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The MCRIB, or RIBWICH. I'll never eat it. I've never been a fan of ribs, be they spare, large rack, or whatever. One of the boxes a RIBWICH came in said, "Will cause early death". If I wanted cholesterol, I'd eat MUCH higher quality meat. I get enough cholesterol from the eggs used in certain baked sweets. The McRib means nothing to me, because I've been clean of the Golden (read Pyrite) Arches since April Fool's Day 2005. It's paid off, because I've never weighed more than 130 lbs.

That's not really fair to single out McDonalds on that front, because there are plenty of places that are just as bad/far worse. Just do a Google search for "Top 10 most unhealthy foods/chains/sandwiches/etc" and McDonalds does not have any kind of monopoly there.

You do speak the truth. However, this topic is, of course, about McDonalds, not fast food in general. If so, I would not hesitate to mention the wrath of the infamous Luther Burger. Now THAT will be the death of you! :lol:


Fast food isn't to blame for having a lot of salt or being bad for you. You know what you are ordering and why, and usually there's even a calorie listing on the wrapper or menu. I'm not at the place to ask but let's check the site... http://nutrition.mcdonalds.com/nutritionexchange/nutritionfacts.pdf This is a ridiculously detailed list.

I'm actually surprised, the McRib is only 500 calories. It totally tasted like more than that. It's far from the worst offender of Sodium as well even just on the sandwiches list.

People complaining about how bad fast food is for you... come on... we're all adults here. Get your laws off my body... I got the riiiight to chooooooose

Keep in mind that the daily recommended amount is between 1500 mg and 2300 mg, and then you understand why the McRib, although not as bad as some other McD's meals, is still fucking horrible.

It's so horrible that it makes random people type the F word on a forum. It didn't seem to have killed Ibbiaz to eat 4 of them though, as far as I know. You still around, dood?

You should and if you ever get the chance, try IN-N-OUT as well. Heard both are regard as the best possible burgers from a chain in the United States of America. Even heard some people are arguing either one or the other is better due to the "east coast vs. west coast" thing.

5 Guys from the East, IN-N-OUT from the West.

In-n-Out can't really be the best burger food chain if they don't have them in my town 8)8-)

(I used 2 cool smilies cuz there are 2 in the post editor)

Posted (edited)

Can all y'all McRib aficionados do me a small favor? Weigh yourself on a scale daily, and post how many McRibs you be eating that day as well as any other "fast food". I'm quite interested in the results.

And despite the grossness, Kidd Cabbage is indeed hardcore.

The McRib reminds me of that device in Princess Bride that sucks years off your life.


Edited by Level 99
We got a Five Guys here. It was like eating Wendy's at 2.5 times the price. At least I can afford a McRib.

How often do you eat at a Wendy's (second personal favorite) though? I'd treat going to Five Guys, or any fast food place, as a once a week thing.

I agree that 5 Guys are real pricey. If they had any actual competition I'd imagine they'd lower their prices. :lol:


It was $7.00 for their smallest burger, about $$4.50 or so, and a small coke which was $2.29 or $2.49. Pretty much it tasted like Wendys and it had the meat kept slipping out of the bun kinda like the McRib. I'm pretty sure they won't be lowering their prices anytime soon, Five Guys is Always packed despite insane prices. 8)

It was $7.00 for their smallest burger' date=' about $$4.50 or so, and a small coke which was $2.29 or $2.49. Pretty much it tasted like Wendys and it had the meat kept slipping out of the bun kinda like the McRib. I'm pretty sure they won't be lowering their prices anytime soon, Five Guys is Always packed despite insane prices. 8)[/quote']

I don't remember their drinks being that expensive. Have you ever had their cajon fries? Those are pretty good, and they give you enough to fill up about 3 people.

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