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Been waiting for this remix to appear on here after at least a day of it being shown on youtube.

Must say i am impress halc i haven't really heard this kinda thing from you before.:shock:

love the almost oriental kinda sound in this remix.

This shall go on my mp3 cause of how relaxing it is.

keep up the good work man i hope to hear more from you.:nicework:


Nice and mellow. :) Songs like this make a nice change to the stuff I normally pull off the site.

I didn't look at what song had been remixed, so halfway through the song I had this sudden realization of what the source was, and promptly downloaded it. :D

Although I could see this song being more upbeat like the source, it really truly gets rid of the repetitive feeling of the source. I like this better.



My one regret is that my computer was down when was posted. I had to listen to it on my phone and am also typing this on my phone which is incredibly annoying. Anyway I really thought it was a great mix, and I think it's cold out is trying to reach out and do new things, but I really misses cheapy sounds. Great work and I can't wait to hear more.



glad you guys are enjoying the mix! it was a fun little distraction for me, haha. props to Jose and Diggi for being my main inspirations for this one. :)

I can't say I've done anything *completely* devoid of chiptune stuff since this, but I have a few neat mixes of that nature up my sleeve. ;)


Anything that can be favorably likened to Morse (sounds a lot like posu yan, too, in a good way) is an immediate download for me. As much as I love those higher-energy, rock-your-face-off/techno-boogie-your-butt-off mixes, I love these lower-key, laid-back ones just as much, if not more.


I don't want to be a complete a$$hole writing a negative review, but I kind of felt compelled to. I liked how the intro was going, but then that dulcimer thing came in and kind of ruined it for me. Some of the notes sound really off-key and really irritate me also.

I thought the percussion seemed pretty well done and the bass was groovy, but not much else besides. The string samples used sounded like cheap midi. I've used free soundfonts that sounded 100x better even without reverb added.

The vibraphone/flute section was actually pretty nice, but some of panned percussion was really annoying me. Is it just me or is the kick drum wide panned? -_-

The breakdown at 2:22 wasn't that bad at first, but then the song started getting really annoying again after a few seconds. The little section at 3:19 was a nice mellow change of pace also and wasn't bad to listen to.

Quite frankly, I was under the impression that OCR standards have become much more strict over the years, and I'm surprised this passed. I'd much rather hear a simple arrangement that has consistently good elements than hear a song with good elements get crushed by annoying choices of instruments and an arrangement that at times has too much going on and parts that sound bad.

I don't know you personally or anything, so don't take it the wrong way; but I feel like this song has a lot of glaring issues that could be fixed easily and isn't up to par with most of the music on this site. Furthermore, I've heard the source tune you've had to work with, and thought it sounded terrible. You've at least made the song a lot more listenable than that awful source tune. Sonic Adventure should have just hired Michael Jackson's producers and released a decent soundtrack.


Gotta say, overall this is a nice listen. Seems somewhat unpolished at points with some strange choices (the panned kick drum, and it generally seems unbalanced at points with everything coming out of the left speaker) but nothing strong enough to make much an impact on the overall listen. There are some nice samples here, one or two of them seem slightly low quality but if you were going for the "old school mcvaffe" type sound, you NAILED it. Not to mention, this being your first jump into the style, and not just a new style, but something COMPLETELY different, you've done a great job ;)

Personally, I'm just happy to see you do something different man, as good as your chiptune stuff is it was starting to get to the point where it was like... "ah another standard halc chiptune mix". Not that its a bad thing, but nothing really stood out to me, and this change of style makes this one stick out hugely in my mind, and reveals alot of added depth to your capabilities and growth as an artist. Keep this up man :D


Ok, I'll be honest:

PROS: the song has a mellow, smooth feel to it. Some of the counter-melodies, which are in the original as well, do the listener a favor.

@ 1:00, most of the sounds drop and the bass continues with softer hats with better dynamics. The bass is more solid, stable and reciprocated than everything else.

CONS: I'm going to start with that cheap FL Studio standard clap. How do you go from atmospheric reggae to a conflicting jazz song with a poorly mixed hiphop clap in it? Also, speaking of conflict, it seems like the sounds don't blend together correctly.

The original song, which I used to like, has an awkward melody. Since that is so, it is subject to an improvement in arrangement. Even in the beginning, the melody is kinda broken; needs a fix; an improvement.

The song's arrangement is ok, but its transitions don't seem to have reciprocity; rather, it just jumps from one phase to another with added effects to make it tolerable.


That's all.

Quite frankly, I was under the impression that OCR standards have become much more strict over the years, and I'm surprised this passed.

well that was ridiculously pretentious

it seems to me that you are confusing your personal preferences with OCR's standards. just because a song "irritates" you doesn't mean it's below the bar

and now I bite my tongue


Thank you, chthonic, you may bite away considering this:

I am all in favor of people stepping outside their comfort zones, and this was a successful venture for sure. The laidback, jazzy atmosphere is a great match. Very enjoyable.

The only thing that bothered me a little was the stereo delay on some of the elements, particularly with the drums. I kept hearing the left side more than the right. We'll see if the fourth vote thinks this is an issue; if not, I'm happy to drop it.

The intro sounded pretty awkward due to the notes from the plucked instrument. I thought the simple clap pattern didn't fill things out enough and had no synergy with the other instrumentation, so I was glad when it dropped out at 1:00.

The quiet pizz strings at 1:00 sounded slightly behind the beat, but perhaps that's just me. The jerky, exposed string sequencing at 2:28 and 2:38 was painful to hear. The bowed strings during the verses were solid, but the articulations there also could have been refined. Not that the sequencing was terrible overall, but achieving more natural-sounding articulations for your organic instrument samples is something you need to work on. Aside from that, I thought the instrumentations and textures were solid, particularly the multiple cool percussion accents.

Overall, Drew certainly gets the job done with this laid-back, very personalized interpretation. That said, this is a great start, and I hope we hear more from you stepping outside chiptune sounds, just to see where else that takes you.


what are you getting at, salluz? that the song isn't perfect? obviously it's not, no song is, but those votes both got big yes's underneath 'em. I'm not a judge, but I'm not afraid to say for myself with confidence that this song is above OCR's bar. it wouldn't be posted if it wasn't.

anyway, I had a lot of fun making this, and I'm glad there are so many of you enjoying it. I could give less of a shit about the rest. :D

what are you getting at, salluz?

It's obvious.

Point is, ike anything else, you have your pros, your cons, and the extra. There's an honest critique, then someone flames it. Since chthonic attacked the credibility of the review, I posted Liontamer and Palpable's judgements, which were similar to that review. To attack one is to attack the other.

It's cool, man. Deuces. 8)


Come on now guys, review threads are for expressing opinions about tracks. Don't barge in with this "your opinion is wrong" stuff. The song is here so it passed the bar but that was never what Salluz said anyway. Please keep pointless arguments out of this and post about the track instead, all opinions are just that... opinions.

chthonic attacked the credibility of the review

you misunderstood

I was only attacking the notion that it shouldn't have passed the panel; the rest of his review was fully within reason. but claiming that a remix is below the bar after it has already been posted is nothing short of an insult in my book, and does not qualify as "honest critique"

to be fair, this is my closest friend we're talking about, so obviously I'm more than a little biased and liable to become emotionally involved. that is what I was referring to when I said I was holding my tongue

I'm sorry if I shouldn't have posted again but I felt the need to clarify my comments

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