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Hi Pixietricks! Sorry to hear things haven't been working out with VGDJ lately - I've enjoyed listening to your podcasts. Wish there was some way we listeners could help get this going again...

I just bought a crapload of recording equipment to do voiceover work projects for myself. No promises but - it might be interesting to do :)


*prays for Rayza*



Sooooo ...

I've spent the last tweek trying to catch up on all the VGDJ shows I had fallen behind on over the last few months and um ... I'm starting to run out of shows ...

.... yeeeeeeaaahhhhh ....

Please don't die, VGDJ. You wouldn't want my life to get boring, would you?


As much as I'd hate to see the current podcast format to go the way of the Dodo at the same time I kind of like the idea of listening to "The Wingless Show"

Whether or not Rayza decides to come back, I would like to go on with the show. It's good for the community, and fun! But that's up to him and Aurora, of course. I won't do anything without their permission, and if they want VGDJ to die with them, then that's that.

Maybe djpretzel would endorse a new "official ocremix podcast"... Who knows.

I'm hoping that VGDJ doesn't end up like the chrono symphonic did, and be forever to return. This severely upsets me. :cry:

Talked to Aurora and she gave Wangless and I the go-ahead. So it's all up to Rayza now... :P

Wangless... Sometimes its good to laugh like a six year old. Anyhoo I hope everything works out... be it the podcast stays in its current format or we get something new, its all good. Thanks Pixie

I'm waaaaaiiiiting. (taps foot a la Sonic)


We do these things irl XD

Damn straight. :)!!


Damn straight. :)!!And it's "weirdos," to you, bubba.

Good call, pixie.

I'm waaaaaiiiiting. (taps foot a la Sonic)


We do these things irl XD

Damn straight. :)!!


Damn straight. :)!!And it's "weirdos," to you, bubba.


As per usual, D-Lux :P

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