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This is worrying.

If this ends up being true, it pretty much puts a dent in my plans of grabbing one.

Honestly? This doesn't bother me very much. After all, how many first party games made really inventive use of the wii control scheme? Even in critically acclaimed games like mario galaxy it wasn't much more than "waggle to spinjump".

Like the article mentioned, the 3D is a great feature, and it does have the potential to add a lot of depth (dohoho) to the gameplay. In practical terms, however, I just don't see games that outright REQUIRE the 3D to be turned on for extended periods of time as a good design decision, simply because after an hour or so, it becomes very tiring to keep your eyes on the screen.

Again, it works great as a bonus feature, and it would be cool if the games had short segments that utilized it in some clever way, but the decision to not make games completely centered around it is a wise one, IMO.


I do wish that they could make games that use 3D as a core gameplay mechanic, though. I mean, some people can't play Zelda Skyward Sword (People with damaged arms or other health issues), so are they segmenting their audience?

To anyone with a 3DS: Is the music video by OK GO that came with the update in true 3D, or has it just been converted?

I do wish that they could make games that use 3D as a core gameplay mechanic, though. I mean, some people can't play Zelda Skyward Sword (People with damaged arms or other health issues), so are they segmenting their audience?

It's not recommended to have the 3D turned on for long periods of time, and even though I scoffed at it at first, after an hour or so, it did start to become pretty disorienting, so yeah.

A game that required the 3D to be turned on all the time just wouldn't work well IMO because you'd have to take breaks very often.


I finally got to try the 3DS for the first time at Best Buy today (I'm getting mine tomorrow, but this is the first I've seen the demo unit). It had this "Wow, this is really cool!" feeling to it, but as I flew around the stupid Mii island in Pilotwings, I noticed a few things. First, I liked Pilotwings 64 better, and I really wish Nintendo would stop using the stupid Mii style because I miss that little America landscape from the N64 game--thank God I had the foresight to go with Street Fighter. Second, I had to turn the 3D effect down to just be on a little bit for maximum effect. I was able to see the 3D all the way, but it looked better with less 3D.

As for the not requiring 3D in every game thing, I never really expected this thing to be an All 3D All the Time! event. It's useful when appropriate, but it needs to be used properly to be done well.

And on the shovelware point, was there ever any chance that this thing wouldn't be a shovelware haven? I'm just hoping the JRPG support from the original DS keeps up with the 3DS.


I think some of us are kind of missing the point here. That article basically says the 3D effect will be relegated to a gimmick. The fact that it's not "All 3D, All the Time" isn't the issue. But this seems to suggest they want all games to be fully playable in 2D. The 3D seems like such a unique opportunity for developers to get creative and devise fresh puzzles and environments, and this pretty much kills that idea. At least, it would if everyone were on the same page on it. Somehow, I'm not really worried about it.

...unless I'm one of the people who can't see the 3D :dstrbd:


I think you guys are missing the point. Just because 3D won't be REQUIRED to beat a game doesn't mean it won't be heavily utilized. I mean, if the N64 required all games to be playable with the D-Pad too, it would definitely be possible to beat Mario 64 with it (See: DS version) but it's still obviously designed around the analog stick. I think they just mean that games should offer other ways to play.

I don't know about you but I've never really felt the need to play my handheld console for ten hours straight without putting it down or charging it

I am almost positive that if 3-5 hours is not long enough for you then you might have a serious problem

I don't ever play games for that long, and never will. I just feel that if you're not near your charger, or go on a long trip and forget it (long trips are great for handhelds), a better battery life is a plus.

I've played some of the 3DS, and I just don't see the value in it right now, the 3D just isn't that impressive. Sure you can turn it off, but why even bother if the main selling point isn't interesting to you? I'm honestly willing to wait for a revision of it, even if it takes years. Maybe by then there will be better games and less ports for it.

Sorry to be the negative one on the subject...

Posted (edited)

Or the next Pokémon game, or the Zelda, Mario, Pikmin (they really should do a portable Pikmin now) or any of the other games that we know are going to be on the 3DS later.

I'm not getting one right now because I want to see what games will be announced at E3 this summer. Plus, they may have a slight revision that could address some of the issues that could pop up. Think of it like a 3DS V 1.01, where they fixed a bad hinge or they made a slightly better 3D screen. Who knows, I may end up getting the better one.

Something else I've noticed over the last few years. When I didn't have lots of money, I happily saved up and bought two GameBoy Colors (the second one after a few years to replace the first one), then a GBA, then a GBA SP, then a DS, then a DS Lite as well as multiple games.

Now I have the money to buy all the systems and games I want, and I don't want to get any of them.

Weird. I must be getting old.

Edited by The Damned
E: I also just realized that while we might not get a main series pokemon game on the 3DS anytime soon, a remake of Pokemon Snap (which possibly makes use of the AR feature) would be GODLIKE.

8-O I want one now!

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