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I personally love quick-time events; it makes the scene more engaging. I hate just watching finishers; I don't feel like I actually did anything. When I mash something into a boss with my thumb, I break a sweat and get excited to see my micro-effort be worth something.

Most of the time, though, this is just lame.

See: most of the QTEs in Resident Evil 4, or Resident Evil 6 (PRESS X RAPIDLY TO START CAR OH BOY).

Rapidly-pressing a button, as you describe it, isn't as much a QTE, if you use the "Shenmue model" of QTEs. It's more akin to something like in Samurai Shodown or G-Darius, "tap A really fast to win."

I'm nitpicking.

Most of the time, though, this is just lame.

See: most of the QTEs in Resident Evil 4, or Resident Evil 6 (PRESS X RAPIDLY TO START CAR OH BOY).

Rapidly-pressing a button, as you describe it, isn't as much a QTE, if you use the "Shenmue model" of QTEs. It's more akin to something like in Samurai Shodown or G-Darius, "tap A really fast to win."

I'm nitpicking.

...what? Who said anything about rapid tapping? >_> And why are you talking about Resident Evil? We're talking about Darksiders 2. Most of your post just doesn't really make sense in the context of the discussion.

...what? Who said anything about rapid tapping? >_> And why are you talking about Resident Evil? We're talking about Darksiders 2. Most of your post just doesn't really make sense in the context of the discussion.

he's finding something to nitpick about because f you


There are two kinds of QTE's, good ones and bad ones.

Good ones are the ones like in Darksiders or God of War. Basically they are extensions of an already comprehensive battle system. They are placed at moments of high adreniline, when it acts as a great release to mercilessly smash the attack button to kill your enemy. It's kind of like when John McClane beats the bad guy, and then roughs him up a a bit after cuffing him. Its that little satisfaction you get out of dominating someone else. Most importantly THEY MAKE SENSE. The buttons you have to hit to complete combat QTE's are ATTACK BUTTONS, while the buttons used in other QTE's like opening a heavy door, use the INTERACT BUTTON which is normally used for opening doors.

Bad QTE's are placed at moments that don't require or even feel right within the game, and they usually don't make sense. If you want to see the absolute WORST example of this, play a little game called Ninja Blade. It is loaded to the teeth with poorly placed, absolutely obnoxious and completely nonsensical QTE's. So many games do this to one degree or another and it makes me want to throw my controller across the room.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

So. Wind Waker remake. It's pretty much inevitable that I'll have on of these in my living room by fall.


Oh, and sort of a new Fire Emblem (it's a crossover with something else I'm not familiar with but I'll take it)


Starting to look up for this console.

Edited by megadave

Haha, oh wow. SMT X Fire Emblem? Never thought I'd see that. If it's a fighting game of sorts though, that'd be pretty wild. Wind Waker HD remake sounds neat too. Hopefully there's some little extras added (like maybe a larger film reel for the picto box).

Oh, I beat Scribblenauts Unlimited in its entirety. I did all the object shards, which wasn't very fun since 99% of them never got solved in the main story. But I did it! You get Maxwell's parents as playable characters for doing so.


I've been obsessing over the screenshots for Wind Waker HD, and I have such mixed feelings. The colors are so saturated and unrealistic while the original looks more earthy and relaxing. I feel like they've lost something from the original while still making it look great, in a different way.



Yeah, that's the peril of the 'remake'. Everyone's overall experience and feeling toward Wind Waker was cultivated from the appreciation of different parts that may be changed for this revision.

In a case like this, where its the guys who made the original game that are making the changes, you just have to realize that the game is much more their baby than ours.


Funny, though. Everyone I know who's played Wind Waker called the visuals "timeless". You'd think a game more prone to graphical aging would get the HD remake first. Like Majora's Mask.

But I guess we'll see that on 3DS before long.


Even in low-res you can see a marked stylistic difference. Like I said it's cool, but it's surprising how far they went considering WW's graphics hold up even today.

I also wish we could vie for OCR's WW mixes to be in the game because they're so good. I was listening to them hours before the announcement which is really eery.


I personally cannot wait to play the Windwaker remake I think it will look great in motion. My biggest hope is for more dungeons, and also more large islands. It just seemed like all the islands were just little bitty. Could've used some more land exploration. But yeah, totally looking forward to it


I'm looking forward to the Wind Waker remake; as much as I liked Skyward Sword, I'm pleased to hear Wind Waker will use the GamePad rather than motion controls.

Also, even though the WiiU's Virtual Console connection makes those who bought VC games on the Wii pay again to play on their new system, I'm glad Nintendo will allow transfer of those licenses in some form and not require re-purchasing.

Posted (edited)

Personally, I think it looks great and is a smart move to offer a 'tide over' Zelda and draw in the Zelda fans who haven't gotten a system yet. Hopefully it opens doors for more HD redos. One of the best things about this Wind Waker HD is that they've hinted that they're going to tweak things aside from visuals. First thing on the list should be the tedious Triforce shard quest. Perhaps they can program in some more dungeons.

As for why colors are so saturated, I suspect it's to help the game adhere to the 'HD and vibrantly colored' aesthetic Nintendo seems to opt for with their HD titles, to step away from the 'dark and muddy' HD era everyone else has built up til now.

Edited by ocre
Even in low-res you can see a marked stylistic difference. Like I said it's cool, but it's surprising how far they went considering WW's graphics hold up even today.

I also wish we could vie for OCR's WW mixes to be in the game because they're so good. I was listening to them hours before the announcement which is really eery.

Bloom and shadows really don't kill style.


It definitely looks similar to the same shader effects they're using on Nintendoland. That kind of makes me excited. Not to mention just the fact that they're doing an HD port of Wind Waker in and of itself is exciting enough.

New Xenoblade looks pretty incredible as well. Kind of makes me think Nintendo really doubled down on it because it seems to have been in development for a good while.

Bloom and shadows really don't kill style.

Slightly relevant VGCats.

I'm in the same boat as Modus/Dhsu - it looks as though they just added bloom/saturation to try to make it HD, when in fact the point of that art style is that it doesn't have to be High Definition. As others have pointed out, WW's graphics are still up to par relevant to today's standards, or at least they're good enough. I'll reserve any final opinions until I see video footage, but right now I'm not as impressed as a lot of people seem to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see Wind Waker get some love, but it just seems unneccesary. Why didn't they go with a MM or TP update? There was a tech demo for the Wii U that showed a HD Zelda in the style of TP, why not extrapolate that?

I guess it just seems backwards that they are doing a HD remake of a game that wasn't suited for HD in the first place.


I am pretty excited by everything they've announced for the Wii U going forward, but I'm still afraid of a Nintendo 64/Gamecube/Wii scenario where Nintendo will bring out some amazing things once every so often, but then there's a general dearth of quality releases on the system for the rest of the year.

Third parties gotta get all up ins that shit.

I am pretty excited by everything they've announced for the Wii U going forward, but I'm still afraid of a Nintendo 64/Gamecube/Wii scenario where Nintendo will bring out some amazing things once every so often, but then there's a general dearth of quality releases on the system for the rest of the year.

Third parties gotta get all up ins that shit.

But that's how Nintendo has been doing their consoles since 1998. Third-party developers are for handhelds, and that's how they like it. They've been pushing handhelds over consoles contentwise since they got rich with Pokemon. I doubt they're going to change how they do things, since Nintendo has dominated in the handheld department since the Gameboy.

In any case, a new Xeno game is forthcoming for Wii-U. We'll see if it gets out of japan.

Edit: dammit, you beat me to it. Damn my slow one-handed typing!

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