djpretzel Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Navi Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Powerhouse combination of artists here. This is more a series of remixes than it is one remix (but I ain't complaining) and each section is drastically different from the previous. Hot stuff all the way through. Great work, guys. Quote
Nigel Simmons Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I heard this on VGMix a while ago and I really, really liked it. AWESOME guitar work at 4:40. Quote
Wanderer Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 This is one hot track here. If you're going to collaborate, you might as well raise your ambitions and this is what I see with this song. Exceptional job, guys. Quote
BlueEnvy Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 This is quite the mix. It's great how many different elements are thrown together. The main problem with having so many different sections featuring different musicians is that there are little/no real transitions into each section. More developed/smooth and longer transitioning would make this better. There are some ok switches, and I do recognize that there is the limit of 6 under that constraint I would say this was still pulled off fairly well. Fun arranging, there are lots of interesting ideas. I only wish more sense could be made of the song as a whole. blue Quote
YoshMaster Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 ....woa.... ok ca c'est carrement debile!!!! bravo les gars!!!! jsavais pas que quebec renfermait autant de talents haha! jsuis vraiment heureux de voir un nouveaux mix de poster ici! vous etes vraiment genial!!!! oh et bonne fete en passant!!!! si tu te souviens, quand on avait jase par email on avait realise que nos fete etait tres proche (moi c le 18) et qu'on avait le meme age en plus:P j'attend deja votre prochaine toune avec impatience haha! ******translation****** hummm welll... i said: concratulation guys!!! i didnt knew quebec city had that much talent:P i'm very happy to see a new mix of yours finally being post here! you're really great! oh and by the way, happy birthday!!! then I go on saying that my birthday is really soon too (18th) and that I'm also going to turn 21, and that you know it's crazy to think someone my age can be that good musicaly (kinda makes me feel bad when I compare:P) Quote
Red120Percent Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 wow... very nice!!~~.. the selection is very excellent is there any chance to get a higher bitrate version online some place? Quote
CPacaud Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Wow guys, thanks for the love and the nice birthday present ! Yep, there's a 160kbps version at . Quote
Harmony Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Wow. That really rocked. So many different vibes from this song that would each be amazing on their own. That intro is really something to get excited about. I've been waiting for this to get posted for a while and I tried to guess what song it was a remix of. 'On The Day The World Changed', hmm. I thought of the Prophesy flight theme, or the Mana Beast fight theme but when 'I heard Into the Thick of It' as the intro (one of my favorite tunes from the game) I just had to smile. And it just kept rolling! That bass rocks! I absolutely loved the third section; the remix of 'Mystic Invasion'. A jazz power-ballad to be proud of for sure. Beautiful piano, beautiful guitar. Someone should make an entire mix out of that section. But each section seriously jammed and multitudes of props to Marc-André Gingras for that jaw dropping guitar solo. In fact, props all around! Thanks for putting yet another Seiken Densetsu title on the front page you all. Three at the same time! Someone needs to get a Secret of Mana project going Quote
baterista Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 This song is incredible. I've been a fan of Dream Theater, Rush, and many other progressive rock bands since i can remember. This song is up there! Great mix, wonderful use of the melodic progressions the game has to offer. 114kb/s is a bit too low encoding for my taste. Personally, for a mix of this quality, i'd ask for lossless! But, alas, that may be asking too much. Anyways, congrats on the fantastic work guys! Quote
Red Light District Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 very diverse. I like the begining... Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Wow... quality level is very high. A tasty little piece. Hard genre to pin, I'd like to call it Progressive Rock. Outstanding work... an excellent tribute song... a lot of major songs covered here. Quote
Tex Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Definitively, another great ReMix on my book. Remembers me of Protricity. Quote
red40lake Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Boy, wow, where to start... you know how some music you listen to just seems to have texture, like you can almost run your hands across it and feel the various bumps, dips, turns and intricacies? That's what this is like. I just finished listening to this song for about the 6th time, and each time I can follow a different line throughout the song, pick up a different piece of music worked into it. It's liek a new song all over again. Great work, I'm sure this was quite an effort. Quote
ktriton Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Hey guys, thanks for the kind words Wow...OCR has really changed a lot since the last time I logged in (over a year ago I think)! Quote
Fieari Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Totally sweet. I'm really digging this. The abrupt jarring transitions really work well. This is a song that has some real POWER behind those chords. Too many guitar mixes that try to rock just don't rock hard enough. This rocks hard. Parts of it are definitely Air Guitar worthy. Woo! The softer piano section was cool, and the perfect break in the middle of all that rocking hard. I too would love a mix just of that, but whatver. It works here. I must say that you've given me the most frightening rendition of "Where Angels Fear to Tread" I've ever heard. And I mean that in a good way! It's simultaneously soft, gentle, and REALLY CREEPY! Good work there, kudos. I'm not sure it was the best place to end the mix though. I always like music that comes full circle, starting and ending on the same note or theme or key or whatever. To do otherwise makes it hang there in the air, uncomfortably. But then, that too is a mood to convey, a feeling that is worthwhile to put into music, and I think that here it was deliberate. Ballsy of you, but it was pulled off. That last note is definitely going to echo in my ears for a while... Neat mix. Very neat. I like. Quote
Nintendo-GuRu Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Would you be scared if I told you I love you? lol, man this was a great remix. I enjoyed it a bunch. Its goin on my playlist . 9/10 Quote
CPacaud Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Thanks alot guys ! It's certainly not perfect. You're probably right that most of the transitions could've been better. The truth is, as bland as it may sound, that the song was getting very hard to manage. My PC was on the verge of exploding under the weight of all the plugins and amp sims (I don't mic amps or anything, all software) and the song was separated in four different files (which might've be one of the causes of the medley-itis problem !). Anyway, just thought I'd clarify this. It's always a pleasure to read the criticisms of the OCR judges and the people here. Not always easy to take in some cases (and I do get defensive sometimes), but the only important thing is that you seem to appreciate it, and you guys are making my day Also, for those who like the jazzy ballad breakdown taken from Holy Intruder, that's mostly the work of ktriton ! Bow to him Oh, and it's Dream TheatER guys, not Theatre Quote
oakthielbar Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Well, I love it, myself. Anything that could be better is just fine, though. Because honestly, anything can be better, so if it's good the way it is, it's just how it should be. Freakin' awesome job. Quote
SuperNomad Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Great remix, really good range of instruments and it has all the best songs from Secret of Mana. Simply excellent. Quote
Demorican Posted April 18, 2005 Posted April 18, 2005 Listening to this really makes me wonder what it'd sound lie if you had your way with the boss battle music whose name has TOTALLY escaped me but I've always wanted to hear a remix of. Umm... keep on... uhhh... bamdazzlin'..? Yeah.. <.< Quote
kaip Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 Such an interesting and varied mix! I'm not really sure how to approach describing this! I wouldn't be able to play this back to myself in my head or anything. So complex... I guess.. what I think: everything about just screams Secret of Mana (if that makes any sense at all). The atmosphere, the vibe, the sounds that echo through it... I dunno, it just feels that way! Like the game, this mix is an epic voyage across exotic lands to the edges of the world! uh, yeah. Quote
Amayirot Akago Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 The whole mix has a Dream Theater-ish feel to it, IMO. Thumbs up! Quote
CPacaud Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 Thanks alot guys ! I appreciate all the love Quote
Ventrex Posted April 20, 2005 Posted April 20, 2005 First of all, I dig this mix a lot. It's a beautiful piece of work that, on a whole, really works (rocks). My only criticism is that the segments could have flowed into each other better; but the thing is, I'm not sure if I would have enjoyed that more or not. As it stands, the slightly uneven flowing makes it feel more like a personal jam session in the garage, and less like an overpolished, overproduced studio work, you know? It gives it this nice, homely feeling, like you're listening in on your friends' band practicing and just having a balls out blast. But the segment begining around 5'30 just absolutely rocks my face. While I do have a minor quibble about this piece, I really look forward to seeing new stuff from you guys. This piece is fresh, and unique, and I want to see more of this prog-rock jam session type mixing on OCR. Good job, the lot of you, and good luck on future projects. Quote
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