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At the time I had played the game, I was already used to using pointing devices for different types of presentations in school, so it didn't take me long to acclimate to Okami on the Wii. Since I'm a lefty, I can't even imagine the hell it would have been to play it on the PS2. Playing it on the Wii was probably the best thing I could do.

At the time I had played the game, I was already used to using pointing devices for different types of presentations in school, so it didn't take me long to acclimate to Okami on the Wii. Since I'm a lefty, I can't even imagine the hell it would have been to play it on the PS2. Playing it on the Wii was probably the best thing I could do.

I'm a lefty and had no issue on the ps2.

Well lah dee dah, super genius! Aren't you special.

My mom says I'm cool.

Anyway, pre-order'd. We'll see if it shows up on release day. I have my doubts since The Source seems to be absolute shit at getting things out on time.

Posted (edited)

Face it, Nintendo uses family friendliness as a crutch because they make subpar and illogical decisions when it comes to consoles. They had better stick to making games like Sega.

A lot of you are in your 20's now which is why you are bitter (Nekofrog) and unsupportive of Nintendo's work lately. However, I know that there are lots of 7-12 year olds who went apeshit for Donkey Kong Country Returns (I have some cousins that play the Wii Mario, DKC, Zelda, Kirby games all day every day.) While there is definitely work to do to bridge the gap, saying "DKCR sucked because it didn't give the same wow factor when I played DKC for the first time 17 years ago!!!!!!!!1" is a bit unfair, don't you think.

Some of us are nostalgic while others are logical.

When I was 10, I played SM64 and I love it still. Once I was 12-13 and Sunshine came out, I was sickened, disappointed and am still. When Galaxy came out, both 1 and 2, the mere appearance of that game was sickly, worse than SM64. I tried, really, I did.

Know why? Because when 3D became popular, they wanted to have impact and they did. Some of the SM64 visuals were wtf but they put creative effort into that game. Up until the new 2D SMB games, srsly wtf.

Edited by Salluz
Posted (edited)

Okay, maybe this thing has potential. The controller looks fun.

Now they have to convince us with the actual games. Consumerism, here we come…

After actually giving the system a good look(presumably for the first time?), you say the controller actually looks like fun (after claiming Nintendo needs to stop making hardware), then you say they need to convince you that there's games worth playing on the system.

I don't think it's unreasonable to ask you if you are even aware of what's coming out for it.

Edited by ocre

Funny, I was skeptical until I saw the controller. I see, they don't play DVDs or Blue Ray still, due to patenting. That's OK, but they had better have some sort of technological progress from the last system. Lots of games skipped that system as well as gcn and even n64 because compatibility/format/functionality issues posed as a conflict to third parties.

As far as games ate concerned, Tekken could do SSB great justice, and I hope that Castlevania will make it.

Posted (edited)


Where have you been? They've shown the controller off since last year. Most people know more about the controller than the system

Nobody skipped N64/GCN because it couldn't play movies, but their format did pose an issue storage capacity (Especially N64). Wii U discs hold 25GB, that's far more than the 360 (8GB). Power wise its around the same level or better than 360/PS3 (with way more RAM than both), which is a far improvement over the Wii.

Please try to do research on a topic before you come in and mouth off about it.

Also claiming Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 were bad games? You won't find many that could agree with that



A list of games planned/in development/etc if you bothered to look.

Edited by Crowbar Man

As far as games ate concerned, Tekken could do SSB great justice, and I hope that Castlevania will make it.

What is this? I don't even....

I call troll.

However the Wii U Tekken Tag 2 looks like it's going to destroy the competition.

Plus Monster Hunter!


Just to reiterate, the specs on this thing are more than capable; a rumored Radeon HD 67xx series card optimized for the Wii U, 2GB of RAM with 1 dedicated to system process with the other GB dedicated to games, 8 or 32GB on board flash storage with the ability to upgrade to up to 3TB(or more really) via additional flash card expansions or an external HDD. Full backwards compatibility with almost if not all Wii peripherals/controllers, a pretty competent solution for "traditional" gaming with the very ergonomic 360-I mean pro controller, and a friggin' tablet controller with its own internal tech that can have games streamed directly to it.

Then of course there's the gamut of classic titles from previous Nintendo systems that could easily be released on their already expansive virtual console network, in addition to what appears to be a genuine interest in really creating an effective online gaming space through Miiverse and whatnot.

Then there's TVii. I don't think I need to say much about this, but it seems like a pretty sweet deal. With the way people are consuming content nowadays, I really don't think the Wii U will be missing that Bluray or DVD functionality.

In terms of what the system can do right out of the box, it certainly is no slouch, and the rumor I'm hearing is that in total there are about 3 million of these things(apparently nearly the entire stock) already preordered, so right out of the gate it's going to have a pretty giant install base; much higher than the PSVita in it's first year.

Naturally however, we're going to have to see what types of innovative and compelling software devs will create for the system, and if they will at all given the undeniable fact that the PS4 and Durango are somewhere on the horizon, which may be more enticing(of course how higher dev costs are more enticing is beyond me). But allegedly this system can already run circles around the current gen's hardware via specs alone, so we'll see.


32 gigs of internal is not enough storage for DLC.

Just an FYI.

Also the hardware specs are just a tiny bit better than two systems that came out 7 YEARS AGO. With their sequel consoles on the horizon, the WiiU's hardware is nothing to get excited about. Especially when the PC I already own beats the snot out of its hardware. And it is more than a year old.

Because you can't hook in a 3TB external HDD and the most powerful machine has always been the most successful.

If PC gaming is so much better why do consoles still exist (and thrive)?

Because poor people.

Also the most powerful is not the most successful. Case in Point the PS3. Distant third compared to the underpowered 360 and Wii.

Posted (edited)

I was being sarcastic with my first two points, you see.

You CAN increase the Wii U's internal storage by connecting any external HDD (as I will be doing with the 1TB HDD I already own) and yes, the most powerful system doesn't always win. That's all I'm saying in respose to your post about how the Wii U presumably won't hold a candle to the unseen next PlayStation/Xbox. And PC Gaming hasn't phased out consoles despite offering better technical prowess, so that takes care of your other point.

Offering an affordable and still technically very capable gaming option is something I think Wii U will do extremely well. If Microsoft and (especially the predictable as hell) Sony go the tried and true "POWER IS EVERYTHING" route, I can't imagine their systems will be within the 100 dollar range of even the base Wii U package.

Edited by ocre
I was being sarcastic with my first two points, you see.

You CAN increase the Wii U's internal storage by connecting any external HDD (as I will be doing with the 1TB HDD I already own) and yes, the most powerful system doesn't always win. That's all I'm saying in respose to your post about how the Wii U presumably won't hold a candle to the unseen next PlayStation/Xbox. And PC Gaming hasn't phased out consoles despite offering better technical prowess, so that takes care of your other point.

Offering an affordable and still technically very capable gaming option is something I think Wii U will do extremely well.

I disagree, as it seems a lot of consumers are waking up to the increasing usage of gimmick coming from the Nintendo Camp.

Posted (edited)
I disagree, as it seems a lot of consumers are waking up to the increasing usage of gimmick coming from the Nintendo Camp.

Funny, I didn't think the tens of millions of people who bought the Wii and DS had a problem with the 'gimmicks' they've introduced before.

Also, as of mid-august, the 3DS has sold upwards of 20 million units worldwide, so the tens of millions figure holds true for it too.

Edited by ocre

Time will tell which one of you is right but I just have a hunch that people are going to be waiting in line for months like they did with the Wii release. People go gaga for tablets and once that thing appears on store shelves I think people will take notice.


I haven't heard either way on this, but the greatest thing ever would be if they allowed you to be able to play VC games on the tablet/gamepad. I could see myself doing that even if nobody else was watching the TV. Just out of the convenience. Seems pretty likely, I just haven't heard anyone confirm it.

I haven't heard either way on this, but the greatest thing ever would be if they allowed you to be able to play VC games on the tablet/gamepad. I could see myself doing that even if nobody else was watching the TV. Just out of the convenience. Seems pretty likely, I just haven't heard anyone confirm it.

This was actually confirmed to not be supported at launch, unfortuately. I was looking forward to playing all my old VC games on the controller screen. : {

I wonder if they'd be able to implement this with a future firmware update.

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