever experienced... I've always had a great emotional response to that song. And I really like this version. :)

The strings could be better, but I agree with what many others have said... it has soul. This piece brings out the emotion in the song and also adds a different sort of feeling of its own to the original, which works well, I think.

I wish more people would do this song. For now, Neil's work will satisfy me.

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  • 1 month later...

I may or may not have reviewed this piece before, but I need to come back and do it again. I have been listening to this a LOT recently. The segment at 4:24... brilliance. Mixing the two patterns together like that, each instrument REALLY repeating without changing anything, and yet on each repeat there's a different emphasis due to the way they layer and combine...


I wish I heard that kind of pattern used more often. It's so neat!

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As an acoustic guittar player, I´m suspect to say, c´os I like acoustic music versions, of course!!!

Good News!!! :D

Very beautiful acoustic version. Very impressive! A good one, and a "need to hear" remix, mainly for Chrono Trigger Fans. The musician shows a lot of sensibility, a great shot.

Bad News

Fist thing to say, it´s the mix is "very", VERY good. These badies are just for "perfectionism". :wink:

I think the "instruments volume mixing" can be made better, and, as the musican seems not to be a drummer, the same goes to the percussion arrangment. But maybe it´s just a question of taste, as I always say... But the beginning was very, very nice.

At all...

I hope some day guys like you make, soon, part of the game music industry. You have talent...

A great remix.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

This is sooooooooooo beautiful. I never thought that anyone would make a version that actually is exactly as good as the original, but now someone did, and he did with acoustic guitar! This is marvelous! I´m so happy I could faint! But before that, I just wanna say that Neil rocks and that I lov...

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I can't even find the right words to describe this piece of music. It has this memorizing sense of peacfulness and calmarity about it. This remix doesn't change its sound or pace much. But for that, im very glad. It doesn't make perfect sense that something rather simple and mildly repetitive is SO amazing. This remix is on a level of its own.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I love it, I really do. Yes, the drums are a bit bright, but saying it makes the mix bad is like saying you won't drive a car unless it has leather seats. It's important to remember that mixes aren't a competition to see who's the best, it's about the expression of a person's musical taste and abilities. But I'm preaching to the choir. :)

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