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I'd personally love to hear a "c" side seeing as someones already asked for the b side.

...brandon i love that picture, the hedgehog looks like he just wants a hug

As i read backwards through this and i know of the hatred this album seems to have in the sonic community(unnessicary in my opinion), which i am sad to say i am a part of.

Taste depends on your very own style, if you dislike this album move on and find something you do like.

Saying that remixers don't understand music and listeners do is retarded, thats like saying just because i play super hang on i can build a motorbike from scratch or something.

I don't understand shit about music but i know what i like and dislike

love the album? enjoy

Hate the album? move on

  • 2 months later...

I'm quite amazed that there isn't more backlash from the Sonic fandom, considering these are the same people that bitch about the fucking color of Sonic's eyes in newer games.

Personally? Loved it. Couldn't ask for a better tribute to the game that started it all.


Larry, it seems that most of the community hate spawned from Sonic Retro, which I have to say was one of the most disturbing things I have seen as a musician. There are hinters lying around elsewhere too, just got to google them out. O.o

As for resubbing "Hogtied", I may be annoyed that a SECOND passed arrangement of mine got retracted but I'm determined to push for a revision to go onto the site. However, with Brandon taking the news a lot worse than me, I don't know if the OCR version may or may not feature a completely different collab partner. But no matter what, I'm determined to succeed x)


I've already posted in this thread, but I just want to say that I really appreciated how short the album was. I can't appreciate a 50 track album, I stop caring around track 6, and then usually I don't even finish the album. That's why real bands don't dump 40 track albums on their fans (Aside from not having time...). Look at Plastic Beach, for example. A common complaint I saw amongst the critics was that it was too long and had little direction, which is definitely true, in my opinion at least.

So good job on keeping it low, even if it was just because the original game only had so many tracks :-)


The Flower Kings' album Paradox Hotel is my favorite, it is 2 discs and 136 minutes long. It's also epic prog rock so it works. I completely agree with you about short remix albums. They're easier to listen to and involve less work than an album with 70 tracks. :-) Not to mention that they're more affordable to print a single disc. :-)

Larry, it seems that most of the community hate spawned from Sonic Retro, which I have to say was one of the most disturbing things I have seen as a musician.

It also sucks because they are SONIC RETRO. It makes me wonder if we really did something wrong or if they're the same type of people who say there's never been a single, decent, playable sonic game since Sonic and Knuckles. :tomatoface: Hating on new stuff just because it's new and different

It also sucks because they are SONIC RETRO. It makes me wonder if we really did something wrong or if they're the same type of people who say there's never been a single, decent, playable sonic game since Sonic and Knuckles. :tomatoface: Hating on new stuff just because it's new and different

To be fair I thought it peaked at Sonic & Knuckles, but I actually enjoyed the GBA (Advance) and DS (Rush) titles so I can't argue here. But I swear to God that their response to Project Chaos was so much more optimistic than that, so surely you can see how their reactions purely baffled me. O_o

To be fair I thought it peaked at Sonic & Knuckles, but I actually enjoyed the GBA (Advance) and DS (Rush) titles so I can't argue here. But I swear to God that their response to Project Chaos was so much more optimistic than that, so surely you can see how their reactions purely baffled me. O_o

Oya.. too much techno untz untz sonic album... mmhm

i blame everyone else :-)


Tbh, I think part of the reason for the backlash from sonic retro is because of the name of the site. We are called OverClocked ReMix after all, so most people who aren't clued up with what ocr are about would probably assume that OCR do faithful to the original "covers" rather than rearrangements. Now as far as ocr albums go, usually there are a few very faithful tracks that are like updated versions of the originals, but with this album, its more cohesively creative with the sources than alot of ocr albums in the past. PC had quite a few faithful covers, like snapplemans mixes and housethegrates. One of the comments at sonic retro even stated that he thought OCR did remixes, not rearrangements, which might be ignorant but I feel like thats the misconception most people have about ocr. The tracks on this album are alot more creative with the source material as a general perspective and I think it left quite a few people alienated. Seems more like a misunderstanding or a disagreement with the general direction from them, which is fine, OCR doesn't appeal to everyone.


As for resubbing "Hogtied", I may be annoyed that a SECOND passed arrangement of mine got retracted but I'm determined to push for a revision to go onto the site. However, with Brandon taking the news a lot worse than me, I don't know if the OCR version may or may not feature a completely different collab partner. But no matter what, I'm determined to succeed x)

All right, that's great! Too bad if Brandon is demotivated, but on the other hand getting two versions with different people on it sounds pretty cool!


All right, that's great! Too bad if Brandon is demotivated, but on the other hand getting two versions with different people on it sounds pretty cool!


I was demotivated for a few hours and got over it, and fixed it the day we found out it had been un-yes'd :cry:

It saddened me deeply at what speed Rexy would replace me, without even caring :-P I barely had an hour to process the new information before she was asking sixto to redo the song.


Brandon, I had no idea you would react the way you did. Sure, I had my moments with past rejections, but without mentioning what happened here, your reactions absolutely terrified me.

But I'm glad enough that we got the resub sorted in the end :)

  • 1 month later...
I don't really care if the fact that the word 'speed' is in the title doesn't cross-reference with the songs being upbeat, and it was never my intention to make it that way. I chose the name because I thought it was witty, and that's about it. :)

Quoted for truth. People wrote the tracks not necessarily to reflect on the title or the pacing, but on how they personally felt on the tracks to be arranged.

Personally I would've just taken it at face value until you stated that you felt the NiGHTS album was better. Don't get me wrong, Stevo did a fantastic job in getting everything together, but the last thing anyone would've wanted in a thread like this was "this project sucks, another project was better" - all it would seem to do was just completely derail the direction of the thread as well as add more unnecessary shame upon the mixers.

There was a huge discussion about the genre directions further on in the thread, and true to some people it may not be the direction they wanted, but let's face the facts - with a total of eight tracks posted as individual mixes and a ninth one coming on its way, the strength of these mixposts heavily outweigh the unnecessary critics, therefore on a technical point I can say The Sound of Speed has achieved a lot.

I want to be fair to say that this is, by FAR, the proudest album I've been involved with :)

the last thing anyone would've wanted in a thread like this was "this project sucks, another project was better"

Rexy, the guy didn't say LD was better than tSoS, he just said that he personally didn't liked one album but enjoyed another more.

sadly i did not enjoy this album [...] I seem to be enjoying the nights into dreams tracks more so far.
See? ;)
eight tracks posted [...] these mixposts heavily outweigh the unnecessary critics [...] this is, by FAR, the proudest album I've been involved with
So because an album got multiple mixposts and you're proud of being on it, people shouldn't be entitled to formulate their own opinion about it? :dstrbd:

(Not trying to antagonize here btw, just trying to understand your point of view)


I'm not saying there's anything wrong with forming opinions. It's just that I'm reaching breaking point with all the amount of unjustified disliking just because of the album name alone, and to see people compare with other albums as well only just makes matters worse.

We are fine to take criticism when criticism is due, definitely - just not on what can be strictly seen as artistic direction, which is giving me the impression that everyone involved on this thing didn't do their job.

And yes, "I didn't enjoy the album, I enjoyed another album more" is definitely written as "album A is better than project B" in a person's point of view. Comments like that to me feel really unsettling, and can similarly be unsettling for when others compare projects beforehand. Remember a few posts before the history thread was closed when someone brought up "Threshold of a Dream" for that same reason - didn't like the artistic direction but thought this one would be more cohesive? How did you and the rest of the project staff feel to see that comparison being brought up?


calling it speed just cuz it's witty is not a smart idea. The name needs to reflect the content otherwise you lose ur entire audience. you can't assume that people have to understand YOU. You have to do what u can for people to understand you rather than assume. This assumption caused the wrong people to download the album, hence causing people to be extremely disappointed.


To be fair, if we're basing this on content versus name, the title "Lucid Dreaming" doesn't fit for a good part of the music on the NiGHTS album either. It does fit the game though, much like how "The Sound of Speed" also fits the source material for this project.

To be frank, however, who cares what the title is? The musical content is what matters here, and the music of this album, as I have said before, is nothing short of stellar. You're welcome to disagree of course, but to argue that the this album sucks because you don't think the title fits is really stretching for a reason to dislike it.


There's a lot of defense of the album title going on here, and maybe because this is OCR, it's hard to see what effect a title can have. Personally, I purposely overlook the title when evaluating songs, and I think the site is geared towards overlooking the title and the game and just trying to appreciate the music, man. When the title of this project was announced, I thought it was really clever and thought no more about it. But it is worth considering things like the expectations of a project with that title, and I wish we had done more brainstorming. It's not just a matter of disappointing people who were expecting faster songs, but also that we may have missed hooking the audience we wanted because they thought it was a bunch of fast songs. Basically I kind of agree with JustinShaltout. Particularly with albums, which more than songs are aimed at people outside the community, the title needs to fit the music in order for it to get the audience it deserves and maybe this time there was a better one that could have been used.

Case in point, there's a band I really like called Disco Inferno, who make music as far away from disco as you can imagine. For a long time, though they had been recommended to me, I didn't check them out because disco wasn't what I was looking for. A title matters.

There's a lot of defense of the album title going on here, and maybe because this is OCR, it's hard to see what effect a title can have. Personally, I purposely overlook the title when evaluating songs, and I think the site is geared towards overlooking the title and the game and just trying to appreciate the music, man. When the title of this project was announced, I thought it was really clever and thought no more about it. But it is worth considering things like the expectations of a project with that title, and I wish we had done more brainstorming. It's not just a matter of disappointing people who were expecting faster songs, but also that we may have missed hooking the audience we wanted because they thought it was a bunch of fast songs. Basically I kind of agree with JustinShaltout. Particularly with albums, which more than songs are aimed at people outside the community, the title needs to fit the music in order for it to get the audience it deserves and maybe this time there was a better one that could have been used.

Case in point, there's a band I really like called Disco Inferno, who make music as far away from disco as you can imagine. For a long time, though they had been recommended to me, I didn't check them out because disco wasn't what I was looking for. A title matters.

Completely disagree. :lol: You're basically saying the title has to appeal to the superficial and stupid. The album is "The Sound of a Hedgehog That Runs Very Fast in His First Game." :-) If people were expecting superfast BPM and can't get over that, especially when the original music wasn't superfast BPM, I couldn't care less. The single dumbest criticism I saw of OA & Scaredsim's Green Hill Zone mix on YouTube was that it was too slow, when it was slightly faster than the tempo of the original. It's an album about a speedy hedgehog not a speedy soundtrack, it's a play on words, and we have more than enough people without a stick up their ass enjoying the album to care about a minority of people hung up on the album title. It's the same people complaining that Voices of the Lifestream implied an all-vocal album; it's just a short-sighted, stupid criticism.

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