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I could get a Nintendo 64 with Mario Kart, SM64, and arguably the best Smash Bros.. right now I'm hoping Nintendo brings something new to the table for Wii U, like a new IP, something fresh and interesting

Ok, Super Mario 64 is a fair argument, and so is Smash Bros. I guess it all matters on opinion. Mario Kart 64 is not my favorite Mario Kart, but it's certainly one of the best. But I absolutely love new Mario Karts and new Smash Bros. games.

But Super Mario 64 is a fair argument since ya know, it's like my favorite game of all time.

Posted (edited)
I could get a Nintendo 64 with Mario Kart, SM64, and arguably the best Smash Bros.. right now I'm hoping Nintendo brings something new to the table for Wii U, like a new IP, something fresh and interesting

You can technically get MK64, SM64, and SBB on the Wii U too with VC in its Wii Mode. Just saying!

Nintendo needs to release more games period, new IP, old IP, doens't matter. They have so many IPs that are mostly dormant or in need of a good new installment. I'm glad they took Pikmin out of the closet at least.

Expecting something "fresh"/"interesting" is mostly off the table for most major developer/publishers. Just look at the other pub's next gen stuff already: prettier versions of last years/generations games. Bad/boring/disappointing new IPs that are mostly the same ideas/gameplay recycled and/or done poorly.

If there was one company that does do "fresh"/"interesting" pretty regularly, though, its Nintendo. It isn't like they are spitting the same exact games out yearly like almost everybody else. Plus their focus on polish is pretty unique in itself.

Besides, you can't honestly complain about amazing games like MK8, DK:TF, Pikmin 3, SM3DW, and hopefully SSB4 if this pattern of amazing keeps.

Lets see what surprises they have in store for us at E3!

Edited by Crowbar Man


This was great. Bayonetta 2 comes with the original, Yoshi's Woolly World, a new Kirby Canvas Curse in claymation style, Zelda looks WILD, Smash Bros has both Miis AND Palutena confirmed, Xenoblade got a stylin' new trailer, and Captain Toad gets his own puzzle adventure game like the mini games.

No SMT X Fire Emblem yet though.


I pretty much was impressed by everything save for the Yoshi yarn game.

New Zelda looks great, especially from the high quality screen kotaku posted. For it to be really next gen, they need to remove as much loading as possible, and it seems like they're working on that. We just need more footage, but that probably won't happen until future a Nintendo Direct.

Hyrule Warriors pretty much guaranteed a purchase from me with giving us Midna as a playable character.

I totally called the Smash Bros 3DS delay. "Summer" usually means "Early to mid fall", especially with a flagship title like Smash Bros.

Really glad they're bringing Canvas Curse back. That game was a lot of fun and the claymation makes it look great.

Posted (edited)

Also, Star Fox, Splatoon, a collab exclusive with Itagaki, a new Fatal Frame, Kirby and frigging Star Fox....especially that one.

I'm still waiting for info on the SMT X Fire Emblem though, but yeah Nintendo friggin' brought it this E3. There might still be a few more big announcements. I'm really excited.

Edited by megadave

I'm really impressed. I'm impressed with Nintendo's commitment to hardware innovation, I'm impressed with Sony's commitment to software innovation, I'm impressed with Microsoft's commitment to making sure Halo is just good enough to keep them afloat.

And I'm also impressed with how great this salad tastes.

My girlfriend and I are super excited about Palutena in Smash, and I'm pretty much wowed by Nintendo's Amiibo system and NFC finally coming into place. That's without beginning to talk about all the games.


Pac-Man is also confirmed for Smash guys. Check the website; his intro video is hilarious.

I can't say I was too impressed with Miyamoto's new games. They're pretty creative but didn't look like much fun yet. And gosh, he got some poor players to show them off. I liked the ideas behind them but we'll need to see execution a little better than QWOP to wow me.

Posted (edited)

Oh get off your high-horse. They already confirmed that was all in-engine. No CGI there. And of course it was scripted, that looked like a story event to me. Those are generally scripted ya know. That just means that it told the characters and camera what to do and where to go. It was all still completely in-engine. Still exactly what the game will look like in motion. Before the attack, when it was just Link sitting on Epona, that was also still in-engine. Just nothing was happening so we could take in the breathtaking view.

And don't compare this trailer to that, that was nothing but a tech demo. Not meant to be indicative of what the eventual Zelda title would be, merely what was possible to do on Wii U.

Edited by Mirby
Buddy, that was all in-game. That was the engine. You're looking at how the game will probably legitimately be.

They said the same thing about the last trailer. Maybe it will look like that, I'm just saying be prepared if it doesn't. It'll still probably look and play pretty well. We know the camera angles won't be cinematic like in that scripted trailer for the final game.

Posted (edited)
They said the same thing about the last trailer. Maybe it will look like that, I'm just saying be prepared if it doesn't. It'll still probably look and play pretty well. We know the camera angles won't be cinematic like in that scripted trailer for the final game.

Eiji said that was not only in-game but legitimate gameplay. They just changed the camera angles for the cinematic effect. Unless they make some major change, that's what the game's gonna look like when you play it. And yeah, definitely not a downgrade. Tech demos are not what the next game will look like you silly goose. Hahahahaha

I feel like all you wanna do is just criticize anything related to the Wii U when there is no reason to do so. It seems kinda silly.

Also, Eiji said when he said you could reach all the mountains in the background, he was not kidding.

That just makes me really happy.

I'm good. I don't care about anything else for E3. This is all I needed. Now I just need it out soon so I can buy it. Y u release it 2015 Nintendo.

Also: http://youtu.be/O38eKgET5c0

Edited by Garrett Williamson

If the game comes out and doesn't have the GTA style cinematic camera, I'm gonna hold you to those statements, and that Anemone guy as well.

I feel like all you wanna do is just criticize anything related to the Wii U when there is no reason to do so. It seems kinda silly.

ABSURD!! I just bought Mario Kart 8 earlier. All I ever wanted was for my Wii U to justify the value I invested in it. :-)


Let me zoom in real close to the tip of your weapon real quick. Oh, but you say you can't see where you're shooting? It's ok, this is a cinematic camera, and that's all that matters. Look at the glowing bits! Don't worry, you probably won't miss your target. Maybe.


ABSURD!! I just bought Mario Kart 8 earlier. All I ever wanted was for my Wii U to justify the value I invested in it. :-)

Whatevs. It is definitely a great game. Hahaha

Also I think we're all aware that the shots shown definitely are not the angles we would be playing the game in. That would be absolutely retarded and it's only common sense. They're simply showing it with more cinematic angles for promotion.

Then again you're probably joking and I probably look like the stupid one here.

Posted (edited)

Brandon does have a tiny point in that, using Wii U hardware or not, that was definately not actual "gameplay" footage per se. Then again, E3 is generally full of "not really gameplay footage" unfortunately. Publishers seem to like to pull the wool over our eyes anymore just to make things look pretty on stage while delivering a completely different product later.

I'd like to see how the game actually plays with a real player behind the wheel. But, Nintendo hasn't been known to "bullshot" before when it comes to a real product (not tech demos). What they show is generally what we get, or better. We'll see! I would hate to think they've joined the ranks of all the other pubs in lying to the public about their games, so its safe to say the game will probably look very close to this

Stuff at E3:

Sept 2014:

Hyrule Warriors: At first, i really didn't care about this game and thought it was going to be a complete waste of time. Its starting to grow on me now. Link, Zelda, Impa, and Midna so far are confirmed playable characters, and there is a 2 player co-op mode where one player uses the GamePad and the other one uses the TV so you both get your own unobstructed view instead of split screen. Pretty cool!

October 2014:

Bayonetta 2: Still looking great! And now it comes with Bayo 1 for those who missed out on it, making it a pretty good deal. Looks like they've added silly Nintendo theme'd costumes to it too.

Q4 2014

Super Smash Bros for Wii U

This looks like its turning out great, so far I don't think I've heard a large ammount of complaining about this verison of Smash. If the online play holds well, this will be amazing addition this year (along with MK8 being a smash hit). Can't wait!

TBA 2014:

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker: I wasn't a super big fan of these minigames in Super Mario 3D Land. I hope this is like, super cheap.

Devil's Third: eh... ultraviolent game by some the guys who were behind DoA/Ninja Gaiden (including Itagaki himself). This honestly looks kinda lame, but we'll see. They've delivered great games before.

Q1 2015

Yoshi's Wooly World: Looks adorable, I just hope it plays better than all the Yoshi games they've been releasing as of late.

Mario Maker: I hope they expand on this, with something beyond extremely short SM1-ish levels. As is its okay I guess if you've never seen a Mario level editor before (Romhacks, Super Mario X, etc) but there are projects light years beyond this for making Mario levels. At least this is the first official one. Here's hoping this is super early and they'll add more.

Splatoon: This was a pretty nice surprise! 4v4 Online 3rd person "Shooter" from Nintendo? Interesting! Love the concept of the squid girls being able to swim through their own paint, looks like there's all kinds of neat things to do in this one. Just hope they don't expect this to be a full $60 release, it'll go over a lot better as a cheaper title.

TBA 2015:

Mario Party 10 They are doing that annoying thing where they are all riding in a car together. Why? :/

XenoBlade Chronicles X Still looking REALLY good. This looks like a pretty major project

Zelda: ULTRA HYPE! Hope they can really pull off the look of that game, make it open-world, and still be as polished as a usual Nintendo game. We'll see!

Star Fox: Nothing but some super early prototype was available but hey, STAR FOX! Hopefully it'll be a good one, but I don't like how they are trying to get all experimental with it, yet again. We just want a regular Star Fox :/

Project: Giant Robot This honestly just looks dumb and almost unplayable. There was a couple of games on PS2 where you controlled a giant robot and controlled its arms and legs and its arms and legs and it worked a lot better than this.

Project: Guard Kinda interesting... kinda not. I have a feeling this and giant robo are going to be packaged in a minigame collection (ugh), these can't just be stand alone projects, unless they are dirt cheap.

So new brand new IPs, oldie but goodies, stuff thats been sittin in the closet. Overall I'd say Nintendo had a great show this year, and 2015 holds a lot of promise for Wii U. Lets hope they can keep up the pace and get these games crankin out.

Edited by Crowbar Man

What I found most interesting about Project: Guard was the whole interactivity of the onlookers. Ofcourse you won't be able to check all those security camera's. But with some people to back you up, screaming where to go, this could work really well! Ultimate party game, and all of that with just one person sitting behind the controller. I love it!

I really hope they can get some steam (no pun intended) behind the Wii U. If they can deliver some quality titles both this year and next year, I'm sure the 3rd party publishers will jump on board.


Posted (edited)
Brandon does have a tiny point in that, using Wii U hardware or not, that was definately not actual "gameplay" footage per se. Then again, E3 is generally full of "not really gameplay footage" unfortunately. Publishers seem to like to pull the wool over our eyes anymore just to make things look pretty on stage while delivering a completely different product later.

Oh that was clearly a staged act. That wasn't played by anyone at all. I think what he was referring to is the fact that's how the gameplay will generally be and that's how the game is gonna look. Heck, it could end up being even better. Compare the original footage of Hyrule Warriors to now. Graphically it was improved a TON. Apparently Eiji took notes from how the audience was reacting and what they were saying, which is pretty much always a good thing, though the Nintendo fan base can be pretty retarded sometimes.

From everything I've heard and seen so far though, my hopes are high and I'm still waiting for a Zelda game to beat Twilight Princess for me and maybe this will be the one. Who knows. Even the worst Zelda game is really great (but CD-i didn't exist so don't worry about that).


So there was a mistranslation. That is still what the game will look like and that's how it's rendered in the Wii U, but the English translation of Eiji's posted was mistranslated because it stated that what was seen was literally gameplay. I obviously already said that that's clearly not literal gameplay, that was totally staged and created before-hand; that wasn't played. But apparently people still took it literally and thought that was legit gameplay. Maybe that's what it will somewhat look like, but that's not legitimate gameplay.

Edited by Garrett Williamson

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