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Sorry, that was me. I even wrote up a pretty little note to go with it, guess the guys forgot to put it in. Glad you like it!

Yeah I scoured the inside of the packaging looking for note, but there wasn't one. I hope the note I added to my package gets put in.

Thank you so much man. I am so excited to play this game. I recently just finished Golden Sun 2, again. So it's perfect timing. You made my Christmas. And I mean that.


Thank you so much man. I am so excited to play this game. I recently just finished Golden Sun 2, again. So it's perfect timing. You made my Christmas. And I mean that.

Heh, glad I did something right then. I found an old post saying you'd finished golden sun 2, then crossed my fingers^_^.

luhny, I heard my doorbell ring about two mornings ago and got a package from you! Thanks for the teeny tiny 4 GB thumb drives! They're adorable! Maybe I'll take a picture, but Neko and I were excited and opened them already!

As for our Secret Santa recipient, your gift should ship on Monday. :)

You are both welcome, I am just glad it made it on time :D

My recommendation is to hook them up with your keychains. It is incredible how convenient it can be to naturally have a flash drive with you all the time.

happy holidays

You are both welcome, I am just glad it made it on time :D

My recommendation is to hook them up with your keychains. It is incredible how convenient it can be to naturally have a flash drive with you all the time.

happy holidays

Until you drop them in a puddle! =(


After not much sleep last night and a long day at work, I come home and see a box with the rest of the mail. Wait .. A BOX??? SECRET SANTA!! (sorry for blurry pictures)


Yep, that's a box with my name on it. It's rather heavy too. You probably can't tell from the picture.

Anyway, I grab my trusty swiss army knife and assault the tape's weak points with the blade. Suddenly, flaps flip open and a blinding light escapes the box. The light seems to be coming from this note.


"Dear Steven,

Merry Christmas! I hope you like music. There's a lot here. These are some promotional CDs that mean a lot to me. Some are included as a joke.

I also threw in my own band CDs for Rainwound, In Staid Grace, and my acoustic debut.

Some other things to have. *shrug*

Peace out,

Brandon Strader"

There's also a guitar pick taped on with "Heavily used -->" on it. :lol:

Once the note is removed, the blinding light turns into a swirling dark vortex of mayhem and evil and corruption and ..


CDs like WOAH. I like music, but damn son. Number of bands I recognize? 1. Looks like most of it is of the thrash metal variety, and coming from Brandon, I'm not surprised. I suddenly get flashbacks of helping the music director sift through new mail at my college radio station all over again. Good times.

I'll spare naming all the bands, but that's not all! Check out that sweet plastic pig. Or Star Wars: The Clone Wars comic book. Or The Art of Dead Space: Designing a Nightmare (that black book in the bottom right). This is too much, man. I'm reeling.

Thanks to Brandon Strader for this awesome box of ear candy. I picked Coldseed out randomly to play while I typed this post, and I'm loving it.

P.S. What's the 7x6 block-art under the guitar pick? Some subliminal message you both hoped and didn't hope I'd find? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!


And now I have to be that guy. The guy that double posts with an apologetic tone to his gift victim to say that I haven't shipped mine out yet, and thus, it will not arrive before Christmas. I have a large family that takes up large chunks of time during the holidays, so while the gift-sending is not complete, the gift-preparing almost is. I've got other SSs I'm doing that are in the same boat, so please don't fret. I should be sending everything out the beginning of next week. Just know that I'm putting as much effort as I can to make this the most embarrassing box that has ever shown up at your door. :)

There's also a guitar pick taped on with "Heavily used -->" on it. :lol:

CDs like WOAH. I like music, but damn son. Number of bands I recognize? 1. Looks like most of it is of the thrash metal variety, and coming from Brandon, I'm not surprised. I suddenly get flashbacks of helping the music director sift through new mail at my college radio station all over again. Good times.

I'll spare naming all the bands, but that's not all! Check out that sweet plastic pig. Or Star Wars: The Clone Wars comic book. Or The Art of Dead Space: Designing a Nightmare (that black book in the bottom right). This is too much, man. I'm reeling.

Thanks to Brandon Strader for this awesome box of ear candy. I picked Coldseed out randomly to play while I typed this post, and I'm loving it.

P.S. What's the 7x6 block-art under the guitar pick? Some subliminal message you both hoped and didn't hope I'd find? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!

Coldseed, haha... such a funny name. :-) I probably would snatch that up too at first, just due to the name.. That block thing was supposed to be a creeper but I fail at block-based drawing. :-(

I forgot about those stickers.. There's actually a really cool story behind those. I ordered CDs once I believe from The End Records, and I wrote as an added note "Please send me some promotional stickers" and they sent about 100 of those identical stickers. I thought, surely they'd send various ones for many different bands. But nope.

And the heavily used pick... I had new ones here, but I thought it may be more special to give you one that has been used on most of my songs up until now. It takes a while to file down the tips of new picks. :-P

strader, you regifted the art books i gave you?


I know it's probably no consolation for you but I really enjoyed the books and read them, and decided to share them in the spirit of giving & Christmas with D-Lux. I also re-used the box you shipped your stuff in... So it's almost like Steven gets extras + a set of our fingerprints. ;-)


I am yet to get my present -- I'm leaving tomorrow night for Christmas and will be back on the 2nd. No worries that it is late to whoever it is, as I have not had time to enjoy anything at all given that finals for me ended today. Just wanted to let my person know that I won't be getting it until January, so don't the forums every day waiting to see a reaction :P


I still haven't recieved anything as well. I'm hoping it'll come by tomorrow, 'cause I'll be gone come Wednesday until next Monday, and my poor package will be left outside to brave the elements.


I ordered the gift for our recipient last night and it's still processing, but should be there in time for Christmas. I would think it would ship sometime tomorrow. No worries, though! Unlike last year, I refuse to be (fashionably) late!

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