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i don't know when i started feeling this way but it's getting tougher and tougher for me to get excited about portable game systems. the vita looks pretty killer in terms of hardware and pricing, and i want to get hyped about it, but the 3ds and vita both just seem sort of outdated to me. my friends and i do most portable gaming through the app store or android market at this point and it just seems like that's the way portable gaming is headed, realistically. i think that's a more exciting market right now with all the indie development going on, and if i'm going to commit around $50 for a game at this point, i think i'd rather it be for a home console.

i think the xperia play is kind of interesting. i dig the concept of getting games on your phone through a ps-branded service or whatever it is they've got going on. it might be cool to see sony/nintendo/other publishers and developers explore that kind of business model on the phone market. i still don't know if i'd pay $50 for a portable game right now, but i'd definitely pay something like $20 for a game that's much more substantial than the typical games on the phone market that cost a buck, but that isn't quite as full-featured as a console release.

like i said though i already admitted i'm disillusioned with portable gaming so i could be way off the mark here

I am going to agree with this sentimenet here.

It seems that the system wars are taking over game design and are becoming more gimmicks than reasons to inspire developers. All the games that come out these days by the big names tend to be franchise sequels. And any new games worth playing don't have the same magic as old videogames in my opinion.

I like that indie developers have the ability to make and release games on their own now on phones. We need some more game design innovation that doesn't rely on old models of gameplay. The new styles and ways to play games are great but I think the industry is really loosing the heart and reason for playing. Innovation sparks imagination, and imagination brings the excitement and fun to playing games, not necessarily new ways of playing. The reason we started playing games was because of that same innovation years ago... But then again, thats just my opinion lol

but the 3ds and vita both just seem sort of outdated to me. my friends and i do most portable gaming through the app store or android market at this point and it just seems like that's the way portable gaming is headed, realistically.

. .. what? you prefer playing games on a weak ass phone than something that was built to game instead of taking phone calls? Really?

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I don't need apps to scan shit at the store. I don't need games on my phone. I don't need to do anything on my phone 'cept talk and text.

I really am excited for the Vita. It looks pretty bitching, and I've been really upset that i can't do on my 3000 model what my friend can on his Ps3. Really. I get upset with this shit. I'm totally stoked to be makin' messages and having a touch screen that actually does badass games. Instead of Pokemon.

(Disclaimer: I love pokemon. Don't hate on me. I just like games that aren't rated E, too)

So yeah. Also, the new Mod Nation Racer concept looks cool. What other games can they use the back panel for? I'm curious. The possibilities are interesting to me.

but the 3ds and vita both just seem sort of outdated to me. my friends and i do most portable gaming through the app store or android market at this point and it just seems like that's the way portable gaming is headed, realistically.

Also a reminder: PlayStation Suite, Sony's "app store" for PlayStation "approved" android devices, will be on the Vita. So it'll have an app store too.

Also a reminder: PlayStation Suite, Sony's "app store" for PlayStation "approved" android devices, will be on the Vita. So it'll have an app store too.

yeahh, that's a good move for sure. but the bigger issues for me are the premium in pricing (for both games and hardware) and the fact that it's a separate piece of hardware. obviously that means it's far superior in terms of capability than any phone on the market right now, but i'm not sure for me, personally, if it's worth it. stuff like infinity blade has shown that games on cell phones are not nearly as limited as they once were. if it comes down to spending $10 on a game like that (or $5 for a game like sword & sworcery ep or tons of other great indie games) on my phone or spending $250 for new hardware and $40-$50 for a new game, i know which direction i'm leaning toward. i'm not saying that portable systems are an outright bad choice or anything, but they're getting harder and harder to justify for my own lifestyle.


It's funny that we have to preface everything we say these days with "well that's just my opinion" because God Forbid you don't, and people DISAGREE with you! IT'S LIKE YOU'RE OFFENDING THEM.


Region free, and cheap... Well, it definitely looks promising, but I am still unsure if the Ninty fanboy in my can overcome itself and buy a sony handheld!

  • 4 weeks later...

The features are pretty cool and the convenient PSN compatibility of PSP, PS one and minis.

FINALLY trophies are supported, and about time too! Hopefully, it will get massive attention as the PS3.


It seems that the system wars are taking over game design and are becoming more gimmicks than reasons to inspire developers. All the games that come out these days by the big names tend to be franchise sequels. And any new games worth playing don't have the same magic as old videogames in my opinion.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Someone else made the point first.

We're getting more and more impressive hardware but less ground-breaking games. There are some people that can buy remix after remix when it comes to games, but not me. I probably buy a game only every two or three months now because I've been jipped by so many EA scams (Dante's Inferno, Homefront, Warhammer Online, Dragon Age 2...)

On my list now is just Skyrim and Shadow of the Colossus HD. I crave a game like Skies of Arcadia like no other.. or like Jeanne d'Arc, a fantastic Tactics remix. Valkyria Chronicles totally missed the mark.. enough GUNS!

I am going to agree with this sentimenet here.

It seems that the system wars are taking over game design and are becoming more gimmicks than reasons to inspire developers. All the games that come out these days by the big names tend to be franchise sequels. And any new games worth playing don't have the same magic as old videogames in my opinion.

I like that indie developers have the ability to make and release games on their own now on phones. We need some more game design innovation that doesn't rely on old models of gameplay. The new styles and ways to play games are great but I think the industry is really loosing the heart and reason for playing. Innovation sparks imagination, and imagination brings the excitement and fun to playing games, not necessarily new ways of playing. The reason we started playing games was because of that same innovation years ago... But then again, thats just my opinion lol

What about Braid, Limbo, Shadow of the colossus, Ico, World of Goo, flower, Journey, From Dust, Little Big Planet, etc? I don't think you are giving them enough credit Sir bLiNdness

I think we all have a hard on for old school because so many memories are tied to those times and it was novel to us. But the same is going to be said about the new generation of kids that will get all nostalgic about (this hurts me to say it) Call of Duty and Gears of War being some of their first and fondest gaming memories...

I think we were definitely blessed to grow up in the time that we did, we caught the golden age of gaming for sure (a title I doubt will ever be challenged in the future).

Also, I want a Playstation Pita extra falafel! NOM NOM

  • 3 weeks later...


October 28th is earlier than Sony said at E3.

Nintendo ships their portable early, there is a lack of good games at launch (including all the ones they hyped up as launch titles), people complain about it, and it sells less than expected, resulting in a sudden price drop.

Sony ships their portable early, and... ?

If this date is true, this could be the most interesting first year between two systems in a long time.


Well, with Nintendo deciding to cut a huge chunk off the price of the 3DS and a lot of their top first-party stuff coming out in the months leading into the holiday season, Sony has yet another problem to face in addition to their almost definite lack of killer apps(which is normal for system launches). I do think however that a $250 US price point for a system with that kind of oomph seems fair, but I think that it's a fair assumption that the 3DS will thwomp the PSVita this holiday season if it does hit this year.

That isn't to say I don't still have high hopes for it.


Yes, that's the one. Two touch screens, because that's twice as many as the DS had, and at least 1.5 times what the 3DS has right now. So take that, Nintendo!

I thought it was bad enough when they decided to put gyroscopes in everything so the old "tilt the controller" habit actually did something, but all the emphasis on touch screen controls these days is just annoying.

At least the 3DS and Vita offer actual buttons, because I can not stand touch-only controls.


Yeah I hate all touch and motion controls. Give me fucking buttons. But then again, that's probably why I never play games released after 1994 or so these days and don't have an iPhone.

Of the hundreds of DS games I've played, Wario Ware Touched and Point Blank DS are the only two that come to mind that I enjoyed using the touch controls for. Anything else I always used the classic controls whenever possible.

Yeah I hate all touch and motion controls. Give me fucking buttons. But then again, that's probably why I never play games released after 1994 or so these days and don't have an iPhone.

Of the hundreds of DS games I've played, Wario Ware Touched and Point Blank DS are the only two that come to mind that I enjoyed using the touch controls for. Anything else I always used the classic controls whenever possible.

Don't live in the past! Head for the future to reclaim the digital world.

Digimon Season 4 Theme Songs aside, this isn't a very healthy. There were a lot of great games that were made after 94 man. Your missing out if you have an attitude like that man. I can't stand touch controls or motion controls either but like the mighty chameleon, you must adapt to your surrounding man.

As for the Vita launching in October, it makes sense. Get it out there just as the holiday rush starts.

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