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So, I woke up this morning, visited OCR because I haven't in a while, and found out that the Bad Dudes released an SDB album. It feels like I'm in junior high gym class again, and I just took a dodge ball to the face.

I'm not mad or upset or angry or anything. I've known for years that Mustin was interested in arranging the SDB soundtrack, and it looks like he beat his procrastination sooner than I did. In fact, I'm pretty excited because he gathered together a great list of artists, including some who I tried to unsuccessfully recruit over the years. This is a must download for me later today.

As for Around the World...

I just can't take my dodge ball and go home on this one. Cancelling the project would be selfish of me and unfair to the people who worked on it. Hell, there are tracks that will be posted to OCR after the project's out, and that's way more than I could've hoped three years ago. I'm gonna mull over my options on this one and get back to you guys. But I think it's time for a project restart. Stuff that's being made now I WANT DONE. Stuff I have that hasn't been updated in years (I'm looking at you, Rexy) I WANT UPDATED. I'll post more thoughts on this later. For now, I'm gonna download the Kenya remix and get my zyko fix.


May 21, 2008: So guess what? Looks like we got beat to the punch. Mustin and the Bad Dudes have put together their own SDB tribute album and released it recently. It's called "No Balls, No Glory" and you can download it over at www.noballsnoglory.net I just finished listening to the album, and I can easily say that it's one of my favorite fan remix albums to date. I'll have my personal review up later today. However, it leaves me with a big question: what do I do with Around the World? Mustin was able to get together some real big names in the game remix community for his album, including a few that I tried to recruit without success. Hell, he even found support from the team that's putting together the upcoming Super Dodge Ball Brawlers for the Nintendo DS. I'm sure I wouldn't be given the time of day if I tried contacting a company like that. So what do I do here? Do I tuck my tail between my legs and go crawling away? No, I just can't do that. I really have a deep love and appreciation for Super Dodge Ball and Sawa's soundtrack. For me to just cancel this project would be selfish to me and unfair to the artists that I did recruit. At the same time, however, I can't just sit here and ignore the album while it idles like it has for the past couple years. If anything, the No Balls, No Glory album has inspired me to march ahead and get this album finished. I have some big ideas floating around in my head now about how Around the World can possibly hang with the Bad Dudes album. But to do that, I need to take care of the project's loose ends that have be bothering me as of late.

Today, I'm ordering a restart of the Around the World project.

I have ideas in my mind for which artists to contact next, but I'm putting that on the back burner. The first thing that needs to be done is to deal with the languishing list of artists that either never sent me final versions of their tracks or updates to works in progress. I am setting a current remixer deadline for this coming Friday the 13th, June 13th. This is exactly three weeks from this Friday. This is what I want: if you are listed as Yes or No on the track listing above, then I want an updated WIP. If you are listed as DONE, then I want a FINAL VERSION of the track sent to me in an uncompressed .wav format. ANYONE ON THE LIST WHO FAILS TO MEET THOSE REQUIREMENTS BY JUNE 13TH WILL BE BOOTED FROM THE PROJECT. After the Friday the 13th deadline, when we'll concentrate on filling in the remaining track list slots.


I will personally try to get into contact with all of my artists about the deadline. I know that some of you who finished their songs a long time ago may not have those project files around anymore, we'll discuss this soon. For now, I want this project to start moving again.

Edit: holy crap, I just realized that the Around the World project is so old, they were talking about it on VGDJ. And I mean the Aurora/Rayza VGDJ, too. :P


Well, I know that you had your computer crash a while back, and you probably don't have the project files from your remix. Just send me the highest quality version of the Kenya mix that you have. The important thing here is that the file you send me is the absolute final version of the remix, and there won't be any more changes to it.


Awesome. I'm kinda excited about this. I want to be on this project but seeing that the only track left was China's theme...I would be like "alright, let's do this." Listen to the track a few times, fiddle around in FL, and...

nothing. It sucks. I hate that song.

Awesome. I'm kinda excited about this. I want to be on this project but seeing that the only track left was China's theme...I would be like "alright, let's do this." Listen to the track a few times, fiddle around in FL, and...

nothing. It sucks. I hate that song.

There are 4 tracks open? Japan, England, India, and Ending/Credits.

My offer still stands if anyone wants to arrange a track I will do all of the instrumentation, beats, and mastering.


i promised that i would have my tracks done very soon after i got my new computer running. but there's been some problems with that....prophet can attest.

  • 2 weeks later...

With four tracks unclaimed, and three possibly in limbo, perhaps you should see about either making a short lived new thread, or moving this one, to Community to do some re-pimping of this. Might stir up some new talent to help put those last four - seven tunes to bed.

  • 1 month later...

Hey all. This is mostly a bump, but it's also a quick little update for anyone keeping track of this project - but not necessarily checking out the judging forum.

We have two tracks that have already been accepted for posting on OCR after this project gets finished up:

Avaris - Super Dodge Ball 'Breakbeat Market' *PROJECT*

The Prophet of Mephisto - Super Dodge Ball 'Rockin the Yard' *PROJECT*

I'll take this moment to extend a very warm "nice work" :nicework: to Avaris and The Prophet of Mephisto for their excellent tracks. I'd also like to encourage the other remixers with finished tracks to submit (or resubmit if that is the case). There is some amazing talent already on the project.

If there's anyone still watching this thread who hasn't offered to help out - now's the time. We still have a few openings, and any additional talent will be very welcome.

  • 2 weeks later...

This woman speaks the truth. I'm very proud of the both of you, and I can't wait for the day that those tracks are posted on the front page.

But we still have to finish the project before that can happen, so let's get things moving! I encourage anyone who's interested to make a post here or sending Mae and myself a PM.

This woman speaks the truth. I'm very proud of the both of you, and I can't wait for the day that those tracks are posted on the front page.

But we still have to finish the project before that can happen, so let's get things moving! I encourage anyone who's interested to make a post here or sending Mae and myself a PM.

You've gotta canvas the community, homie, and stay on people. Dry hump, even.

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