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Why did we need at least 4 different songs that all featured the Special Zone music? After the first track that featured the theme, I encountered at least 3 others that all opened up the same way - with the same theme, only a different style of music. By the 4th time I heard it, I had to actually speed through half of it because I was sick of hearing that same song remixed for the 4th time on the same album. I just want to know why it was needed.

it was a conceptual choice; unless you really suck, you usually encounter multiple special zones in a playthrough. ;) it was more or less the main motif or 'hook' of the album. sorry to hear you thought it was excessive, personally I think each artist did a great job of making their take unique while also blending in other sources and jingles, but to each his own. glad you enjoyed the album! :)


This is indeed much better than Hedgehog Heaven... but I still like Project Chaos equally as much! RDX, I believe that if they do another Sonic 2 album, which I find highly unlikely because of demand for more games that have no representation by this community, it would be more consistent than Hedgehog Heaven. Most of Heaven was worked on in 2003 to 2004, if I'm not mistaken.

Though I like Under Construction the least of anyone here, this is another album that gets my seal of approval. I can't decide which of these is my favorite: Clockwork Criminal, Hogtied, and Final Progression.


I think this is the role-model of the "3 Strikes Awesomeness" ... uh.. like

1. awesome source material

2. great single remixes

3. arranged in a mood and style that feels like... uh.. an album?! YES! an album!

Listening to the whole album on repeat is not a challenge for me at all. For that major props for halc and everyone who worked on the project.


Damn college campuses and their lack of torrenting...

From what was released on the site, I am very happy with the way things are sounding. The chiptune turn that OCR has taken has yet to disappoint.

On a side note, I'm rather sad that this album is so good, since Project Chaos was supposed to be my favorite, and yet this one's giving it a run for its money. I'm torn between two loves, the game that I grew up on, or its granddaddy.

Defininitely making this the first thing I download once I get home.


Very strong album all-around, but I'm loving "Bubble Junkie" and "Final Progression." Also dig "Hogtied" very much--I'm not usually a big fan of the rocked-out remixes, but I think in this one case it worked very, very, very well.


Finished listening to everything today. Totally sick album. Everything was fantastic; I especially liked "Under Construction", the scatting was a nice surprise.


Wow whoever made this is really really good. On Track number 2 is that real drums and guitar I hear? it sounds really good. The quality of all this is amazing compared to other remixes I've heard, this was so good.

I'm not even an active member of this website but I was so moved that I've now decided to look for other remixes and become and active member and definitely post how much i like this remix


This album has one of the highest average standards of quality across each song that I've ever heard on an OCR album. Granted, the sample size (under twenty songs as opposed to over fifty) is a lot smaller than some albums I've heard, too, but kudos to all involved--it's an album to be proud of!


Pfew guys, it took you long enough!

It's a good album, though I must admit that the whole it feels... slow. This is not the speed of sound that I was hoping for, as it lacks a certain dynamic. The Sound of Speed starts it out well enough, but come Shifting Islands it goes in a lower gear that lasts until Hogtied. IMHO, there's only a few tracks that really manage to stand out from the rest, and overall the end result feels... I dunno, bland? It's pretty obvious, judging from the quality of the tracks, that a lot of thought has been put into this album and it most certainly is a great birthday present for our favorite hedgehog, but I'm not sure if this album is up there with masterpieces like Relics of the Chozo and The Dark Side of Phobos. If I had to put it in somewhere, it would be around Delta-Q-Delta and Sonata of the Damned.

Funny, it took us so much years to finally get a Master System Scrap Brain remix on this site, while it is hands down one of the coolest tracks on the original Sonic's OST. I agree with halc that the Genesis version, on the other hand, is really the worst song in Sonic 1, but WillRock has made a great remix out of it. I have never heard a track being remixed in such a way that it actually made me enjoy it while I hated the source. For that I applaud you ^_^

Funny, it took us so much years to finally get a Master System Scrap Brain remix on this site

Apparently, for the record, Hetcenus beated both Brandon and myself to the punch via his Ice Cap arrangement for Project Chaos. :<

I do understand what you're saying about the pacing of the album, and admittedly I've noticed it to be one of the criticisms that I've noted around the web. But it would probably make more sense if you ended up comparing the pacing of the original songs to the mixes here. It surprises me that you thought there was a lower gear brought in at "Shifting Islands" that remained up to "Hogtied", when I on the other hand thought the first half of "Spring Junkie" pushed the momentum up considerably.

So yeah, a slight clarification there in regards to the pacing, and one that I think may need a little more explanation on halc's part if need be :)


Oh my, that sneaky Hetcenus! 8-O

I know that the pacing of the originals is a bit slow, but I would still have liked the album to pick up speed the further we got in the album. And I have to agree that using the Special Stage tune so much is kind of a let down, easily "corrupting" the rest of the album by returning so many times :(


I might be the only one to say this on OCRemix, but I will never lie.

I am quite pleased with the quality and the work put into the mixes. But these are remixes I just won't be listening to again. They don't have the right feel. Then again, even SEGA can't get the right feel in their Sonic music anymore. I mean, I know this is OCRemix and you guys tend to shun remasters or things that sound close to the original-- but for the most part, the original Sonic songs were the way to go.

I like a lot of remixes hosted on this site, but a lot of the time I listen to remixes and I say "Whatever happened to keeping in the remix what made the original great?" So I guess I'll always be a sucker for remasters. Sometimes I believe that people who listen to music the most understand it the least-- and people who seem to hate the most music are actually the ones who appreciate it the most. The people who make remixes are often-- but not always-- people of less than great taste. They're just people who appreciate the song they're remixing. That's why there are a hundred times as many bad remixes as good ones. You don't have to have good taste to remix.

There's a quirk about OCRemix-- they say they are all about preserving the greatness of video game music. However, they shun remasters, which is backwards. A remaster is a preservation of the greatness of a song. A remix often does not do that. If I owned OCRemix, I would accept remasters, and prefer them over remixes. Does that mean the remakes I like are unoriginal? Not necessarily. It all depends on the context. Remastering a 16-bit song has preference over remixing it any day in my book.

Regardless, these songs are going to please a lot of people, and I'm all for that. But I guess I'll always be a sucker for remasters, and I'll just move on and keep looking for what I consider to be true preservation of my favorite classic video game songs. Good job, guys. Great quality and very hard work. Just not what I personally am looking for...


While I understand your feedback in regards to this, and the detail of the post for that matter, your post however can be seen as a huge insult to everyone that came together and worked on it. Let me address some of your points.

You say the tracks don't have the "right feel". Well, if you look back at the history of the project thread, it was one of the fastest to have all of its slots filled up, so those that applied for it seemed very serious to touch deep into it because they got the source tunes they so desired to do. True, I was one who somehow ended up with the source tune practically no one else wanted in comparison, but if we weren't finding any form of idea with the source tune at all then we could've just offered someone else to give it a go. Everyone had their way to interpret the songs they remixed, and for the most part they managed to come out just fine.

Your second point just plain baffles me:

Sometimes I believe that people who listen to music the most understand it the least-- and people who seem to hate the most music are actually the ones who appreciate it the most.

Not true. All it tells me is that "haters are gonna hate" and that's nothing that can be done to change that. Most of the people on the project had taken music classes in some form or other and have understood the structures of the originals a lot more with this knowledge. So if you think we don't understand the music, then you've got another thing coming.

And then, there was the blood-boiling third point:

The people who make remixes are often-- but not always-- people of less than great taste. They're just people who appreciate the song they're remixing. That's why there are a hundred times as many bad remixes as good ones. You don't have to have good taste to remix.

Taste is objective. The remixers on the project have come from many different backdrops in terms of taste and appreciation, and - I'm going to have to be blunt - the group believes that they have better taste than you. All I've seen of you around the forums, in the 3 posts that are floating around, is that your preference lies purely on MIDI-ripping, which has very little skill at all and - when looking for remixes on Youtube at least - would consist of 90% of re-interpreted videogame music out there. That to me tells me that you just "like the songs", in the same way you see the remixers as just "liking the songs".

On the other hand, remixes on the site are seen as more interpretive depending on the artist's vision. Not only do they appreciate the song but they ended up developing ideas to make something quite incredible out of it. You don't have to necessarily "like" the remixes, but for the most part they would give a very unique twist to the original that may somehow give the attraction towards the song, and in some cases it may even grow on you thanks to that unique hook. And that's what makes remixes great as opposed to remasters; if you want "preservation" of videogame music, then OCRemix is probably not for you.

Please forgive me if I sounded somewhat harsh in this post, but I had to come out and say it :\


I've heard at least 40 people allege that I could've competed on American Idol. But skill at singing isn't enough. I envy those who have the creativity, technical know-how, and of course, time management skills to create remixes like these. Many people have tried, few have gotten recognition at O-Clocked. Often times, I pre-conceive of how a song should be ReMixed, only for those ideas to be surpassed when someone actually does it. These remixers know their stuff. I have some appreciation of ongaku, but it's not enough; such is why I could never be an esteemed ReMixer. A good balance of conservative and liberal has kept O-Clocked going because it honors the music of the most misunderstood medium while providing creative takes so it doesn't sound too much the same.

End confession.

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