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The GamePad thing is a fine idea, but it should have been 3DS INTEGRATION, not a separate, useless gamepad specifically for the console.

yeah let's force developers to make games with features that are only accessible with a separate 250$ device that's a genius idea somebody get this man a cookie

Posted (edited)

Well, to be fair, that is kinda whats going on with the PS4/Vita. And to a lesser extent, XBO/SmartGlass. And GameCube/GBA back then.

The GamePad is costing Nintendo too much. I like it don't get me wrong, its just not enough of a selling point to warrant all the extra cost at this point. Integration with 3DS and/or Mobile Apps (which is what Nintendo is looking at now anyways) would of been more preferred than a higher cost and a device that is not really even portable.

Also would of helped if they didn't drop the ball everywhere else. If they did everything else right, then the GamePad would of been a cool idea on top of it. Instead they focused completely on it, dropped the ball everywhere else, and now its the biggest liability.

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

I can start and operate my Wii U with just a GamePad Pro, Wii Remote, etc. its fully functional without the GamePad

About the only things that stop working and need the GamePad are the eShop (amd maybe Browser?), which is not really the OS and could be simply updated. Mii creation is put to the Pad, but you could do that without a Pad last gen so

Miiverse wouldn't be as interesting without some sort of touch interface to draw though (but again... 3DS (which now has Miiverse), smart device (which already works with Web app I believe, but read/post only no drawing), etc)

Edited by Crowbar Man
Funny, Nintendo made the 3DS's OS and that's a pretty damn good OS.

I wouldn't say that Nintendo has ever really made a "good" operating system. They make simple operating systems, but pretty bad ones regardless.

For instance: 3DS has MiiVerse, Street Pass, Swapnote, Message Notifications, and friends. These should all be integrated, and cross referencing, but they're not. They're all separate applications.

I have a bunch of icons on my screen, but no real titles to them. No grouping available. Nothing. It's laid out like iOS version 1.

PS3's UI aren't great either, and their store was atrocious until the update they made at the end of it's lifespan. Only Microsoft has a good, consistent, usable UI, which is probably what made them think they could get away with the same thing on Desktop PCs...but it didn't translate.

As it stands though, Japanese culture has a hard time with usability, and that can be seen quite a bit in Nintendo's interfaces both physical and digital.

As it stands though, Japanese culture has a hard time with usability, and that can be seen quite a bit in Nintendo's interfaces both physical and digital.

Does Japanese culture have a hard time with usability, or does America have a hard time understanding Japan's usability? I'm no rocket scientist but I would assume at least that they know what they're doing.. I mean look at PlayStation 4, that UI is insanely good, on all levels.


For what it's worth, I think any problems with the WiiU can be forgiven if it has a killer library of exclusive games. Things like the console UI, or 3DS integration, or marketing, or anything else aren't nearly as relevant as the (relative) lack of compelling exclusive games. Unfortunately, it seems like Nintendo has made it difficult for 3rd party developers. Forget the low market share - the article by a AAA dev who worked on a WiiU launch title was damning evidence that Nintendo did not have the support for said developers.

Ultimately, the question is this: if they're not going to put the resources into 3rd party dev support, why invest so heavily into a new console? Why not just develop software for other consoles?

Posted (edited)
Ultimately, the question is this: if they're not going to put the resources into 3rd party dev support, why invest so heavily into a new console? Why not just develop software for other consoles?

Well, they don't NEED 3rd party support like their competition. So it isn't a big focus for them... however, they really need to get out of that habit. If they could make a system to capture both worlds, great 1st party support and great 3rd party support, they'd probably be king of the market again. Hopefully this round will be a wake up call for them.

And as for why not develop for other consoles:

Pride, Control, Profit, and healthy competition in the marketplace (for us).

For Nintendo, there is very little reason to give up the hardware side of things. A few setbacks is hardly reason for them to dump a successful business they've been running for decades.

After all, they've never bled money and operated in the red like Sony/MS's game divisions, and Sega. They made lots of money every generation. They just aren't making as much as they'd like this generation

I'd really prefer that Sony/MS not be the only big guys in the market anyways.

Edited by Crowbar Man
Why not just develop software for other consoles?

Do you think Nintendo COULD do that? Up to now they have really only had experience developing for their own system and their own engine *shrug*

It would probably take some serious downtime so they could become acquainted with the different technology of developing for PC / etc...

It would probably take some serious downtime so they could become acquainted with the different technology of developing for PC / etc...

I highly doubt that, personally. Just because they don't develop for those platforms doesn't mean the developers have no knowledge, skill or past experience developing for it outside of Nintendo.

Posted (edited)
Does Japanese culture have a hard time with usability, or does America have a hard time understanding Japan's usability? I'm no rocket scientist but I would assume at least that they know what they're doing.. I mean look at PlayStation 4, that UI is insanely good, on all levels.

It's not an United States idea of Usability. It's a worldwide community understanding and it's something that goes beyond electronics, etc. Japanese culture in general has a huge problem with change, and that permeates into their interfaces.

Both the PS4 and the XBone have come strides as far as usability. PS3/PSP weren't so bad in their own right, but the PlayStation store had lots of problems. It eventually got fixed but it took a long time. Sony is an international company. They make phones and all kinds of other electronics. They have a lot of investment in Japan, but ultimately they have a larger international brand so they've moved away from tradition Japan more so. If you look at Nintendo's designs and interfaces it's clear that they have not. What looks like "Fisher Price" and childish to us, is perfectly acceptable in Japan.

They are simply unwilling to modernize, which is just a reflection of the entire culture. *

* (At the same rate as the rest of the world on many things beyond robotics, etc).

Edited by Ramaniscence
Posted (edited)

Nintendo put up the official Japanese website for DKC: Tropical Freeze, and with it comes some soundtrack samples. And as we already know, Dave Wise is doing the entire soundtrack for this.

You can either check out

or listen individually below:

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4 (holy crap!)

Track 5

I think he still has it; these are amazing. I knew I was right to be excitebike about the soundtrack :3

Edited by Mirby

Nintendo need to inject themselves back into the gamer subconscious through pop culture. When I was a kid, there were cartoons like Captain N, Super Mario Bros. Super Show, The Adventures of Mario 3. There was even a cereal. Nintendo need to just go ape-shit on advertising. Make one of those commercials like the 80's where everything is extreme and in your face.

And forget the friendly, happy-family advertising. That worked in 2006. Times are dark now. Everyone is pissed off and cynical because the economy and our collective lives have diminished in quality. They don't want something cute and whimsy. They want their faces rocked off. They want bang for the buck, and I think the Wii U has that. They just need to let people know.

Nintendo could turn this ship around so fast that it's ridiculous. Bring in some RPG's. Localize Dragon Quest 10. Take Star Fox off the back-burner. There's a few million more units right there.

And frikking bring back Nintendo Power, guys. Oh, and don't lie low on E3. Oh and please advertise Bayonetta 2. It's time to dispel the belief that Nintendo only makes kiddy consoles. I know it's going to sound sexist, but show that woman in some closeups and make a bundle. BAM. There's your chest-beating, 16-year-old doritos crowd right there. Hyrule Warriors? Good idea Nintendo. That one will sell. I'm buying that one on day one.

Ninty have everything they need to remain a major tour de force in console gaming. Either they just don't know it or they're holding back to E3, which isn't to say that I'm not exited about the 2014 lineup so far. There. Just figured I would bring some optimism into this sad little thread.

And forget the friendly, happy-family advertising. That worked in 2006. Times are dark now. Everyone is pissed off and cynical because the economy and our collective lives have diminished in quality. They don't want something cute and whimsy. They want their faces rocked off. They want bang for the buck

This is a really great description of current times and what Nintendo can do to improve, IMO.


And forget the friendly, happy-family advertising. That worked in 2006. Times are dark now. Everyone is pissed off and cynical because the economy and our collective lives have diminished in quality. They don't want something cute and whimsy. They want their faces rocked off. They want bang for the buck, and I think the Wii U has that. They just need to let people know.

I like to try and stay happy and forget our government is down the toilet and in the sewer, thanks.

I'll stick with my Mario games.

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