Jillian Aversa Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 I think I can do that. But... I dunno, none of the art matches... Might it be better for each artist to produce their own front, back, and inside art, and we can offer sets for people to choose from? That's what DSoP did, and it seemed to work out well. I just think it would look silly to compile all these things together when they are totally different styles.
Ab56 v2 aka Ash Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 I'm gonna just say that I've witnessed this project from the beginning and I liked even just the old WIPs. The final product is gonna totally rock my sox. CT must be having the best birthday(s) EVER. I would say which tracks I wanna hear most, but that'd be an insult because all of them are gonna be great.
StarZander Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 I can put together some album art, for all sides, using the logo I made for the website as the basis. Just in case anyone liked the simpleness and white in that, then it might make a nice album aswell. That is, if anyone would want this?
Compyfox Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 I'm all for alternate art, as long as I can get DVD covers. Some quick info from my side: Emperor, sephire and Rellik already wrote me with their files. I'll take a listen in the next 24-48 hours and get back to you. I just hope you sent Claado the files too. And don't rush things just yet. We're still in wip finishing and postproduction stage. Back to the thing with convolution reverb: In short "convolution reverb" is having the "reverb" of a room as kind of fingerprint that I can modulate over the recording/sound. My question still remains. I got two positive answers so far: Are you interested in letting Chrono Symphonic sound as if it was recorded in (example, however a huge example) the Sydney Opera hall or an other popular performance hall (of course I can go with smaller rooms too - still have to do some tests). If all or the majority agrees, then I'd ask you to prepare the raw files WITHOUT master reverb as this will be my job too. I'll do some tests over the weekend and will get back to next week to tell you what's possible and what's not. I just want you to think about it. If you say "no" - fine with me. Just thought that Chrono Symphonic is special and we can raise the quality "a tad higher" than it already is. With this said... I'm off again.
Jillian Aversa Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 That'd be cool, Star Zander. Your stuff is elegant.
DarkeSword Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 I'm all for alternate art, as long as I can get DVD covers. Some quick info from my side: Emperor, sephire and Rellik already wrote me with their files. I'll take a listen in the next 24-48 hours and get back to you. I just hope you sent Claado the files too. And don't rush things just yet. We're still in wip finishing and postproduction stage. Back to the thing with convolution reverb: In short "convolution reverb" is having the "reverb" of a room as kind of fingerprint that I can modulate over the recording/sound. My question still remains. I got two positive answers so far: Are you interested in letting Chrono Symphonic sound as if it was recorded in (example, however a huge example) the Sydney Opera hall or an other popular performance hall (of course I can go with smaller rooms too - still have to do some tests). If all or the majority agrees, then I'd ask you to prepare the raw files WITHOUT master reverb as this will be my job too. I'll do some tests over the weekend and will get back to next week to tell you what's possible and what's not. I just want you to think about it. If you say "no" - fine with me. Just thought that Chrono Symphonic is special and we can raise the quality "a tad higher" than it already is. With this said... I'm off again. Well I had mentioned this to you on IM before, but I don't think we should have the album sound as if it was performed in a concert hall. It's supposed to be a movie score, so it should have more of a hollywood studio sound to it.
Compyfox Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 Well... who said I use the reverb on "full bleed"? And example of "too much reverb" would be Jared Hudson's "The Frontier". Though I'm sure it wasn't the reverbs fault, but more like the premixed samples (Jared if you read this, that doesn't mean that your song is bad - it's just not what I'm looking for soundtechnically). Nah... like I said... I'll do some tests in the next days (someone want to give me a clean demo for that?) and then present you some settings. Of couse I don't want to use a big reverbing church, but a nice hall with woooden walls, stuffed chairs and a very neutral environment? Why not? The "Zelda Orchestra" version and "Final Fantasy" Tribute CD from 2002 was also recorded in a big concert hall, and still it sounds great and not too persistent. Merregnon for example is a bit "dry" in my opinion (due to the fact that the room was pretty small too - so the natural reverb is pretty small and almost not noticable too). But using "fingerprints" is nothing that couldn't be handled with some tweaking of the dry/wet dial. I respect your opinion though, DarkeSword. Maybe you change your mind after the demos? Of course Claado also has the final word on that too. So I better push the demos out soon.
Claado Shou Posted August 25, 2005 Author Posted August 25, 2005 pixietricks: Well, it's not like the music from this project is all of one style anyway, so what makes the artwork need to be any different? I personally think the "hodgepodge" effect would be an interesting way to go about the entire thing...I mean, it represents the album itself, right? My two cents, however...any good album art that can convince me will still get a fair shot, because if there's one thing that can be said about me, it's that I'm open to suggestions. ashb56v2: Thanks for the compliments. Yes, indeed, I think the project will turn out amazing as well. It's all up to the team effort now though, so...yeah. StarZander: Hell yeah. 'Nuff said. Compyfox: I really want it to sound like a Hollywood studio performance, not the stage-set orchestra type, y'know. What DarkeSword said. Talk to me on AIM or PM me, so we can go over it a bit more. ALSO, 21 of the 25 songs are complete. My own song, Track 7, is finished, so only 4 more to go, mastering, planning, and then...THE RELEASE!!!! ~.C.S.~
Tyler Heath Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 hey guys, I'm done with mine. yeah, I'm back.
Jillian Aversa Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 Well, it's not like the music from this project is all of one style anyway, so what makes the artwork need to be any different? I personally think the "hodgepodge" effect would be an interesting way to go about the entire thing...I mean, it represents the album itself, right? My two cents, however...any good album art that can convince me will still get a fair shot, because if there's one thing that can be said about me, it's that I'm open to suggestions. I see your point. People can still choose to go the "hodgepodge" route even if there are matching album arts offered, right? I just think that we'll get comments on professionalism if we don't at least offer some matching stuff, and there are probably more people out there who would prefer the coordinated look. No biggie.
Claado Shou Posted August 25, 2005 Author Posted August 25, 2005 Yeah, I suppose I see what you're saying rather well. It all depends on who designs what, and whether or not it's any good. That'll really be the deciding factor in that regard. Also, 22 of the 25 are complete. Only 3 left to go, and we'll be there. Hooyah! ... ...it's a Navy thing. ~.C.S.~
DarkeSword Posted August 26, 2005 Posted August 26, 2005 You should keep the concept in mind when you're doing all of the art for this thing; how would you promote this as a movie soundtrack? It's got to have a unified look; it needs to be 'branded.'
ellywu2 Posted August 26, 2005 Posted August 26, 2005 Hi there. As i'm sure you're aware, i lost the majority of my files a few weeks ago. I've completely lost the original of Frog's intervention I still have Schala and the Queen minus pixies wonderful vocals and the other song of mine. Do you want me to remove all reverb and then send them to compy for mastering? sorry i get confuzzled very easily.
Claado Shou Posted August 26, 2005 Author Posted August 26, 2005 Yes, send them to Compyfox. WAV files, no mastering. Etc. etc. ~.C.S.~
Claado Shou Posted August 27, 2005 Author Posted August 27, 2005 Sorry for the double post, but I just had to say this: ONE MONTH LEFT!!! That is all. ~.C.S.~
Eon_Blue Posted August 27, 2005 Posted August 27, 2005 ...I've completely lost the original of Frog's intervention... ... So what's the status on that one then? Are you working on re-doing it? As for the artwork, I'm working on a back cover right now for the tracklist and whatnot. I'll also come up with an inside cover for screenshots of the game, some other stuff about the album. It's all still very wip-ish right now, but it's coming along. Claado asked me to do this AGES ago, and I've only gotten this far with it, so it's pretty high on my priority list, especially considering how close we are to the end.
Claado Shou Posted August 28, 2005 Author Posted August 28, 2005 I got a car. My first car. It's used ('98) but it's awesome. I like driving it. Anyway, get that artwork in. The music is coming along ATM, and we'll be getting the mastering done, as well as finalizing the other stuff, then get some filespace for mirrors. BTW, anybody want to put themselves down for mirroring the project? That would help a LOT. Thanks. ~.C.S.~
KyleJCrb Posted August 28, 2005 Posted August 28, 2005 I got a car. My first car. It's used ('98) but it's awesome. I like driving it.Anyway, get that artwork in. The music is coming along ATM, and we'll be getting the mastering done, as well as finalizing the other stuff, then get some filespace for mirrors. BTW, anybody want to put themselves down for mirroring the project? That would help a LOT. Thanks. ~.C.S.~ *raises hand* Always willing to help.
Claado Shou Posted August 28, 2005 Author Posted August 28, 2005 Awesome awesome awesome. Thanks a bunch Kyle. Anybody else? ~.C.S.~
Compyfox Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Some quick update from my side: Time is getting pretty tight. Just got the WIPs now. I'll listen to them "tomorrow" (around noon), ask for some changes (if needed) in a textfile or something like that and then I'll definately ask for the RAW wave files from you. I'll even set up an FTP for you that you can... uhm... abuse. Please... the next 2 weeks will be a lot of work. Please have an eye on the page and help finishing this project till the US birthday of "Chrono Trigger". Planned schedule the next days (from my side): WED - Convolution Reverb Demos, listening though the WIPs (that're available so far), writing a feedback and fix-list THU - if not published wednesday, then the feedback & fix-list will be published now. I'll also give you a FTP account on my server for uploading the WAV files. THU to SAT - You have time till saturday evening to fix all stuff SUN 4th September to WED 7th September - I want all fixed, clean and prepared (-2dB) RAW wave files (who's on dial, can use FLAC too) in that time, please. If you're late, it's not my fault that Chrono Symphonic will be postponed (mastering takes time, I want to take time for it and I can only master the whole CD if I have all files). So please keep that in mind. Till tomorrow. ADDITIONAL STUFF: RELLIK: Sorry bro, didn't get your wave files so far. I'll just ask for them after I listened to the WIPs. That wasn't a bit clear from the start. CLAADO: I can't offer another webspace. But I will definately make the torrent seeds (in feedback with DJP of course) and seed them (if you don't handle that already). I'm still thinking about what file-formats to offer, too. EDIT: Change of plan due to my health atm (I hate being sick). Sorry. I try to get the stuff running the next days. Again, I'm really sorry.
Rellik Posted August 30, 2005 Posted August 30, 2005 Hey, Compy, ask Claado to send you the file, if he hasn't - it's uploaded at my webspace, anyway. Sorry, am on vacation, must be brief.
StarZander Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 About the mirroring... how many megabytes are we talking about here? 80? 100? More?
herograw Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 the bandwidth and webspace for both herograw.com and herograw.net will be doubled within the next week so yeah... put whatever.
Claado Shou Posted September 1, 2005 Author Posted September 1, 2005 About the mirroring... how many megabytes are we talking about here? 80? 100? More? More or less 100 MB. The files will be 128 or 160 kbps, and there's going to be something like 85-90 minutes of music, so...something around 100. Can you mirror for the project? ~.C.S.~
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