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I have decided that I will play this game... after this latest batch of work.

I don't need something that will sap all time away from me when I need to be in bed at a reasonable hour. Maybe this winter, I will cut myself off from all contact and play this non-stop.

Also, those videos from earlier in the thread = a taste of the addiction that will surely set in. I watched almost all ofthem in one sitting. Not a good sign.

Goodbye, health! Hello, Minecraft.

Yeah, that plan didn't go so well. I played a few games on a friend's computer. Bad idea.

Goodbye regular hours of sleep, hello, Minecraft.

I think we should set up a gold exchange rate, and currency in the form of gold bricks... it seems to be a logical solution to the need for certain items and their lack of abundance. I'm sure that it would end up fair if the consensus agrees on certain prices and/or decides to impliment it... I'm talking about creating one of the first minecraft economies! (at least I think it is)

or you could just barter stuff since gold is next to useless in minecraft

I want to get a floating continent project started up at some point. within awe-inspiring view of the new glass bridge.

Looks like somebody beat you to it... just help out with mine and I'll give you a place to keep all your stuff and access to my extensive mining operation.


I started a reed farm, so people can make paper, and eventually bookshelves. Let me know when I'm on and I'll get you some, or find it yourself. Please remember to only take from the top though, since otherwise they don't grow back.


Went exploring in Moria today....

I found the literal MOTHERLOAD.

The cave had everything you could want. Diamond, gold, iron, redstone, coal, lava. And it goes on forever. I eventually had to dig my way up, only to find that I hadn't traveled all that far from my home base and Halcyon's underwater base. If people don't mind, I'd like to explore it on my own, so please don't enter it.

There will be pics eventually.

In other news, I finally figured out what I want to build. Hyrule castle from Link to the Past. I think with enough natural stone and time, it could be done quite nicely.

Posted (edited)
Should mention this, in Minecraft I am AngryItch.

ah, i saw you in-game and didn't know who you were. gotcha.

new players, remember that as you enter the game, you'll want to find your own area. with the advent of the glass highway, you can easily access areas of the map unexplored. between halt, halcyon, author, and myself, we've got the spawn pretty much mapped out, but we've not done anything on the other side of the mountain to the right of the spawn, or anything behind the spawn. i'd suggest you go start in one of those areas. we're running out of good resources, unfortunately, in that area. so we need to continue digging in new areas.

also remember that you don't want to steal from other people. do your own digging =)

IN OTHER NEWS, the monolith is complete. 121 blocks tall, from bedrock and lava to above the clouds =) i used 1350 torches (that's 330 or so coal!) and over 2000 cobblestone and fired stone to build it. there's a stairway to go to the bottom, or just look through the glass. i'm going to build a zillion signs and leave them in a chest near the monolith as a "guest book" next time i'm online =) as soon as buckets are fixed, i'll be encasing the top in glass with lava inside as well, since it'll shine better than a burning torch would.

Edited by prophetik music

Yeah, there's plenty of room. No worries.

I've been slowly building a complex off on one of the main continent's peninsulas. The idea is to make a huge tree in a glass dome. It's looking good so far, but I need a whole lot more glass.

Yeah, there's plenty of room. No worries.

I've been slowly building a complex off on one of the main continent's peninsulas. The idea is to make a huge tree in a glass dome. It's looking good so far, but I need a whole lot more glass.

oh, there's tons of room - you've just gotta walk for about thirty seconds to find it =) i don't want a thousand people running into other caverns because they're too lazy to wander in the awesome world we have.

also, lol at orichalcum's picture. the monolith is in full evidence there, on the right!

oh, there's tons of room - you've just gotta walk for about thirty seconds to find it =) i don't want a thousand people running into other caverns because they're too lazy to wander in the awesome world we have.

Yeah, I'm a pretty good distance from the main area. You can't even see it with far draw distance on, so I shouldn't be running into anyone anytime soon. I would like to get the highway (or at least a path/road of some kind) to my place though. It'll probably take a lot of cobblestone.

Yeah, I'm a pretty good distance from the main area. You can't even see it with far draw distance on, so I shouldn't be running into anyone anytime soon. I would like to get the highway (or at least a path/road of some kind) to my place though. It'll probably take a lot of cobblestone.

i've been trying to visit each person's house at least once and a while to see what updates they're doing. i've got a ton of cobble left over from the monolith, so let me know if you need some. i left a bunch in the community chests near the spawn, too.

i've been trying to visit each person's house at least once and a while to see what updates they're doing. i've got a ton of cobble left over from the monolith, so let me know if you need some. i left a bunch in the community chests near the spawn, too.

If by visit you mean burn my scaffolding, I must warn you that I do not forget, I may forgive, and I usually go berzerk before anything else happens. Also, if you want to get another monolith going on another continent, (maybe in the shape of a pair of mammaries) I'd be willing to put my services to use.

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