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I only go to Kotaku for the cosplay. Seriously, that's the only thing they can't mess up. XD

or at least the photos themselves.

Just go to reddit's cosplay thread, you at least get more out of it.

Posted (edited)

Wii U Controller Pro:

Controllers didn't use to be heavy mammoths, so it just shows you this guy hasn't been gaming long. Not sure why you'd prefer your controller to be heavy anyways. Plus yeah, definitely improvement over the akward tetheredness (and non-rumble) of the Classic Controller / Classic Controller Pro on the Wii. Even though I still enjoy that controller.

As far as new model PS3, I dont think a really crappier/cheaply made (and uglier IMO) PS3 at the same cost as the current Slim is really going detour people, especially if you already have a PS3

Edited by Crowbar Man
Game Boy Micro actually has a draw, being incredibly small and rechargeable. It's a great little pocket game device. Gameboy SP was a lot larger and took up more pocket room. You'd have this fat bulge in your pocket.

A slimmer PS3 doesn't really do anything other than what a PS3 does. The slimness is purely aesthetic since a console sits by the TV, not around in your pocket.

I've never actually held a Micro, but the SP wasn't that big :whatevaa:

I've never actually held a Micro, but the SP wasn't that big :whatevaa:

yeah, no the SP wasn't like 3DS gigantic, but it wasn't terribly small either. it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to fit into your pants pocket, especially if you're wearing jeans

Posted (edited)

y'all are crazy and/or wear skinny jeans

The SP is the smallest handheld I've ever owned, and I used to stick full-fucking-sized PSPs in my pockets. (hello non sequitur)

I still regularly stick my PSP Go in my pocket as well, and that's still bigger than an SP.

Edited by Gollgagh
Posted (edited)
Not gonna argue the semantics of "big"

then don't bring it up, sheesh

edit: basically what I'm trying to say is harping on Sony for remaking their stuff in a smaller package is really silly

Edited by Gollgagh
Posted (edited)

FYI: When folded up, the Micro is not that much smaller then the SP. Its actually a tiny bit wider, but it is a bit shorter/thinner.


The big drawback is the screen is also smaller, something you don't generally want to be smaller. A bit too small. SP's clam shell design is helpful for screen protection and just looks "cooler" IMO. Its charge/data port was different so you had to use a different charger (both units rechargeable BTW), and an extra adapter/converter to play multiplayer with GBA/SP units. It also lost its backwards compatibility, so you can't play GB/C games. Overall, the Micro was a terrible product.

Though I will agree a smaller console has little advantage over a larger one, especially when there is already a smaller version available. That and when you put a cheap plastic spring loaded lid on it, defeats any "cool" / "sleek" factor over the current slim. As with most of Sony's revisions to the PS3 (removing features every time), its completely benefit for Sony and none for the consumer.

Now what any of this has to do with Wii U, not 100% sure lol


Yeah, anybody who says the SP was "large" is silly.

Emperor Charlemagne:


Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

Traditional style top loaders I for the most part agree with you. I'd be worried this one would break somehow easier. The way it "pops" open when it slides, and slams into itself at high speed, worries me. Its like some crazy jack in the box. Keep in mind, a top loader exposes some of the drive to the user side, leaving it open for failures of different types. Also, a Sony product :/ So its a gamble on quality if it will break easy or not

Edited by Crowbar Man

Thinking about the impending release of Okami HD, it would be a great fit on the Wii U if it were ported to take advantage of the touch controls (at least as far as the drawing mechanic is concerned).

Thinking about the impending release of Okami HD, it would be a great fit on the Wii U if it were ported to take advantage of the touch controls (at least as far as the drawing mechanic is concerned).

that's what we all said about porting okami to wii, and look how *that* turned out. it was nigh unplayable.


I gotta agree with Derrit on that one. I don't know if it was my remote or what, but drawing a straight line was extremely difficult. I gave up in frustration before I found any other powers...

That said, Okamiden had the touch screen and was absolutely perfect. I'd like to see Okami 3 instead of another port.


Speaking of Mega Man, Capcom should be nice and put Mega Man Universe back into motion, or how about another arm on the series? What better way to put him at the front than a Wii U release? Yes, I am also supportive of an Okami 3. I rented Okami on Wii years ago and it was very fun to play. I will stand behind motion controls when they are implemented properly and I strongly believe they were with that release.


Just to be clear, I think the Okami controls were implemented fine, I just thought that it took getting used to drawing something in the air without any tactile feedback. I think in the end, it was definitely easier than drawing with analog sticks.


Everybody has the right to express their opinion about controls. "One man's trash is another person's treasure" someone once said. What works for one person may not work for you. I really like Punch Out's motion controls, but my friends preferred playing classic style. I was altogether a better player with classic controls yet I enjoy the game more with "waggle". To each his own, and Okami's controls did take some adjustment until I began to truly enjoy the game.

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