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The OverClocked Plaid Muffins - Delicious and Moist (Portal - Still Alive)

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  • 2 weeks later...

VERY slick cover guys! You even got my girlfriend humming along (whom I had to read the text of the original to even understand it), so I'd say a job well done! It's fun to sung this along at the top of your longs when you're with someone else in the room ^_^

  • 3 months later...
Love this cover. In my opinion, it's better than the original!

So how's the live brass coming along? :3

We've been going through some roster changes. You have good timing though: the last piece should be in hopefully before the end of this month. 8-)

Thanks again to everyone for listening and giving feedback <3

We've been going through some roster changes. You have good timing though: the last piece should be in hopefully before the end of this month. 8-)

Thanks again to everyone for listening and giving feedback <3

Awesome! 8D I'm excited to hear it! x3 Sucks about the roster changes though D;


oh my god

I love this. Utterly.

However, the "maybe Black Mesa" part of the song seems rushed. I think it might do better as a breakdown part before all the instrument rejoin for the ending.

  • 4 months later...

I just recently heard this, someone referred me to this topic. Made an account specifically for this:


That being said... I'm not an amazing musician so I don't really have any criticism, but this absolutely NEEDS to be finished.



My only criticism is that, with everything else so full and live, the horns at 1:30 (by themselves) are a bit jarring and sound synthetic. I noticed in your original post you list people as though they were players, though, so maybe my ear is off. They blend nicely everywhere else, but after 1:30 I noticed that they were there a lot more, if that makes any sense.

Other than that, this kicks ass. This source tune is great, I laughed my ass off the first time I played it on Rock Band.


This WIP was made using Kick Ass Brass for the horn players. The people listed ARE the brass performers and have gotten all their parts in already. That was actually months ago, but since PrototypeRaptor is the one doing the final mix and master, it may be a while (if this ever gets finished, which I hope it does but its not impossible for it to end up that way).

PrototypeRaptor, who was our Trombone player and one of the lead brass arrangers when the Muffins were in their first stint of activity, has recently begun making it very big in the electronic circuit. If you follow him on facebook or twitter, you can find that out for yourself. His stuff is awesome, but since he is so busy, we don't know when he will get around to finishing this mix. Feel free to remind him on twitter or facebook that you're interested in getting the final product, I'm sure it couldn't hurt.

We've amicably parted ways with him as being part of the Muffins for now. He understood completely and we have some new members and new people trying out for various parts. The team is basically in-flux depending on availability, but we have not stopped being a group. We have stuff we're working on now, slowly but surely (my fault since I've been dragging my feet on the core arrangements), so even if some the faces are different, the Muffins will live on.

And who knows, maybe one day we'll have PR back on to do some cameo work. He is, after all, an awesome dude.

The whole Extra Credits thing brought a lot of attention to this track, which is very motivating and the feedback has been awesome. To everyone who also PMd me about stuff, I'll get back to you shortly when I can.

Rock on, folks!

  • 5 weeks later...

How in the -world- did I miss this!?!

This is like...


ambrosia for the ears.

This. Is. So. Beautiful. ;_;

I desperately need more Plaid Muffins in my life....


Have you given any more thought to a full Overclocked Plaid Muffins album?

Indeed I require more awesome tones!

Please do an album!

  • 2 years later...

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