Eon_Blue Posted May 30, 2005 Posted May 30, 2005 I was a few steps into making the site - I lost focus for a while there (on a lot of things, actually), and if StarZander's up to it, I don't mind handing things off to him. If things don't work out, I could probably pick up where I left off. I'll be the backup website guy. For now, I can stick to the front cover... Any word on image size/dpi? I understand we want this sucker to look as good as possible, but is 300 dpi entirely necessary? Right now I think I've got it at 700 x 700 - a little small. I've started doing covers at 1000 x 1000 with 72 dpi for wips. I don't have a functioning printer at the moment - can anyone give feedback on how the cover looks printed out?
sephfire Posted May 30, 2005 Posted May 30, 2005 ~.....anticipation.....~ BTW, I'm going to rework Inciting Incident just a TAD more. The more I listen to it, the less happy I am with the mastering (go figure). SirRus is mastering Morning Sunlight (I think). I'm not touching Confronting the Mystic anymore. It's done. And I'll get started with Crisis Revealed whenever ellywu2 is ready. Can't wait for the updates. Good to have you back Claado.
StarZander Posted May 30, 2005 Posted May 30, 2005 I was a few steps into making the site - I lost focus for a while there (on a lot of things, actually), and if StarZander's up to it, I don't mind handing things off to him. If things don't work out, I could probably pick up where I left off. Actually, the site has been finished for some time now Just a few updates afterwards, now and then, that was needed before official release.
Claado Shou Posted May 31, 2005 Author Posted May 31, 2005 I'm a couple of minutes early, but CHECK THE FRONT PAGE!!! You CAN'T MISS IT!!! Be sure to ENJOY THE MUSIC!!! ~.C.S.~
Claado Shou Posted May 31, 2005 Author Posted May 31, 2005 Link to the site still doesn't work for me. Hmm...everyone else has it working fine. I don't know... What browser do you use? Firefox or IE?
Blake Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 The site design is amazingly good and professional looking imo. good stuff.
Sinewav Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 Oh man... haven't looked at this project since it was in gendisc, but all i gotta say is wow. I made a CD of all the stuff avaiable here a while back and it seriously made my jaw drop. Honestly, I didn't think it could get any better. Then just a few minutes ago I saw pixietricks' name right next to rueben kee's and I knew I was wrong. Seriously guys, to say this project is amazing would be a vast understatement. Dont quit or I'll cry.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 Love the new site design bro, but that watch is kinda lame lol. Get a pic of a time peice instead
extrakun Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 I am awe, stunned, impressed, overwhelmed, and...and...words, I need more words! Someone pass me a thesaurus! BYW, I am suggesting - is it possible to provide a purely instrucmental verison of "To Far Away Times"? And...lyrcis...the translations...where are they? They are not on the site!
StarZander Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 I'm glad that people seem to be liking my site design.
Claado Shou Posted May 31, 2005 Author Posted May 31, 2005 Thanks for all the compliments, everyone. Here are the links to the new/updated songs if you want just those: -Track 11: http://symphonic.herograw.com/11%20-%20The%20Masamune%20(ellywu2).mp3 -Track 16 (w/lyrics): http://symphonic.herograw.com/16%20-%20Schala%20and%20the%20Queen%20(ellywu2-pixietricks).mp3 -Track 19: http://symphonic.herograw.com/19%20-%20The%20Rising%20(DarkeSword).mp3 -Track 21: http://symphonic.herograw.com/21%20-%20The%20Chrono%20Trigger%20(Russell%20Cox).mp3 -Track 25 (w/lyrics): http://symphonic.herograw.com/25%20-%20To%20Far%20Away%20Times%20(Reu-pixietricks).mp3 And...lyrics...the translations...where are they? They are not on the site! Indeed, they are not. But they are here (the Japanese is translated in parentheses). TO FAR AWAY TIMES Somewhere/ Beyond the rain and autumn plains, the snow/ That litters the countryside/ I find a piece of you And somewhere/ Beyond the frozen fields, I clearly see/ The end of our misery/ A part of the place we knew And slowly down through the fire, burning/ Into this darkness I fall/ Your presence right here beside me, yearning/ Through it all dokoka ame to aki matsu no mukou inaka no yuki ni anata mitsukeru (Somewhere/ Beyond the rain and autumn plains, the snow/ That litters the countryside/ I find a piece of you) dokoka kotta hara no mukou, atashi mijimesa musabi shiteta dokoro ni (And somewhere/ Beyond the frozen fields, I clearly see/ The end of our misery/ A part of the place we knew) And as the shadow dawns upon us/ All I seem to think about is/ Where our hope has faded away/ Into kage wo miedashitara kangaeru dake wa shioreta nozomi doko ni... (And as the shadow dawns upon us/ All I seem to think about is/ Where our hope has faded away/ Into) And somewhere/ Beyond the hills below the horizon sun/ A life that has just begun/ A life we’re meant to know dokoka ame to aki matsu no mukou inaka no yuki ni anata mitsukeru (Somewhere/ Beyond the rain and autumn plains, the snow/ That litters the countryside/ I find a piece of you) SCHALA AND THE QUEEN un no kage chiheisen ni (wa) mukashi no hi ni miru (Shadows of fate/ On the horizon/ Looking into a past of flame) un no kage chiheisen ni (wa) namae nashi mono miru (Shadows of fate/ On the horizon/ Looking to something that has no name) mou ikkai ikezu no doutei kongo towa houyou (Never again shall we take this journey/ Hold me forevermore) mou ikkai, kishi miru dokodemo kurai (Once again, we see the shore/ Darkness everywhere) mou ikkai, matsu yume sagasu (Once again, we pause/ And relive the dream) mou ikkai, matsu (Once again, we pause) hinode minagara arashi ura (As the sun begins to rise/ Backs against the storm) mou ikkai, matsu yume sagasu (Once again, we pause/ And relive the dream) yurushite kudasai... (I’m sorry for everything...)
Blake Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 Holy crap guys, I've been listening to some of these new songs, and they're INCREDIBLE. Pixie you're awesome, and Ellywu and Reuben Kee have provided perfect backings for your voice IMO. Really good job guys, I'm really proud to be part of such a collection of talented people.
Jillian Aversa Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 BYW, I am suggesting - is it possible to provide a purely instrucmental verison of "To Far Away Times"? Ouch! Hehehe, no, I understand. (And aren't we just the king of typos?) I loooove the site. I do agree that the watch pic is a little lame compared to the clocks and sundials. But yes, very simple and clean design. Guess that's how he got the name? EDIT: P.S. Claado? You might wanna note that I changed the lyrics in the last English verse from "mountains" to "hills" because it fit better.
Blake Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 I made an update. I'm almost finished with this song; took out the ghetto ending section and replacing it with better one. I also took out that horrible tuba in the beginning. http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=3218
Claado Shou Posted June 1, 2005 Author Posted June 1, 2005 Ah, yes, very true. Very true. I will change that. As for an instrumental version of Reuben's song, the old version was instrumental, and I'm sure somebody saved it and could upload it, but I'd rather not place it on the project website/webspace, considering it isn't something we're using. I personally deleted it and replaced it with the vocal-laden, much better version including pixietricks, so...can't help you there at the moment. Sorry. Also, aside from art for the project and all, i would like it very much if people that like this project...how should I say..."pimp" it out on other websites, to boost awareness and all. That would be very cool, unlike my hesitation with the word "pimp". Continue to enjoy. ~.C.S.~
Dahlia Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 BYW, I am suggesting - is it possible to provide a purely instrucmental verison of "To Far Away Times"? Ouch! Hehehe, no, I understand. (And aren't we just the king of typos?) I don't know if you're a professional vocalist or how long you've been singing, but I'll just throw out my impressions. Hope I don't offend anyone! I found your performance in "Schala and the Queen" to be better than in "Far Away Times". Your accuracy is good, though you were a bit sharp on the high C a couple of times. Of course, that's above typical Soprano range so it's not uncommon for the pitch to waver around there. Your voice seems to be geared towards a high and clear tone, so make sure you sing strongly and from your stomach. I also thought the vocal track could have been a bit louder so as not to be overshadowed by the piano, unless the artistic point of the track's volume was to signify the "far away" part. Anyway, very nice work everyone is putting into this! It'll be a lovely finished product for sure.
tgfoo Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 I just listened to "To Far Away Times". I think that the vocals are fine, expect for the fact that I can't hear them very well above the piano most of the time. I personally think that the piano should be taken down a few notches. But all around, very nice to see that this project is nearing completion. I haven't checked up on it in a while and was quite pleased with what I found today.
Jillian Aversa Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 In my original version of "To Far Away Times," the vocals were actually too loud. I may have overcompensated in bringing them down. I could play around with the levels some more, since you guys said it sounded a little *too* far away. And in response to your comments, Soraya, yes, I'm a vocalist. I study classical at Peabody Conservatory. http://www.fayhaven.com You said I sounded sharp in a couple places- which song was that for, and where? I'm not doubting you, just not sure where to look. Maybe I can go back and fix those places. I didn't sing anything close to a high C in either song, though, so I'm not sure what you're referring to... Both pieces were in mezzo range- too *low* for me! A high C is well within soprano range. Perhaps you meant the C above middle C? And the correct advice would be to sing from the "diaphragm," not the stomach. In any case, what I think you were trying to get at there was breath support. It's actually much *harder* for me to sing in this sort of style as opposed to classical. I have to make my voice airy-er and sing on straight tone. Without the vibrato, I lose a lot of support. So that could explain why I may have been sharp. Or it might have just been the huge-ass headphones I was wearing- couldn't really hear myself. Anywho, I'll do my best to mix this stuff right. I want to free the listeners of burden, and straining to hear the vocal line is definitely burdensome.
StarZander Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 I loooove the site. I do agree that the watch pic is a little lame compared to the clocks and sundials. But yes, very simple and clean design. Guess that's how he got the name? Thank you. And yes, the watch was bothering even me So it's gone now. I wanted something to represent a more modern timepiece, but couldn't find anything good. And every time I saw that pic, I just hated it even more. Yes, that is how I got my name. It's what I try to do in all my websites. I don't like complicated stuff. Also, I must agree with the others who pointed this out... Your singing in To Far Away Times is difficult to hear at times, so I'm hoping you will try to balance that a bit better. Don't want to miss out on your beautiful voice (I've been looping Schala And The Queen all day). Great job so far, everyone!
someone1977 Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 Hi, I was trying to download songs from the website but it asks me for a login/password. Thanks!
Claado Shou Posted June 1, 2005 Author Posted June 1, 2005 Hi, I was trying to download songs from the website but it asks me for a login/password. Thanks! Hmm...that's strange... I don't know what the problem is, but until I do, just hold on. ~.C.S.~
Claado Shou Posted June 1, 2005 Author Posted June 1, 2005 Yeah, I guess I totally deserved that...that was freaking rude of me to forget your generosity. StarZander is fixing the coding right now, so...again, very sorry, herograw. Never again shall I forget to give credit where credit is due. BTW, when is your site going to be fully operational? And what all will it be? It looks pretty cool, what with the floating icons and all. ~.C.S.~
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