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This didn't have anything to do with the fact that the man who created Mega Man left the company.


Nothing at all.

Yeah, I don't buy that either.

Well, at least they have the again-declining Resident Evil series, and the constant mechanic-improved versions of Street Fighter 4. I'll be honest, I'm feeling kind-of spiteful here because getting a 3DS to share for me and the lady was also under the impression that, someday, I'd get to play MML3. I have 1 and 2 and I have replayed 1 numerous times. That final battle with Mega Man Juno always freaked me out with the crazy music.


I hated MML the first time I played it because my only other Mega Man games were Mega Man 6 and Mega Man X and I was expecting something more akin to those. But after playing it for an hour or so, I grew to like it, and eventually to love it.

Capcom could really do without 4 separate versions of Street Fighter IV floating around out there. Instead of wasting resources on improving that game, they should have left it at Super Street Fighter IV on the consoles and dedicated whatever manpower was needed to MML.

As for what's left on the 3DS for the foreseeable future, we have another N64 port (not knocking it, though; I love Star Fox 64), another Mario Kart, another Mario platformer, and... well actually that's probably about it.

EDIT: Forgot the new Devil Summoner game. Not really new, I suppose, but if you missed it on DS last year, this version seems worthwhile.


I am more glad than ever i never had the chance to buy MVC 3. I wont be buying it now.

Capcom has just lost a customer permanently.

Nintendo lost a potential 3DS customer in Me. If i had any hesitation about waiting for the Vita its gone now.

MML was somewhat kiddy but that was part of its charm. It was a well done game an unrecognized game and this just puts the final nail in the coffin for me with that company.

If this is a hoax i STILL wont buy it. This is a betrayal of the fanbase. I'm done with capcom.


Wow, Capcom really fucked up with this move. This was probably their most anticipated game in a long time, the amount of community support and excitement for this game was massive. The Mega Man series is pretty much dead now. Legends is gone, and isn't coming back. X is gone, and all signs point that that's not coming back either. They're just gonna keep making retro Mega Mans until people get tired of that (which will happen in about 1 to 2 more of them). Battle Network and Zero were good too, but they beat them into the ground.

This took away the ONLY reason I had to buy a 3DS. So far, from what I can see, it looks like a LOT of people were either planning on, or already had bought a 3DS specifically for this game.

Capcom is just a steaming pile of shit in my eyes now. They've lost all support from me by constantly ignoring the fans and their supporters wants.


hey everyone megaman legends 3 isn't the last game to come out ever jesus christ. im sure everyone at capcom collectively said 'oh lets spite our fans and not make this game' and quite frankly megaman games aren't top sellers anymore, there might have been massive support from within the fanbase but lets face it the fanbase ISN'T THAT BIG.

if you all want to talk about how shitty capcom then feel free to lap at each other's balls but seriously. nobody sinks money into a development just to cancel it unless there's a freaking really good reason like irreconcilable design issues or the fact that the game isn't likely to break even

im sick of this shit literally all the time on this site someone's like 'oh nintendo is dead and their games are worse than shovelware' or 'final fantasy is the worst series of all time since 7' or 'capcom is the devil because they're canceling a game they clearly put a lot of time and effort into' and its just stupid. ESPECIALLY in the case of capcom. capcom's community was literally helping make this game you don't get any closer to catering to your audience.

canceling this game did not line capcom's pockets with gold. stop acting like they got away with something.


I wish I could return my 3DS. I can see why they potentially cancelled it. The install base for the 3DS isn't huge. I think on most counts the system is an utter failure so far. I can't even think of a 3DS game I'm looking forward to now.

This is really sad. Capcom is making the weirdest decisions with the Megaman franchise. So there isn't actually any Megaman game in development at all for any system now?


I immediately knew this game was going to do bad when they announced it for the 3DS. Making a big game like this, that in ti's time was a console game, into a handheld game for a poorly selling system was like they were setting it up to fail. That's like if 343 decided Halo 4 was going to be for the Vita.

I immediately knew this game was going to do bad when they announced it for the 3DS. Making a big game like this, that in ti's time was a console game, into a handheld game for a poorly selling system was like they were setting it up to fail. That's like if 343 decided Halo 4 was going to be for the Vita.

i can already tell i don't like you

a) ill give you some credence that putting it on 3ds isn't the best idea but honestly the concept of the legends games is based in outdated mechanics anyways so it would have felt old on console too. i mean go back and watch those games on youtube i can't see a good way to make that formula fit in a modern setting without feeling dated


c) that is the worst analogy ever. if halo 4 were on vita, vita would sell til the world ends because halo 4 SELLS SYSTEMS. it sounds like legends 3 would have done the same for some people around here but anyone outside the already established audience for this game (megaman fans) wouldn't go out and get a 3ds for it. it doesn't have the pedigree you all think it does.

It's still a dick move. It's like promising a starved man food, leading him on as he drags his malnourished body to reach it, then dropping a 50-ton anvil on his brain.

Not THAT bad. It's a negative move with a lot of negative fan response because of how many people were involved in it in some capacity, plus some fairweather nostalgia-folks like bitching about these things too. It's not the end of the world and Capcom, as a game publisher, is still pretty good. Inticreates is still around, which makes me happy :3


The idea of putting it on the 3DS was actually a good one. There are very different expectations of handheld games than there are of console games. If this game were released on PS3/360/Wii U, it would basically need to have big, expensive graphics, boatloads of voiceover, and would ultimately cost an arm and a leg for a franchise that has a very loyal, but comparatively small fanbase. Portable releases have more profit potential for something that doesn't have a huge following. They're a lower-risk business proposal, and Mega Man games aren't nearly as popular today as they were when Legends 1 and 2 came out. Legends 3 wouldn't have hurt the 3DS sales, but it probably wouldn't have been a system seller, as The Derrit noted.

As for the 3DS, anyone who disparages the 3DS at this point is missing the big picture for the system. Yes, its game selection at the moment, excluding 1st party stuff, is largely crap. But think back to the original DS. It came out in November of 2004 with a port of Super Mario 64 and a demo of a Metroid game. Then it got a WarioWare game 3 months later. Finally, nearly a year later (October of 2005), Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow released and led the way for a parade of quality games that lasted into 2011. The poor sales of the 3DS are more a reflection of its garbage lineup, something that Nintendo will almost certainly remedy over the next year. Based on its history, it is likely that by this time next year, the 3DS will be riding the high of a strong lineup just as its predecessor did for about 6 years.

hey everyone megaman legends 3 isn't the last game to come out ever Jesus Christ. im sure everyone at capcom collectively said 'oh lets spite our fans and not make this game' and quite frankly megaman games aren't top sellers anymore, there might have been massive support from within the fanbase but lets face it the fanbase ISN'T THAT BIG.

if you all want to talk about how shitty capcom then feel free to lap at each other's balls but seriously. nobody sinks money into a development just to cancel it unless there's a freaking really good reason like irreconcilable design issues or the fact that the game isn't likely to break even

im sick of this shit literally all the time on this site someone's like 'oh nintendo is dead and their games are worse than shovelware' or 'final fantasy is the worst series of all time since 7' or 'capcom is the devil because they're canceling a game they clearly put a lot of time and effort into' and its just stupid. ESPECIALLY in the case of capcom. capcom's community was literally helping make this game you don't get any closer to catering to your audience.

canceling this game did not line capcom's pockets with gold. stop acting like they got away with something.

You're really pushing it with some of those comments.

But first off: Capcom's current line up of titles isnt that great to begin with: MVC 3? Fun But no Megaman really pissed off its long term customers Street fighter? How many different variants do they have on current gen consoles now? Its a lot Resident Evil? They've driven that series into the ground

Capcom exists because of Mega Man. There is no way around that. To do this you're slapping a lot of people in the face. I wasn't a fan of capcom's current line up and they took a HUGE hit with Bionic Commando Reloaded failing as epically as it did. Capcom needed to do right by the fans and gamers who remember company names. They didn't. The 3DS a lot of people considered a gimmick to cash in on this crazy new market TV's have produced. With what the Vita promises and what appears to be a CRAZY low price the 3DS has major competition and no games worth having. Capcom has fallen. Just like Blizzard is slowly falling as long as its attached to activision. I know what games this company used to put out. I dont any more.

Capcom exists because of Mega Man. There is no way around that.

This times infinity.

Seriously, it's like if Nintendo killed Mario, or Sega killing Sonic (any more than he already is, but at least Generations looks promising), or Squeenix killing Final Fantasy, or... well you get the idea.

Yeah, they say Mega Man is still alive, but I'll only believe that when I see a new MM game released worldwide (which means I don't count Rockman Online, if it makes it, as a sign they still care).

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