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Also, when I hear the words "core gamers", I think of 12 year olds playing Call of Duty all day and bros chillin with their Natty Ice and Madden. It's a meaningless term, and shouldn't even be used for lack of a better one.


because that's what 'core' means now, seriously. like i play a ton of games and have pride in my knowledge on gaming history and the industry but i do other things too, that gaming 'intelligence' it what makes gaming rewarding for me. i am not a 'core' gamer because i do not play shooters exclusively and need more gore and violence to be satisfied with the 'maturity' level of a game.

Maybe it's because they made me realize the quality of Nintendo's product has been dropping year by year while other developers continue to shine, perhaps?!?! And made me question why I still hold on to Nintendo?!

I don't deny that Nintendo's game quality is subject to opinion. But I think it's funny that you think that developers quality is shine worthy.

For me, it's spotty at best. Now if you're going to say it's because story, graphics, and all that other bull (that doesn't involve gameplay) is improving, save your breath.


GTAHater836's fear of disapproving public opinions regarding his purchases is perhaps the greatest read on this site in a long time.

I wish we could nominate/vote for threads in some kind of monthly or even yearly poll. I think this one with its recent activity would rank pretty well.

GTAHater836, you're just going through a minor case of fanboy-crisis of faith. Get over it. It's entertainment, nothing more. If it's really that big a deal for you, I'd suggest looking up some homeless people for advice. I'm sure they would be more than happy to tell you how much they care about it.

Posted (edited)
i miss the days when people thought for themselves and formed their own opinions on things instead of just letting others do it for them.


those were the days...

When was this? If anything, people nowadays are more likely to think for themselves, or at least have a broader perspective on videogames because of the internet and message boards. Previously you only really had the opinions of your friends and videogame magazines to go on. But hey, don't let me ruin your fake nostalgia.

Edited by Tensei

Also, when I hear the words "core gamers", I think of 12 year olds playing Call of Duty all day and bros chillin with their Natty Ice and Madden. It's a meaningless term, and shouldn't even be used for lack of a better one.

Same here. I really hate that term, but I'm not sure what else to use. If you say Casual everyone assumes "Angry Birds, Draw Something" etc. If you say Retro then everyone assumes "NES, SNES" etc and that's it.

I play any game I want to, from any system from any era. My favorites are Platformers, RPGs and puzzle games and though I'm not a fan of the standard FPS, I did quite enjoy Voyager Elite Force and CoD4. What kind of gamer does that make me?

I vote we make up a new term to describe the person who plays any game.


To be fair, I think that anyone who doesn't play Dota or stuff like roguelikes (actual ones, not that casual binding of isaac bullshit), EVE online, Space Station 13 or Dwarf Fortress is pretty much a casual gamer.

That's why I said the term is meaningless. It's totally relative. Not to mention that the lines are already blurred so it's too difficult to section off gamers in different categories like that.

When was this? If anything, people nowadays are more likely to think for themselves, or at least have a broader perspective on videogames because of the internet and message boards. Previously you only really had the opinions of your friends and videogame magazines to go on. But hey, don't let me ruin your fake nostalgia.

i was more directly referencing gtahater's apparent need to rely on what everyone else is playing than anything else.

fake nostalgia it was indeed

GTAHater836, you're just going through a minor case of fanboy-crisis of faith. Get over it. It's entertainment, nothing more. If it's really that big a deal for you, I'd suggest looking up some homeless people for advice. I'm sure they would be more than happy to tell you how much they care about it.

Fanboy-crisis of faith?! What the (expletive) is that supposed to mean?

GTAHater836's fear of disapproving public opinions regarding his purchases is perhaps the greatest read on this site in a long time.

I wish we could nominate/vote for threads in some kind of monthly or even yearly poll. I think this one with its recent activity would rank pretty well.

let's mix the good threads.

killer fanboy chops


The Wii was a good console. It's still fun to break out every once in a while, and it's killer for those who like a quick fix, or arcade style or 2-D gaming. I don't know how the Wii U will fare, or any future console for that matter. The gaming industry is definitely in some kind of unpredictable transitional phase and it could be bad....Emphasis on "could". The next few years should be interesting to say the least.

Posted (edited)

Jimmy Fallon will feature the Wii U( or should I say Nintendo Land?) on his show tonight(Friday) to close out his Video Games Week thing. We all know how this goes down: Reggie lurches out onto the stage and tries to explain a game while Fallon ignores him and bellows awkward exclamations! Who's game?

Maybe they will go the more entertaining route and have him play ZombiU instead.

Update: He is in fact going to show off ZombiU on the show.

Edited by ocre
Posted (edited)

There were 2 Wii U systems on stage, I'm sure to save time between switching demos

Though, if you have not heard, the Wii U does support 2 Wii U GamePad's officially now as mentioned at E3. Just none of the launch software (or probably even the OS) will take advantage/support it, as it is not going to be introduced in the Dev Kits for a while.

Looks like they told Jimmy to keep still during the "Zombification" demo, unlike Reggie who messed it all up at E3

Edited by Crowbar Man

I liked at the top of the show when Jimmy announced his guests, and was confused to what the Wii U actually was. He said something akin to "You can use it with your Wii, it's a new console though, wait.. do you need a Wii or not?"

That's the problem with Nintendo, everyone is still confused about what the damn console even is. Great messaging Nintendo.

I liked at the top of the show when Jimmy announced his guests, and was confused to what the Wii U actually was. He said something akin to "You can use it with your Wii, it's a new console though, wait.. do you need a Wii or not?"

That's the problem with Nintendo, everyone is still confused about what the damn console even is. Great messaging Nintendo.

Wii U is to Wii as Xbox 360 was to Xbox. I don't see why people are getting so confused.

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