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This is proof that chiptune artists have horrible taste in music and too much time on their hands.

*quietly approaches Brandon, pulling a schenk from his pocket*

I AM JOKING PEOPLE LOL But yeah :-) Cool.

Oh, oh yeah, of course... *slips out of view once again*

Posted (edited)

Hey, look at that - the counter that determines how many people click the 'like' and 'dislike' button updates every 15 seconds. That means I can get a 'clicks per minute' statistic for each one. You know what any sensible person would do in this situation? Make up some pseudo-statistics!

Observing for a minute, I found the rate of clicks was ~30 per minute for the like button and ~240 clicks per minute for the dislike button. There are some interesting implications from that information.

If every person who clicked the 'dislike' button in a year held each other's hand they would be able to circle the planet five times (the people that liked the video, however, couldn't even circle it once... losers). If they were to make a human pyramid it would be over six miles high (the poor saps on the bottom would need to bear well almost 600 tons of bodyweight in order to keep it up, though), and the base of that pyrimid would be over 2 miles long.

Some more interesting news - for every 100 people that clicks the 'dislike' button there is a child that is aborted. For every person that dies due to smoking, there's over 280 people that waste their life clicking the 'dislike' button. For every 5 people that click the 'dislike' button someone will be infected with HIV. For every 2 clicks on the 'dislike' button someone on the planet will die.

Interesting (and pointless) information, isn't it?

Edited by Gario

Some more interesting news - for every person that clicks the 'dislike' button there is a child that is aborted. For every person that dies due to smoking, there's over 280 people that waste their life clicking the 'dislike' button. For every 5 people that click the 'dislike' button someone will be infected with HIV. For every 2 clicks on the 'dislike' button someone on the planet will die.

Interesting (and pointless) information, isn't it?

That's kinda sad if abortion is more common than death.

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