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Well apparently we have a little more information:

Apparently Brushfire has been telling people its okay to steal from structures that people haven't played in a while.

Only thing is: Brush doesn't know who hasn't played in a while because he barely plays on our server. So I have no idea who hes told its okay to steal from.

This is not our rule, but one Brush has fabricated.

DO NOT STEAL. Period. It doesn't matter if the person hasn't logged in in a year, when they get back, their stuff should be there.

I don't know if this was some rule that was on when Fireslash was the host (i doubt it), but if it was never given to me, and im sure just a fabrication of Brushfire's.

Just don't steal. I give people what they want half the time, especially donators. and we have community chests.

Do Not Steal.

Thank you

My fault for saying that he said it was okay to steal, going back to read the logs, that is indeed closer to what he was saying not what I was saying.

Ugh, this whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Regardless, B&W doesn't exist except for in pokemon.

Moreover, I don't feel welcome at the server anymore, for being an "after dark crony" so, sucks i have to leave half-finished projects behind.


At this point of time, what's the point of banning (or temp-banning) when half the people play so very often? Bringing things up, such cases of stealing, to discuss is good. However, what's done is done. Let's go mine and craft.

Posted (edited)
I might log on and I just might drop some TNT by your buildings and they just might happen to detonate. Totally by accident though.

Well. That's certainly a mature and well-thought-out reaction from an admin who's currently furious because someone broke server rules. That's the right message to send, that it's okay for you to flip out and blow shit up because you're an admin. Sure makes me want to stay on the server trying to contribute.

After Dark trolololol group bullshit. <snip> I feel they are just moving over to cause trouble and then their Skype posse of "let's not use chat or the official Mumble server just because".

Because being friends with After Dark guys totally means someone's a groupthinking lackey whose only possible goal to join the OCR server is to cause trouble. We can't possibly have jumped over because we want to, you know, have fun playing Minecraft with the OCR community. I use in-game chat. The guys I know use in-game chat.

I use Skype because most of my friends have Skype and I thus have no reason to use Mumble. When building, we usually use Skype because we've got out one little out-of-the-way area that we're building in, and so we don't need EVERYBODY to coordinate our efforts.

Or maybe I'm just trolling you because I moved to the server to cause trouble and not have fun playing Minecraft. That's totally the rational explanation.

I would really like to avoid any us vs them drama which could lead to actual griefing and players leaving the server. I like having my projects not blowing up and like do enjoy having a server that gets more then just the 4 regulars we have been running for the past little bit.

Thank you for being a voice of reason.

In summary: tempers are running way too high here. Calm the fuck down. Take a few deep breaths. It's a goddamn game, not life or fucking death.

There's a great old Chinese proverb here: "In the midst of great joy, do not promise anyone anything. In the midst of great anger, do not answer anyone's letter."

There's a lot of fucking letter-answering going on here, so how about everyone relaxes a bit, chills out some, and comes back when they're capable of rational thought.

Edited by Chili Con Carnage


Gman is a bit upset about the whole situation. She doesn't control anger very well. Thats why I'm here!

I dont want you or anybody on OCAD to feel unwelcome.

We are however, worried if a group of people are going to ignore us and only listen to Brushfire if thats whats going on here. I dont think it is though, still a concern. Its something we've worried about since the entire OCAD crew moved over, and we were hoping we were worrying for no reason

We still might be. This might be an isolated incident, probably being blown out of proportion by misinformation or miscommunication.


Gman is a bit upset about the whole situation. She doesn't control anger very well. Thats why I'm here!

I dont want you or anybody on OCAD to feel unwelcome.

We are however, worried if a group of people are going to ignore us and only listen to Brushfire if thats whats going on here. I dont think it is though, still a concern. Its something we've worried about since the entire OCAD crew moved over, and we were hoping we were worrying for no reason

We still might be. This might be an isolated incident, probably being blown out of proportion by misinformation or miscommunication.

Emphasis created.

I feel like Gman threw the first stone.

I was NOT just listening to Brushfire. I was trying to ensure one of my friends was not completely disregarded for one reason or another and getting as much information out as possible so the MISinformation would stop.

I don't like being called names with someone who thinks it would be okay to TNT my buildings. Especially since the name calling started with that post, and I have no intention of trolling.

I dislike people too, and controlling my anger is seldom an issue, but it is writhing under the surface right now, I assure you becuase I have been profiled in a very unflattering way with no basis. NONE.


Gman is a bit upset about the whole situation. She doesn't control anger very well

I dont want you or anybody on OCAD to feel unwelcome.

We are however, worried if a group of people are going to ignore us and only listen to Brushfire if thats whats going on here. I dont think it is though, still a concern. Its something we've worried about since the entire OCAD crew moved over, and we were hoping we were worrying for no reason.

You make it sound like I am a criminal mastermind bringing people into a covert ops group dead set on destroying fun forever. Deven is dumb and bad at tact. If you'd like a specific real life example PM me. The OCAD crew didn't move over. We play on both servers.

As far as I know, the only OCAD crew that was on the call at the time was me, and Deven, and Matt. Erik, Connor, and Pete had all gone to bed at that time. So leave them outta this.

This might be an isolated incident, probably being blown out of proportion by misinformation or miscommunication.

This was indeed an isolated incident. But like I said, since I was the vouch for Deven, I will share in his punishment.

Posted (edited)


Once Gman gets upset, everybody gets destroyed in her rage :/

But she is not the only one running the server. In fact her admin duties have been fairly light. The server once transfered to us, was setup, operated, and maintained by myself (and well, MPUK). Her duties are to look after things while I am at work and uh... host TNT parties. And maybe make the website look prettier than my barebones design but she has yet to do that :(

Not to say she isn't my equal because thats not true, and I would be murdered if I suggested as such

She is taking a break anyway, she just got caught up in the moment

Most of her anger is misdirected at this situation at being mad at me for paying too much attention to the server anyways

And now me paying attention to this situation has caused her more anger at me and everybody else.

Sorry to drag everybody into this.

I apologize for the situation that I've inadvertently caused

You make it sound like I am a criminal mastermind bringing people into a covert ops group dead set on destroying fun forever.

Mad we saw through your scheme? Well, congratulations on a job well done.

Also, being lowly uncool people outside of the OCAD crew, we do not know the real names of people on the server/OCR, it would be nice instead if you refered to usernames. =P

Edited by Crowbar Man

I'm the one at fault, don't go giving Brushfire or anyone else on the server at the time any crap. I misunderstood what chests were community and which were personal. Had I been trying to grief I'd not have taken just a couple of things, I'd have taken everything and dumped lava everywhere or something.

I already apologized to Abadoss on the server, anyway. I don't see why this has to be such a shitstorm.

However I must make it VERY CLEAR that anyone who thinks OCAD or anyone who happens to hang out with us now and then on Skype is some kind of evil griefing posse needs to take off their tinfoil helmet and take a breath.

Posted (edited)

Epicenter: I'm not convinced you AREN'T Brushfire


I would like to think, overall, there is not any intention here of any wrong doing and we've all lost our way in the situation

Ban will definitely not be perm, heck may not even last the week

In the future, to avoid headaches, something like this should be alerted to an admin so we can just use my handy /give command to undo the damage.

We are fun people, honest!

But, just to be clear for everybody, as I will state in the rules sheet I will make here soon:

No Stealing.

No Walking 10,000 Blocks in a single direction making a ridiculous "arm"

No Forest Fires

No Greifing

No Brushfires

Edited by Crowbar Man

I know this whole theft thing is a problem for the whole community, but I'm the one who was wronged. Shouldn't I be the one to set the tone about all this? At the moment, I'm pretty disappointed, but I never felt anger or been mad during all this. I'm more sad that this had to be dealt with at all. Ideally, I just want there to be no more theft (whatever misunderstandings worked out) and everyone just having fun. It's a game, after all. This shouldn't be serious business. Unless it's good serious business. We're all for good positive serious business. Matter of fact, if there had been a way to resolve this without banning anyone, that would've been my preference. I want the OCAD guys being contributing members on our server. I think it's a good thing that they're here. But, as a community, we need to focus on "living" with each other and that means dealing with misunderstandings and friction. We can't deal with them if everyone is angry and defensive. Remember, I'm the one who was wronged. Epicenter confessed and apologized and a penalty has been dealt (i.e. temp ban). I really don't care anymore whatever else might or might not have been happening behind the scenes. I really don't. I just don't want to see anymore of it go on to anyone. Let's move on. Let's get to playing Minecraft. Let's play the game and enjoy being in a community.

Posted (edited)

I am the mastermind behind this OCAD minecraft menace, and it looks as though my plan to start forum drama in an attempt to artificially inflate forum post counts and waste everyone's precious time reading emotion-filled angst has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams! HUZZAH!

But no, seriously, I feel like I just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading rampant paranoia and pointless hate against people who have any association, tenuous or strong, with OverClocked After Dark. The OCAD folks who were regulars on the OCAD server (which was objected against by some because this one already existed) moved over to OCR in the mean-time as the OCAD machine fizzled and broke. I've been waiting for the new parts since Sunday: I spent considerable funds out of my OWN POCKET to get that other server up and running again. In that time, I find out that my brethren have been put up on a witch trial for one person's n00bish mistake. Anyone who knows Deven knows he can be without a brain sometimes, but it's not rocket science: it is a game. No one's lives are at stake in this. And that never faults his integrity or his character, merely his grasp of game rules at times. And internets do cut out at times, even during the show, where words get lost.

You can always give more fucking materials. It's not like anyone was spawn-killing.

The OCAD Minecraft Server is back up and running, so I'm sure they'll migrate back there at some point. This has been, at the very least, and interesting exposure as to the administration of the OCR Minecraft Server.

Edited by Level 99

I dreamed that I was standing in a vast, completely flat plain of dirt. Everything was dull brown and exposed to bloom lighting. I saw the back of some lady who looked like she'd come from the 50's, and as I walked up to her, she turned around to reveal that she was a skeleton. I gasped because she wasn't burning in the sunlight. Then I sicced my wolves on her.

I am the mastermind behind this OCAD minecraft menace, and it looks as though my plan to start forum drama in an attempt to artificially inflate forum post counts and waste everyone's precious time reading emotion-filled angst has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams! HUZZAH!

But no, seriously, I feel like I just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading rampant paranoia and pointless hate against people who have any association, tenuous or strong, with OverClocked After Dark. The OCAD folks who were regulars on the OCAD server (which was objected against by some because this one already existed) moved over to OCR in the mean-time as the OCAD machine fizzled and broke. I've been waiting for the new parts since Sunday: I spent considerable funds out of my OWN POCKET to get that other server up and running again. In that time, I find out that my brethren have been put up on a witch trial for one person's n00bish mistake. Anyone who knows Deven knows he can be without a brain sometimes, but it's not rocket science: it is a game. No one's lives are at stake in this. And that never faults his integrity or his character, merely his grasp of game rules at times. And internets do cut out at times, even during the show, where words get lost.

You can always give more fucking materials. It's not like anyone was spawn-killing.

The OCAD Minecraft Server is back up and running, so I'm sure they'll migrate back there at some point. This has been, at the very least, and interesting exposure as to the administration of the OCR Minecraft Server.

It's never been about the items, like you said, you can create others.

It's about not showing any respect for people's work.

Was there over-reaction? Yeah, there was. But still, it's understandable that there would be reactions to someone walking in a giant fortress with someone's name in letters hovering near by and grabbing stuff in neatly arranged chests.

Hell, Epiccenter was looking for diamonds, and now I get what he was saying when he said he had plenty of redstone to trade for diamonds. Wasn't his redstone.

And seriously, when you think about it, you buy a game called minecraft, where you are supposed to dig and look for stuff. Why did he grab stuff in chests?

Posted (edited)
It's never been about the items, like you said, you can create others.

It's about not showing any respect for people's work.

Was there over-reaction? Yeah, there was. But still, it's understandable that there would be reactions to someone walking in a giant fortress with someone's name in letters hovering near by and grabbing stuff in neatly arranged chests.

Hell, Epiccenter was looking for diamonds, and now I get what he was saying when he said he had plenty of redstone to trade for diamonds. Wasn't his redstone.

And seriously, when you think about it, you buy a game called minecraft, where you are supposed to dig and look for stuff. Why did he grab stuff in chests?

Epicenter has demonstrated a lot that he has a gigantic lack of common sense in many situations, and sometimes lacks a great deal of normal forethought.

In short, he can be the worlds largest idiot, especially when the game is more complicated than falling blocks.

I am not kidding.

What he did was wrong and stupid and if he does it again after all this then shenanigans can be called. However, from how long I've associated with Epicenter, he tends to just be a complete moron about games more complex then Tetris (as has been said before).

Edited by Cyril the Wolf
Posted (edited)

But if you know he's a moron, why didn't you take time to explain the rules to him?

I mean I don't think he's a moron, he just made a mistake, but that mistake was easily preventable.

And really there should not be 2 OCR minecraft servers for this community. We can all live together in harmony, we just need to learn from this mistake and move on past it.

Speaking of morons: me. Wool + fire = no more wool... gotta rebuild some colored flooring.

Edited by The Author
But if you know he's a moron, why didn't you take time to explain the rules to him?

I mean I don't think he's a moron, he just made a mistake, but that mistake was easily preventable.

And really there should not be 2 OCR minecraft servers for this community. We can all live together in harmony, we just need to learn from this mistake and move on past it.

Speaking of morons: me. Wool + fire = no more wool... gotta rebuild some colored flooring.

Probably because its easy to forget how someone can be blind to something so amazingly obvious as stuff.

I mean, I keep forgetting that not everyone finds things as intuitive as I do. :<

Um, yea, why you burnin your floors brah? :3

Posted (edited)

The whole reason we have a vouching process is to avoid issues. If you all seem to know that epicenter "is a moron" and" can't play video games" and" has no common sense" it would of been nice to have a heads up!

Either way most of this as mentioned seems to be a pile of miscommunication on every bodies part.

We will try not to let issues like this happen though again some communication to the admins would help. Gman is self admited "not good with people" but unless angry is very easy to talk to. Me I get stubborn but I hope that doesn't detour people from communicating with me.

A lot of yelling and heated conversations later now I have a better understanding of the situation

As mentioned earlier we welcome anybody to the server who isnt there to cause issues and we all like to have fun and enjoy this broken yet addicting game

Edited by Crowbar Man

Boo dramaramallamacomma beep boop turkey poop.

And now for a change of subject.

So I saw this image today, and I have decided that one of two things MUST happen. Either I will find and buy and live in this house, or else someone (probably not me, because after seeing the stuff on the OCR server you guys have done makes me feel just... not skilled enough haha) must replicate this structure EXACTLY in Minecraft. Behold the glory:


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