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POST TO ENTER! Meet Uematsu! Win VGM! (July 29th deadline!)

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I am most definitely in this to win it! I am a huge fan of Nobuo Uematsu's work, with both Square and Mistwalker, and would be honored to meet the man himself. I would be privileged to hear the great composer's thoughts on game design and the industry as a whole, being a budding designer myself.


Oh, I want too. Count me in. Love the music. Have been to distant worlds three times, and have driven for hours to get to the concerts. Would love to have another chance to see him


Count me in on this one. Super big fan of Mr. Uematsu and his music. He has greatly influenced my stylistc approach, to both playing and listening to music. Would be rather amazing to meet the man in person.



Contest entry conditions are too difficult, I won't do it. I have all the black mages, original soundtracks from FF tactics, VII, VIII, and X, and 142 FF remixes I commonly listen to, but this is just too much effort.


This thread is grwoing with an insane speed and I'm going to be a part of the growth :D

The good old FF soundtracks, especially FF7 are just godlike. And only ~5k fans for Uematsu? But then again, how many did he have before? ;)


I was happy to see Nobuo Uematsu with my own eyes on the stage of Distant Worlds in Brooklyn back on the 1st of April. Magical night. His music continues to inspire me and send chills down my spine. I'll miss The Black Mages, but the Earthbound Papas are really kickass.


I can has Uematsu-san meet-and-greet? Definitely my favorite videogame composer. Well. Actually, truth be told it's a three-way tie with Kikuta and Kondo. But don't tell Uetmatsu I said that!

Please enter me in the constest!


Nobuo Uematsu's music holds a nostalgic place in my heart from my childhood games (and current games, haha). I think it is great OC ReMix is drawing attention towards talented composers (through the contest and through the site's many remixes). Good luck to everyone, can't wait to hear him in concert!

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