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Posted (edited)
The music for this game, is awesome :-D ! (Specifically referring to Temple of Wind).
it gets much, much better

Wow. I looked up the game on youtube and was shocked to see how much more there is to the game. I mean, the demo is keeping me occupied and interested, and apparently it's only a small part of the game. Awesome, just awesome.

Also, for anyone who's curious. The official song title for Temple of Wind is 'Silence of the Forest'.

It appears as if the composer is Revo, and a group that he formed called Linked Horizon.

I did not expect the demo to be this awesome :).

Also, that blasted dragon xD.

Edited by Cosmic Sounds

I'm almost done with the demo, working on getting the last Play Bonus.

Something cool I found is that the max job level in the demo is obviously not the actual max job level, considering the last spells Black and White Mages can learn before maxing out their jobs are like Blizzara and Cura, and those obviously aren't the most powerful spells.

Ahh, that's right, BD isn't out yet in the US. You poor people. It's great, really great, it's a better Final Fantasy, than the more recent ones I played.

bought the game today. need to stay tuned to exchange data code whatever for teaching each other tech spell.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, there's this thing called a 3DS that I have, for some reason. Got a few things for it, too, like this Pokemon Y thingamajigger and Street Fighter thingamabob. I don't have many friends, and while the friend code won't help that problem at least I'll have more people to play with.



On an odd note, I got this used, and there was a photo of a semi-nude Japanese man hidden on the SD card that came with the system. It was very odd.


Hey there,

I also got a 3DS recently, along with some games. Damn you, Nintendo, for making a grown man buy those childish games! ;-P

I own

* Bravely Default

* PokéMon X

* Super Mario 3D Land

* The Legend of Zelda: A Link between Worlds (oh, the nostalgia)

* a bunch of old DS games

Anyway, here's my frind code:


Please note, I haven't understood the concept of these friend codes yet... Do I get a message if one of you registers me as a friend? Does it have any benefits besides one slot on the friend list being taken (YAY, friends!)?

Also, I'm from Germany, so I might be playing at strange times for you people.


OH, a neat little tip for anyone who decides to buy their 3DS used:

Check the Nintendo eShop for re-downloadables.

See, people at retail stores will erase everything that was on the 3DS, but Nintendo offers players to re-download titles on their system that may have been corrupted or erased from their system. I replaced my 2GB SD card for a 32GB one and went to get Zelda for the VC... and it was free. I explored just how many titles were like this, and my library increased by about ten VC games (some of them were pretty good, too!). Still had to buy Megaman III, though.

Anyhow, just some friendly advice for people who get their system used.

You'll be notified when you check the friend list of anyone who added you.

Care to explain any further? I have to add you guys too? I don't get a message if somebody just adds me and I don't know that person?

Oh, and I just bought Fire Emblem: Awakening and Mario Kart 7... Good times!

Care to explain any further? I have to add you guys too? I don't get a message if somebody just adds me and I don't know that person?

Nothing happens if someone adds your code and you don't add their code back. Two people have to literally exchange codes, both people inputting each other's codes into their system, before the two 3DS systems register the two as friends.

The first person to put their friend's code into their own 3DS receives a message afterwards saying the code has been provisionally registered and to make sure the friend enters your code to complete the process. The second person entering the code instead gets a message saying "you're now friends", et. al. If the first person goes back into Friend List area of their 3DS, they immediately get the same "you're now friends" message without having to do anything further.

tl;dr = You need to add codes on your own system (via the giant list of folks' codes in the OP post). Them adding you isn't enough to get you friends on the 3DS.

Nintendo's running a promo where you can get a download code for a free copy of Pokémon X or Y, but only if you buy and register both a 3DS/2DS and one of six qualifying games during the entirety of March. If you've already got a 3DS, it won't do you any good; you've gotta buy a new one.

Does anyone happen to know if this is US only? I couldn't find this promotion on the german site... ;-(

Also, I will now add you guys into my friend list! ;-D

Posted (edited)
Nintendo's running a promo where you can get a download code for a free copy of Pokémon X or Y, but only if you buy and register both a 3DS/2DS and one of six qualifying games during the entirety of March. If you've already got a 3DS, it won't do you any good; you've gotta buy a new one.

Nope, not true. Had my 3DS for a while now, as long as you haven't registered the 3DS or the game to Nintendo Club you are eligible for the promo.

Just got my download copy of X. Wasn't really going to get into Pokemon this gen (didn't do it for b/w either), but since it's free I don't see why not. Now I just have to go get a bigger SD card because the default 2GB one isn't big enough.

Edited by urdailywater
Does anyone happen to know if this is US only? I couldn't find this promotion on the german site... ;-(

Also, I will now add you guys into my friend list! ;-D

And it's done! Man, those friend codes sure a tedious to enter...

@The Damned:

You seem to have missed one number in BaconProcurement's friend code

Nope, not true. Had my 3DS for a while now, as long as you haven't registered the 3DS or the game to Nintendo Club you are eligible for the promo.

I was running on the assumption that people who had bought their handhelds long before now would've already registered them, but that's a good point.

Nintendo's running a promo where you can get a download code for a free copy of Pokémon X or Y, but only if you buy and register both a 3DS/2DS and one of six qualifying games during the entirety of March. If you've already got a 3DS, it won't do you any good; you've gotta buy a new one.

I recently heard about this promo too - perfect timing for me because I'm just about to get a 3DS XL! I haven't played a Pokemon game since Ruby, so I'm pretty excited.


By the way, going back in time, but how did folks like Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon? I really liked the original game on Gamecube, but I'm curious how the sequel holds up.

By the way, going back in time, but how did folks like Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon? I really liked the original game on Gamecube, but I'm curious how the sequel holds up.

I sold mine after playing through it once. It was good, but my hopes were way higher for it. Rather than one big mansion that you find your way through unsegmented, there are five mansions, and each is broken up into missions, with no way to save DURING a mission (I really disliked this). You have to complete each mission to save. Plus, gathering the cash, gold and gems was kind of fun, but felt pretty pointless in the end. Also a downside, if you miss something in a mission that you wanted to grab, you have to start that mission over, rather than just going back to that area, because many areas are played through multiple times during different missions, and there will often be different things to find in the same or similar locations.

I know it got great reviews, it just fell short for me. I would try to rent it or borrow it from someone before buying it.

I sold mine after playing through it once. It was good, but my hopes were way higher for it. Rather than one big mansion that you find your way through unsegmented, there are five mansions, and each is broken up into missions, with no way to save DURING a mission (I really disliked this). You have to complete each mission to save. Plus, gathering the cash, gold and gems was kind of fun, but felt pretty pointless in the end. Also a downside, if you miss something in a mission that you wanted to grab, you have to start that mission over, rather than just going back to that area, because many areas are played through multiple times during different missions, and there will often be different things to find in the same or similar locations.

I know it got great reviews, it just fell short for me. I would try to rent it or borrow it from someone before buying it.

Thanks! I'll follow your advice and see if any friends own it so I can give it a shot before buying it.

By the way, does anyone have thoughts on USB charging for a 3DS XL? I've got a couple long plane rides coming up (14hr and 22hr), and I'm picking up a USB charge cable for the XL, but I'm going back and forth as to whether I should just use my laptop to charge the XL or if I should get an external USB battery. I know the two main issues are transfer rate and capacity, but I'm still not sure what specs I should care about. If anyone has used an external USB battery and has any recommendations, I'd really appreciate hearing it.

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