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OCR01306 - Final Fantasy VII "Ascension to Cosmo Canyon"


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This is definitely one of my favourite remixes. Of all time. Period.

This is truly exceptional work, from the beginning of the soft piano to the adding of the deep drumming voices and the flute. The song effectively provokes an emotional response (*tear), and brings back good memories of the game. The soft sections are exactly that: soft. And yet they lead into a powerful dramatic piece with a good ending.

Smooth. Very smooth.

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  • 1 month later...

This has to be the most moving piece on this entire site. Seriously, I can't get over how beautiful this song is.

Imagine a grand ascension taking place on top of cosmo canyon. That was the image which I based my inspiration on while working on this piece.

That's exactly what I thought of too... you really outdid yourself in capturing the majesty and grandeur of such a spectacle.

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  • 1 month later...

What can I say about this piece that hasn't been said already? Well done, Reuben! Nobuo started out with a simple, yet powerful, melody in synth, and at last, it has been done justice. The choral bit is fantastic- subtle enough that it doesn't boom over the melody, but comes in after just the right amount of pure melody that it still emotionally overwhelms without hurting your ears (damn, I hate it when they think loud=emotion!). The mental imagery created really does capture the grand ascencion of Nanaki from the ending of the game. Gorgeous piece, well worth the download!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I really didn't like the original Cosmo Canyon song. It just felt too atmospheric for me: heck, I'm listening to it right now, and all I'm getting out of it is an 'Okay, I'm in a primitive, semi-tribal settlement. Now what?" kind of feeling.

That said, Ascension is almost pure brilliance. I love the first 3:19 of it without reservation, and 3:29 on is just as brilliant. I could listen to it all day, as some of you have. When I first heard the 'ascension' at about 3:10, it was powerful enough to bring tears to my eyes.

There's just one problem, from my perspective. After that brilliant buildup to the climax at 3:12 to 3:19, the song meanders along aimlessly for about ten seconds. It's too much of a letdown too soon, in my opinion. Still, it's like the obviously fake trumpet sample from the beginning of Terra in Black: a miniscule smudge on the corner of the Mona Lisa, or a tiny scratch on the Venus de Milo. The only reason it stands out to me is because the rest of the piece is so flippin' good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This one of the best remixes I know. The piano in the beginning was astounding, and then surprisingly it changes to a beautiful indianorchestral version with

drums an some kind of indian-panflute. And when you think that it´s over, it´s comes back with even more power with a male choir in the back saying hummm, hummm,

hummm, or something like it.

Thank you Reuben Kee, I beg you to do an another FFremix, please. :)!!

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  • 3 months later...

I get reflective when I listen to this one, and when a remix or any song gets me reflective, then it's totally won my heart. It's truly beautiful from beginning to end, definitely enough to put me in tears. I always loved the Cosmo Canyon theme, but Reuben, you opened up another side of it, actually many different sides: not only re-defining the beauty, but opening the haunting and foreboding side of it as well. You have talent, Reuben, but I don't think you need me to tell you that! ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

well, my 2 cents on this masterpiece:

i loved the way you used the taiko drums and the choir the create the grandness, and the flute definitely played a part. my only muse is that the flute style was celtic and not an oriental flute (japanese/chinese), coz i felt small bit of disharmony arising from there...somehow i feel that if a chinese orchestral instruments were used instead, this piece would be perfected. Anyway, that's just me being picky. Near perfection, definitely something no FFVII fan should miss.

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  • 1 year later...


this truly justifies the original cosmo canyon theme. very nostolgic and powerful without the incredibly loud area. 10 out of 10

at first, i didn't approve of the flute part because it just didn't sound in place, but i listened to a bunch of times and now the song seems like it would be nothing without it

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suppose today is the best day to do this...

Truth be told, this remix was the reason I found OCR. A friend of mine was listening to it and telling me how awesome it was and I wondered where he got it from and pointed me towards here. This is a perfect tribute to a favourite scene from my favourite game, and listening to it really makes me feel happy.

I'm listening to it right now and thinking about the tragedy and I just shed a tear, which I haven't done in years, so if thats evidence enough of what a emotive and sincere remixer Reu was then I don't know what is. RIP man.

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Everything about this song is amazing. The Cosmo Canyon theme was always my favorite track from FF7, and Ascension just puts such a majestic feeling to it. In particular, the instrumentation, and the way the crescendos/decrescendos are handled are incredible, and really lend to the overall emotion that's conveyed by this song.

On a more personal note... This was the song I referred to in the memorial thread as one that I associate with certain events in my life. This was the first song I heard when I moved out of my home in Nashville (after college) to find a new place in DC. It captured what I was feeling perfectly, and I'll always associate Ascension to Cosmo Canyon with that sense of uncertainty and optimism that I felt when moving out after college.

It does seem a bit late for me to review this, since this is perhaps the second or third remix I heard from this site, and it's what encouraged me to join the community and listen to everything else here... KF

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  • 1 month later...

My apologies to anyone I offend with this statement but this remix is hands down the best remix I've heard to date. It just builds on itself so well. And the chanting at the end (which I would have liked to hear more of personally) just put the emotion of the piece over the top. This one will be on my MP3 player for as long as it works I guarantee it.

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  • 10 months later...

Reuben Kee didn't just create arrangements. He created worlds.

I actually started actively watching this site just weeks before his passing, and by then I had already heard and downloaded this song, so to me it's the piece that's the closest testament to his genius.

It's just beautiful and powerful in so many ways...I only wish he was around so I could tell him personally what an amazing job he did with this and all of his work.

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  • 3 months later...

this is incredibly well arranged, i love the drums being used and the hymns just give it that tribal feel if you get what i'm saying, i think my only problem with this piece is the flute but then again it does fit into the concept. i guess its just me, maybe i'm just not feeling the flute that much maybe some chinese string instruments would've worked better. but that aside great mix 9.5/10 =]

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