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I gotta echo OA here (lol, echo, Echoes of... nevermind); this is definitely my favorite halc mix. Heck, I'm not necessarily as familiar with this source as I'd like, but anything halc touches turns to 9-bit epicness that can only bring joy!


As usual another dk remix added to my collection all hail HALC :D I knew I'd even like it before listening to it,

anyway I'm a bit confused I have a dk remix and its the forest thats never sleeps from vgmix and I think the artist is Halcyon so was that you all the time ?! if so how can I download the rest of your old vg remixes?

As usual another dk remix added to my collection all hail HALC :D I knew I'd even like it before listening to it,

anyway I'm a bit confused I have a dk remix and its the forest thats never sleeps from vgmix and I think the artist is Halcyon so was that you all the time ?! if so how can I download the rest of your old vg remixes?

yup, that's me! that was the first song i submitted to OCR (rejected, obviously), but I've always liked the title so it carried over when i made this. :lol:

i'll upload a zip of my old pre-ocr mixes soon. glad you enjoyed the mix, and thanks everyone else for all the comments as well! <3

edit: http://halc9bit.com/private/oldstuff.zip

You got my heart with this one dude. Well done indeed.

Awesome beginning, but at 2:25 somewhere you open a whole new world..

Absolutely f''king beautiful.

5 Shiny Stars

pfff :P

really, thank you man, that means so much to me.. you are a powerful musical inspiration in my life :)

Dude, where do you find time to make awesome mixes + your EP + projects? XD

Nice job!

lol. the tricky part is trying to make time for everything else! (yknow, sleep, work, sex, ect.) :P

really though, I just like to have a lot of stuff in progress all at once so I have options as to what to work on, because I tend to knock out a good minute or two of a mix all at once and then get burned out on it. i also tend to finish lots of stuff all at once.


This is a pretty sweet ReMix. It's nice to hear a chip-chopped 8-bit version of this that sounds good. And there is enough variety to keep the interest going until the end. Nicely done. Hail Halc!


And who said that OCR hates chiptunes? :P This is a great example of how to integrate them into a piece.

This is an incredible source tune, and an awesome remix. The use of many different timbres is excellent. Maybe it's just the chiptunes getting to me, but I hear a clear FF reference at 3:02.

Halc continues to do inspired work that manages to be both progressive and nostalgic at the same time. Dunno how that works, but I definitely want more of it sooner rather than later.


Love this mix.

Halc, you are a amazing at drum programming. That's one of my favorite thing about your mixes.

I'll be honest this was one of the first remixes I've heard from you (if I recall at least) and I was a bit confused when the lead synth came in at 1:00. It sounded like it didn't fit, but when the bleeps started coming in around 1:20 it all made sense.

Good stuff.

yup, that's me! that was the first song i submitted to OCR (rejected, obviously), but I've always liked the title so it carried over when i made this. :lol:

i'll upload a zip of my old pre-ocr mixes soon. glad you enjoyed the mix, and thanks everyone else for all the comments as well! <3

edit: http://halc9bit.com/private/oldstuff.zip

Wow thanx I'll be looking forward to your future remixes, ofc chthonic as well best combination u too ;) Oh and can't wait for the sound of speed too.

yoo halc im really feeling this man i have an early wip of this but good shit its always refreshing watching you turn out new stuff keep at it mang! ...now we collab? LOL

emphasis mine, we've been putting this off for far too long. it still depresses me that we no longer have kh-SERIOUS.flp. :-(


I would just like to say that from 0:46 on, I embarrassed myself at work due to spontaneous grooving to this music. Sorry if I defiled the sanctity of this song with the image of someone grooving to it, but it's true. Thank you, halc.

  • 2 weeks later...

Maor Forest Interlude... yaaaay! :<

I love the source, and very happy it's been receiving a little more love in the form of a killer Halc mix. I'd go on to say this is probably your best mix to date.

Continue on making your blippy goodness, my good man!:nicework:

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