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Why is it overwhelming?

It's like Sony letting you download past titles from PS2 to PS4. You can't assume everyone has every old Wii game or that they can still buy a disc for a decent price. Metroid Prime Trilogy is impossible to find for a decent price and they're releasing it for $10! Besides, digital copies are awesome :mrgreen:

Only bummer for me is no Miiverse support. I'd really love it if they patch that.

I agree about Gamecube support by the way. But if they can boot Wii discs with this new method, then they can surely boot GCN discs too. I wonder if they are avoiding it because of the L-R triggers?


And your comparison (PS2->PS4) is more akin to GC->Wii U than Wii->Wii U (two console generations).

Why would there be a problem due to the LR triggers? The Gamecube had two, and the Wii U has two...


Why would there be a problem due to the LR triggers? The Gamecube had two, and the Wii U has two...

Wii U has four different buttons at the top, maybe that's what's being referred to here.

It's got those two bumpers or whatever, and behind those, the LR triggers. GameCube had a Z button in front of the R trigger but not too bumpers (or whatever they're called) on both sides.

Posted (edited)

GameCube triggers can be half-clicked. In Mario Sunshine, you could run around spraying water with a light touch or stand still and aim by pressing the trigger all the way down. The controls would have to be changed on the Wii U...as would the in-game instructions...which are delivered through voice acting.

Edited by Hylian Lemon

I find the Wii download games kind of redundant in my case (I keep everything), but I can definitely see how it'd be useful for those late in the game (no pun intended).

$10 for the Metroid Prime Trilogy is a steal though. Especially since physical copies of the game, as well as the original GCN versions, are damn impossible to find. For the sake of archival purposes, I'd hope that maybe they'd release the original versions of the games too...especially since apparently Prime 2's difficulty is nerfed in Trilogy.

GameCube triggers can be half-clicked.

Oh. That's interesting. I never had a GameCube, so I wouldn't know. This certainly explains why it'd be a little more difficult to port some GameCube games though, especially if a GC game used both positions of the L-R triggers as well as the Z shoulder button.

@Garrett: You mean the ZL and ZR buttons? Not sure why Nintendo chose Z for the original button on the GameCube controller, maybe because if they called it R1 and R2 instead, it would make people wonder why there was only one L? While I'm not a fan of the Wii U's R,ZR,L,ZL naming system, I suppose it makes sense to adapt something they've had for a while instead of reinventing yet another wheel.


Yep, I meant the fact that the L/R triggers in the Gamecube could be half-clicked (is it just two different levels? I thought they registered pressure from half-click to full-click but that was just my impression from playing Super Mario Sunshine years ago!).

Of course, the games could be played with the Gamecube Controller Adapter, but Nintendo doesn't seem to be supporting it that much. I can only hope they do though, I'd love to play Paper Mario Thousand Year Door on the Wii U.

$10 for the Metroid Prime Trilogy is a steal though. Especially since physical copies of the game, as well as the original GCN versions, are damn impossible to find. For the sake of archival purposes, I'd hope that maybe they'd release the original versions of the games too...especially since apparently Prime 2's difficulty is nerfed in Trilogy.

Yeah, I heard that they did that too, since I was checking out the changes between versions on a wiki yesterday. I think there are some changes they didn't mention, though. I started playing Prime on the Wii U a few days ago and noticed some things, like Samus' hit box seems a little smaller (so she won't get hung up on doorways with the drunken controls), and the space pirate AI is somehow dumber and more aggressive. Beam pirates will charge at you if they have any available route to reach you, even in situations when they used to stand and shoot at you. I'm about to get the X-ray visor and then move on to Omega Pirate, so the dumb AI might be interesting in that fight.

Anyway I'm kind of interested in seeing how Prime 2's bosses are. It might be nice to be able to beat the Boost Guardian in one go without any frustration.


I am quite stoked about being able to download Super Mario Galaxy 2 for ten bucks. I can't wait to download Metroid Prime Trilogy. This is most excellent news.

Also, to echo a few others on here: Get Shovel Knight right now. I previously thought it was just another wannabe "8-bit style game" coasting on the old-school throwback style. Oh no. It is rad as hell, the game-play is super-tight, and Virt/Jake Kaufman once again seduces those ear drums. What a brilliant musician for an equally brilliant game. I personally think it is the best "retro-style" game since Mega Man 9. That good.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, the Wii games up for purchase seem kind of unnecessary, but at $10 a pop in the first week, I don't even care. Shoot, I don't even care that I already own two of them physically (I had no idea Metroid Prime Trilogy would get hit with the price shenanigans it did, but I'm a huge Metroid fan and bought it on launch day regardless). I'm buying all three anyways; Galaxy 2 just finished installing on my external HDD.

I fully understand I'm part of the problem, lol

EDIT: Also, I should note that it really weird that I just bought Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Shantae and the Pirate's Curse simultaneously, and the former was half the price of the latter. This coming from the company who's physical, first-party, tentpole releases stay full price for the entire life of the system they're on, so Galaxy 2, Galaxy 1, and hell even the now ages old Zelda: Twilight Princess, were still 49.99 up until the Wii made way for its successor.

Edited by Arrow
Yeah, I heard that they did that too, since I was checking out the changes between versions on a wiki yesterday. I think there are some changes they didn't mention, though. I started playing Prime on the Wii U a few days ago and noticed some things, like Samus' hit box seems a little smaller (so she won't get hung up on doorways with the drunken controls), and the space pirate AI is somehow dumber and more aggressive. Beam pirates will charge at you if they have any available route to reach you, even in situations when they used to stand and shoot at you. I'm about to get the X-ray visor and then move on to Omega Pirate, so the dumb AI might be interesting in that fight.

Anyway I'm kind of interested in seeing how Prime 2's bosses are. It might be nice to be able to beat the Boost Guardian in one go without any frustration.

They also added the Spring Ball, and IIRC they use the PAL version of the plot, too :/ Which renders Metroid Prime's entire first form and associated scans a gigantic plothole.

Apparently the Boost Guardian was indeed nerfed. From a designer standpoint, a boss that not even the testers could beat without debug mode is dumb, but from a pride standpoint...dammit, I've literally beat that boss multiple times on Normal and Hard mode!

I'd mind less the changes if they also put up the original games, untouched, glitches and controls intact. As is, it feels like we're getting an alternate interpretation of two really groundbreaking titles.

Posted (edited)

About GC game support:

Can definitely be done, hackers already had it working with on Wii U homebrew methods long time ago (Virtual Wii,not native Wii U)

However the L/R triggers are an issue, because as mentioned not only is there a 2nd click (once fully depressed, you can click even further) but the triggers are also full analog. For some reason, Wii / Wii U never used analog triggers at all (a pretty common convention), only digital. Kinda disappointed the Wii U didn't have them at least. Would of made GameCube support easy and racing games more enjoyable. Better for 3rd party support... when they had it at least. If they made more and sold more GC adapters/controllers, or released an updated Pro with Analog triggers, problem solved!

Still, amazing intro prices for Nintendo. You can't really beat some amazing Wii games for just $10. Too bad its only temporary

That and they are starting to play with Cross Buy with DK Tipping Stars... though I wish it were with a more interesting game (I liked the DK 98 & DKvsM (GBA) style, not the mini's puzzle style they've switched to)

Now. them pulling the plug on Club Nintendo really rubs me the wrong way. Lets just hope this means better things are in the works


Z on GC controller, if I remember correctly, Nintendo was trying to cheap it out with the GC controller by not only not having extra triggers at the top which had become standard (they wanted just L/R triggers), but also they were even contemplating not having the classic iconic d-pad, their own major contribution to the gaming world. all to save some money on the controller (just a few cents!). In the end, they caved in to pressure and added the dpad (probably one of the worst dpads on a Nintendo console though), and gave the fans the "Z-trigger" they loved so much with the N64 by adding an uncomfortable awkwardly placed button. Worst parts of the controller :/

Edited by Crowbar Man

I bought it but when I go to download, it downloads all the way (takes an hour) and then gives me an error, saying there's not enough power going through the hard drive. I haven't had this problem with any other downloads, but then again none of them are the size of MPT. My HD is hooked up with a USB Y cable to the two back USB ports on the WiiU. Should I try unhooking one USB and plugging it in the wall, or use a powered hub, or do you think it's just an error resulting from high traffic on the eshop? Advice would be welcome, or it'd also be great to hear if anyone else had this problem.


So I saw that everyone was all excited about the Prime Trilogy coming to WiiU, and then I remembered that I have a hard copy. Collector's Edition. That I've only played through once and probably never will again.




I solved my power problems. I cleared off space on the internal storage, unplugged the external drive, and downloaded the trilogy. It took an absurdly long time, leading me to believe that even the WiiU itself doesn't commit much power to downloads. Oh well, at least it's fine now.

I solved my power problems. I cleared off space on the internal storage, unplugged the external drive, and downloaded the trilogy. It took an absurdly long time, leading me to believe that even the WiiU itself doesn't commit much power to downloads. Oh well, at least it's fine now.

You're right; it very much doesn't. I had a range of problems with my unpowered HDD that I eventually solved by buying a powered USB hub as a through put.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Freedom Planet is coming to Wii U. Source:



It's a real treat for fans of Genesis-era Sega and Sonic fans. It's already been out for PC for a while but playing it on my Wii U should be awesome.

I'm also really excited for Splatoon, Starfox, and other titles purported on schedule to release this year. I'm glad that the Wii U is picking up so many quality indie titles, as the major-label third party support for the system is indescribably bad. Thank heavens for indies and first party.

  • 2 months later...

Have you guys seen the Humble Nindie Bundle?




Only for people in North America, but it bundles 9 games (the 9th is still unknown) and I can (mostly) vouch for their across-the-board quality. Stealth Inc. 2 is fantastic, with leaderboards for stages and co-op. OlliOlli is an unexpectedly-robust 2D skateboarding game. Steamworld Dig is a short but sweet Metroid-esque action game. Guacamelee is, too, but a little less on the short and a whole lot more on the sweet.


Really, the whole deal is just fantastic. I haven't tried every game yet, but the few I mentioned above make this pack well worth getting.




I got a Wii U 2 weeks ago, and it is amazingly fun. It took awhile to set up due to the fact of updates, but afterwards it became enjoyable. My only gripe is this used game called "Smash Brothers" the disc keeps spewing errors after every 2 or 3 loads.


I got 4 games so far. Super Smash Brothers Wii Brawl U, Earthbound, Nintendo Land, and Super Mario 3D World. All are fun and I will not let 1 used game spoil the experience ;)




Have you guys seen the Humble Nindie Bundle?




Only for people in North America, but it bundles 9 games (the 9th is still unknown) and I can (mostly) vouch for their across-the-board quality. Stealth Inc. 2 is fantastic, with leaderboards for stages and co-op. OlliOlli is an unexpectedly-robust 2D skateboarding game. Steamworld Dig is a short but sweet Metroid-esque action game. Guacamelee is, too, but a little less on the short and a whole lot more on the sweet.


Really, the whole deal is just fantastic. I haven't tried every game yet, but the few I mentioned above make this pack well worth getting.

I picked up the core bundle since I'd missed Guacamelee until now.  Waiting on the final game before deciding if I upgrade my spending amount to $10.  I really like this idea though, and I'm glad to see Nintendo putting their money where their mouth is re: indies.

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