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Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2010

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I guess I'll temporarily change my sig - it's for a worthy cause, eh?

Also, I'll have mine done pretty soon. I think it's turning out to be the longest sub so far (although I can't know for sure - I only have the X bracket to compare to). I will force people to think hard about who they're going to vote for, though. It may be Sixto that I'm up against, but he's going to have a hell of a time with this one, I suspect. 8)

Looking forward to the voting stage, on this one... I want to see some struggling, when people vote for our tracks :twisted:.

Just a reminder for anyone who wants their vote to count for the round, you have a little over a day left! Voting closes 12PM EST - October 31.

You guys who have voted incompletely (votes were cast but not in every battle) as of right now, neblix and Digi_Dude_87, get your votes in!

By the by, how many Z bracket WIPs ya got so far?

And thanks for providing the source tunes, KB. I needed to look them up, myself, as I wasn't too familiar with the MSP or Pegacion themes.

Well the name was wrong but I get the picture...

The last few rounds for me have been difficult for to decide on... but I think I know who I'm voting for ...

So difficult...


Patience, young one... patience. We all have a chance to move on to the next round, if the listening public enjoy our mixes well enough. You never know - perhaps the people might like my slow blend of electronica over Sixto's awesome guitar. Besides that, you never know if the whole 13/8:3/4:4/4 thing threw him off or not - that's why you didn't want to be paired off with me, isn't it? I'm rather curious how people will incorporate that into their own tracks, when they face off with me. It never hurts to show confidence in your own work, buddy.

So patience, bro - we'll see how it turns out.


Well, time IS up now, technically, so we'll see very soon, I hope. Do we have a full roster, now? I know Aceazure, Neblix, Chernabogue, Prophet and myself have theirs in, and I'm fairly certain Sixto will have something subbed by now, so that just leaves Txai and Demonstray in question.

Patience, young one... patience. We all have a chance to move on to the next round, if the listening public enjoy our mixes well enough. You never know - perhaps the people might like my slow blend of electronica over Sixto's awesome guitar. Besides that, you never know if the whole 13/8:3/4:4/4 thing threw him off or not - that's why you didn't want to be paired off with me, isn't it? I'm rather curious how people will incorporate that into their own tracks, when they face off with me. It never hurts to show confidence in your own work, buddy.

So patience, bro - we'll see how it turns out.

Stop taking what I say so seriously. :P

Still waiting for Sixto...

Ack, Sixto you 'tard. You're holdin' us all up!

(Technically so is Txai and Demonstray, but still...)

I won't benefit from the extention, either, since my comp is pretty much going to be in the shop all this week. Poo. Ah well, there isn't much that I'd change on it, anyway. Enjoy the two day extention - I'm eagerly awaiting the results.


Eh, personally I see these compos akin, in a way, to tabletop games. There are rules and such that structure the compo so people can participate in an organized way (compos are no fun without rules), but ultimately they're here for fun. If extending the deadline will ultimately make it more fun for everyone (since we'll all have music to compete against) then by all means extend the deadlines. People who had problems making the strict deadline shouldn't really be treated as if this is some sort of serious matter, since it's all in good fun. I hope it's not the norm for the compo, but ultimately a few days leeway isn't going to kill anybody, either.



Personally I have no problem with extended deadlines, as long as its done in the interest of fairness. What I don't like is when the deadline is extended to a point where its pointless to have on in the first place. I seem to remember zircon not submitting a track for 2 months after the deadline in the revenge round of the grmrb, i'd say thats where I draw the line, but as long as everyone gets tracks done eventually, and you also have the chance to improve your remixes in the extra time, I see no reason for people to get annoyed about this.

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