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Posted (edited)
I always laugh when people say DK64 is bad but defend Banjo-Kazooie

the thing that makes banjo-kazooie better than DK64 is that it's actually reasonable to try and get 100% without a guide

the collectables all follow a logical path/order, and there is a larger sense of accomplishment gained when you manage to 100% a level just by playing it naturally... imho that is what makes a good collect-a-thon

DK64, however, is essentially a test of the player's latent masochism

Edited by Benjamin Briggs
Posted (edited)

Then why are they not complaining about Sony/Microsoft not being inventive enough?

The problem isn't Nintendo not being inventive enough, it's that the majority of the quality games on recent Nintendo consoles are first/second-party. I think that if the Wii had some well-established third party franchises people would be complaining a lot less about having to play another Zelda/Mario game.

Edited by Tensei
Hmm, not sure.

Yes, keep on being a condescending dumpass please.

Nintendo has launched the most first-party franchises out of any of the major console developers, even if you're only looking at the Wii/DS lifecycles. Nintendogs, Wii Sports/Play have all been very succesful, casual or not.

If you're such a gogdamn genius, tell me why you never see people going like "HMMM I SURE WISH MICROSOFT WOULD LAUNCH A NEW FRANCHISE", even in the relevant threads.

Posted (edited)

Who said anything about being inventive enough? You're right that Microsoft and Sony aren't exactly sterling in that problem either, but the existence of one problem doesn't validate the same problem in another context. This of course assuming I was making that argument in the first place, which I wasn't.

What I'm talking about is corporate strategies and cultures. It's been Nintendo's strategy since the DS to consciously neuter their online functionality in the name of security, and all that's done is hamper 3rd parties from taking full advantage of online play on their system. Yes there are games now that try to do so, but at this point the audience just isn't there anymore. I applaud Nintendo for their consistent message of "playing with your buddies on the same couch is an experience online can't compare to", because I totally agree; playing Mario Kart Wii with your buddies laughing it up is something online can't replicate. Fact of the matter though is that the entire industry is moving in the online direction, and at least in the U.S. for older populations(IE not school kids), local play is getting harder and harder, so players move to the systems that do online well.

And I agree that Nintendo has great first party franchises(that's basically what their systems have to subsist off nowadays), but due to the massive financial flop of a game like Metroid Other M, which DID reinvent the gameplay of the series(although it failed in its other mission statement), they may be less inclined to take any huge risks on current properties, which means we'll probably be seeing more 2D Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Mario, and more OoT Zelda for as long as they keep selling. That isn't a knock as much as it's just business.

You can enjoy Nintendo as much as you want. Like what you like and like liking it, but to say there's nothing wrong with something when there most certainly is is ignorant. That'd be like me saying Square-Enix doesn't have a quality control problem with their latest releases.

To be fair to that whole "they need to reinvent these games, blah blah blah"(now I'm talking about reinvention), there's only so many ways you can reinvent Mario before you take out the platforming, the goombas, and then what do you have? You have the equivalent of the new Devil May Cry: A terrible amalgamation of a character that was once great.

...Or Sonic.

Edited by Malaki-LEGEND.sys
And I agree that Nintendo has great first party franchises(that's basically what their systems have to subsist off nowadays), but due to the massive financial flop of a game like Metroid Other M, which DID reinvent the gameplay of the series(although it failed in its other mission statement), they may be less inclined to take any huge risks on current properties, which means we'll probably be seeing more 2D Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Mario, and more OoT Zelda for as long as they keep selling.

or maybe they'll just stop outsourcing their first party franchises to third party developers

also I may be in the minority here but I'd rather see one great zelda game every five years then one mediocre one every year

or maybe they'll just stop outsourcing their first party franchises to third party developers

also I may be in the minority here but I'd rather see one great zelda game every five years then one mediocre one every year

I agree... I think a lot of what helped OoT to be so awesome may have been the fact that we weren't in "Zelda fatigue" when it came out.

I think that for your scenario to happen though, Nintendo is REALLY going to have to get some great 3rd party support, so they can give their first parties a break once in awhile.

also I may be in the minority here but I'd rather see one great zelda game every five years then one mediocre one every year

Nope, you're not alone in that regard.

I think it also applies to many big name series. I'd rather have one really good game of any kind every so often than multiple over a short period of time.

  • 1 month later...

Yeah it's official, Nintendo needs to let someone else name their consoles.

NES, SNES, Gamecube, those were good console names. This is just...you know, someone was on pot when they came up with this.

"Nintendo Challenger: Excitement in every box."


Fuck that name, did you not see those titles?

Tekken, Darksiders 2 (FOR LAUNCH), Ninja Gaiden... just, ow, I can't remember them all now.

Fuck, Nintendo won this year.

Everyone that has been asking "where are the core games?", I say to you "THERE! There are your goddamn core games! On Nintendo!"

Why is there a screen on the controller? Could there possibly be a more effective way of destroying immersion than requiring the player to look away from the screen as part of the process of controlling the game?

Watch the video demonstration, and you'll see why. Since the graphics are there, there is no reason that 3rd parties can take full advantage of that ridiculous technology. Just think about what you can do in Madden with this.

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