q-pa Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 May I comission a pixietricksMix in honor of the occasion? She does deserve it, you know. Of course, I was originally going to try my hands and keep myself busy with this while waiting for a new episode, but oh well... And also, guys.
The wingless Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 I've only listened to about the first ten minutes of it so far, but I must say your voice is very sexay Wingless. I'm all high and nasaly that episode. I'll try to tweak my settings so it's more deep bass, i.e. more regular me sexay.
Zarggg Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 "Can we get a what what?" What? What? And Wingless, your voice was fine. But your mic sounded a bit muted and quiet in parts.
OmegaDonut Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 "Can we get a what what?" What? What? And Wingless, your voice was fine. But your mic sounded a bit muted and quiet in parts. Agreed. And by "parts", I mean the entire show. EQ that shit up or something, Wangless!
Aurora Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 "Can we get a what what?" What? What? And Wingless, your voice was fine. But your mic sounded a bit muted and quiet in parts. Agreed. And by "parts", I mean the entire show. EQ that shit up or something, Wangless! ZAY OER DA ROOKEYS GIVEN BREAK TO ZEM
Jillian Aversa Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 Hehehe... Great to hear that people are digging the show. And yeah, I'm sure we can figure out something with Wingless' mic recording. Also, I'll try to keep the file size down for next week; forgot about the people with slower intarnetz. Mah B.
DrumUltimA Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 Somehow I manage to wiggle my way into all of these episodes, and believe it or not I do not do it on purpose
The wingless Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 wot did I tell you about that goddamn sig, boi?!
TCK Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 First time I've listened to VGDJ in a while. Time for a review on the format: * Please please please get a less gay intro. * I could hardly hear Wangless. Surprising as I'd have expected it to be the other way around. You know what to do. * Good to hear Auroramix and Rayzamix once again. * Random irrelevant quotes to split sections are gone since last I heard Not that I think uniform splitters are necessary, but it's an improvement nonetheless. * Music reviews finally at 20:00. That medley really was pointless, although I understand the problem of condensing 10+ remixes, that 5 minutes was completely wasted on reading out names. Somewhat a moot point, as it's likely this situation won't happen again, but I can't help but think that that could have been done better. * I can't help but feel that community news should come after remix reviews, not before. * Weekly Review and Cyan_Ide for the win. * The die returns, and while it has its charm, I don't think its really necessary to make the process seethrough. Just do the random crud before the show, and know what it is you're going to play before recording. * Hahaha, you called Compyfox a jackass! * Please please please get a less gay intro. All in all business as usual. Better than what I remembered (apart from the obvious lack of remix reviews). Might I suggest tweaking the format around a little bit? Naturally you don't have to take my suggestions, but (obviously) I think they'd be worth considering.
Jillian Aversa Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 * Please please please get a less gay intro. - Provide said intro, and we'll take it into consideration. I'm perfectly happy with the intro as is, but special bumpers are always welcome. - The remix medley was a joke. Deal. - You bring up some valid points with the show order; I do think we put too many things before the "reviews" this week. Usually the news is a little more scattered. But yeah, we can play around with those things. - I, personally, like the Russian ReMix Roulette the way it is. It's a fun little game that we enjoy doing, and helps the listeners see the random selection process. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? If everybody hates the way we draw it out by rolling the die etc, speak up!
Cyan_Ide Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 * Weekly Review and Cyan_Ide for the win. Take his comments wisely, this man obviously knows what he's talking about!
q-pa Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 * Please please please get a less gay intro. - Provide said intro, and we'll take it into consideration. I'm perfectly happy with the intro as is, but special bumpers are always welcome. I think the intro is cute, though the samples do get old. There are definitely worse podcast intros out there... This last show I was secretly hoping for a huge dramatic re-entry with either DJP or Aurora actually saying, "Let there be rrrrrrremmmixxx!!!" - You bring up some valid points with the show order; I do think we put too many things before the "reviews" this week. Usually the news is a little more scattered. But yeah, we can play around with those things. I think the most-recent show order is fine. Intro, general news, ReViews, Cyanide & Rama, Roulette, then randomness at the end followed by stinger. Having Cyanide before the ReViews in previous episodes helped space things out, but do whatever you see fit. This show the intro was more drawn out b/c of the new hosts and what-not. - I, personally, like the Russian ReMix Roulette the way it is. It's a fun little game that we enjoy doing, and helps the listeners see the random selection process. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? If everybody hates the way we draw it out by rolling the die etc, speak up! I agree with you and (the late great ) Rayza on this. Speaking out 6 ReMix names doesn't take all that much time and hey, it's a podcast, you can always fast forward! Besides, maybe an OCR newcomier hearing an artist or song title will spark interest and he or she will pick it up.
Compyfox Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 * Hahaha, you called Compyfox a jackass! I only downloaded it to check this specific part, and you know what Jill? FUCK OFF! I thought you're professional on this (like "due to personal reasons that're not important to discuss here"), but you aren't. Please do me a favour and look for somebody else to make fun of to push your ego even more. I had my reasons to stop the torrents and as it is my tracker (sorry to say this), I can do whatever the hell I want. Thanks. It was on voluntery base anyway... BTW: I also listened to the interview of Claado (Chrono Symphonic) as I'm a part of the project myself, of course. It sounded so... scripted. It can't be helped, but Rayza and Larry do more fluent interviews IMO. At least it was neutral, but nothing that wasn't already asked in earlier shows already. OMG! COMPYFOX CAUSED DRAMA+1!
DrumUltimA Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 * Hahaha, you called Compyfox a jackass! I only downloaded it to check this specific part, and you know what Jill? FUCK OFF! I thought you're professional on this (like "due to personal reasons that're not important to discuss here"), but you aren't. Please do me a favour and look for somebody else to make fun of to push your ego even more. I had my reasons to stop the torrents and as it is my tracker (sorry to say this), I can do whatever the hell I want. Thanks. It was on voluntery base anyway... BTW: I also listened to the interview of Claado (Chrono Symphonic) as I'm a part of the project myself, of course. It sounded so... scripted. It can't be helped, but Rayza and Larry do more fluent interviews IMO. At least it was neutral, but nothing that wasn't already asked in earlier shows already. OMG! COMPYFOX CAUSED DRAMA+1! Compy if you post two more times your post count will equal my birthday
q-pa Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 Compy if you post two more times your post count will equal my birthday Don't encourage him...
DCT Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 * Hahaha, you called Compyfox a jackass! I only downloaded it to check this specific part, and you know what Jill? FUCK OFF! I thought you're professional on this (like "due to personal reasons that're not important to discuss here"), but you aren't. Please do me a favour and look for somebody else to make fun of to push your ego even more. I had my reasons to stop the torrents and as it is my tracker (sorry to say this), I can do whatever the hell I want. Thanks. It was on voluntery base anyway... BTW: I also listened to the interview of Claado (Chrono Symphonic) as I'm a part of the project myself, of course. It sounded so... scripted. It can't be helped, but Rayza and Larry do more fluent interviews IMO. At least it was neutral, but nothing that wasn't already asked in earlier shows already. OMG! COMPYFOX CAUSED DRAMA+1! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwshit
The wingless Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 We don't want you to hate WE WANT YOU TO LOVE look to Jack Bauer.
Jillian Aversa Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 I couldn't care less what you think, Compy. I called you a jackass for a reason, and it wasn't out of spite that you stopped doing the torrents. We don't want you to be involved with the show in any way. It was an appropriate comment to make, under the circumstances. Now bugger off. EDIT: 700th post- how fitting!
Volt Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 Great job with the show guys. No complaints personally, besides the wait. You guys made good successors, so try not to die anytime soon. I want my shows.
BlueMage Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 Zomg, this thing might be worth listening to again... Shall download and determine.
TCK Posted February 21, 2006 Posted February 21, 2006 * Please please please get a less gay intro. - Provide said intro, and we'll take it into consideration. I'm perfectly happy with the intro as is, but special bumpers are always welcome. I think the intro is cute, though the samples do get old. There are definitely worse podcast intros out there... This last show I was secretly hoping for a huge dramatic re-entry with either DJP or Aurora actually saying, "Let there be rrrrrrremmmixxx!!!" Oh, if I could make music (that didn't suck), then I would feel obliged to provide you guys with a new intro.Certainly there are worse podcast intros, but I'd hope that VGDJ would step up from the plate now that it's evolving, so to say. I believe I even mentioned the annoying as hell intro way back when the show started. Yeah, I hate that intro, and pretty much everything about it - You bring up some valid points with the show order; I do think we put too many things before the "reviews" this week. Usually the news is a little more scattered. But yeah, we can play around with those things. I think the most-recent show order is fine. Intro, general news, ReViews, Cyanide & Rama, Roulette, then randomness at the end followed by stinger. Having Cyanide before the ReViews in previous episodes helped space things out, but do whatever you see fit. This show the intro was more drawn out b/c of the new hosts and what-not. The order for me is pretty much the same, but I'd move general news somewhere around the Report sections. A lot of that stuff just isn't important in comparison to reviews. Perhaps give a brief summary of what's going to be news, eg. "in community news this week, we'll have details of the New York meetup, etc." before starting with the reviews. - I, personally, like the Russian ReMix Roulette the way it is. It's a fun little game that we enjoy doing, and helps the listeners see the random selection process. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? If everybody hates the way we draw it out by rolling the die etc, speak up! I agree with you and (the late great ) Rayza on this. Speaking out 6 ReMix names doesn't take all that much time and hey, it's a podcast, you can always fast forward! Besides, maybe an OCR newcomier hearing an artist or song title will spark interest and he or she will pick it up. Like I said, it's got charm, but I don't think it's necessary. Bear in mind that time isn't limited persay, but it's good to eliminate as much wasted time as possible for a portable podcast format. You could use that extra time to, say, include a complete play of this weeks remixes, rather than just a sample (although that may have changed since last I heard).Anyway, a lot of the criticism from me is due to the whole two month recap factor. The rest of it pretty much has been a problem for me since the beginning that hasn't been rectified. I'll check out next week's more regular show, to see what happens differently.
Jillian Aversa Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 You could use that extra time to, say, include a complete play of this weeks remixes, rather than just a sample (although that may have changed since last I heard). The reason we only play short clips of the recent remixes is to entice our listeners to actually visit OCR and download the music themselves. VGDJ isn't a playlist show; our goal is to involve people in the community here. If we played the new mixes all the way through, nobody would feel the need to explore the site, ya know? Unless more people express concerns about the RRR, I think that's gonna stay as is. We'll play around with the show order for a bit and see what seems to work the best. I was actually surprised to hear that a couple of you find the intro kinda lame. I've always liked it, partially for nostalgia's sake, but hey... That's something we could probably change. Any suggestions, for seriously?
TCK Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 You could use that extra time to, say, include a complete play of this weeks remixes, rather than just a sample (although that may have changed since last I heard). The reason we only play short clips of the recent remixes is to entice our listeners to actually visit OCR and download the music themselves. VGDJ isn't a playlist show; our goal is to involve people in the community here. If we played the new mixes all the way through, nobody would feel the need to explore the site, ya know? Unless more people express concerns about the RRR, I think that's gonna stay as is. We'll play around with the show order for a bit and see what seems to work the best. I was actually surprised to hear that a couple of you find the intro kinda lame. I've always liked it, partially for nostalgia's sake, but hey... That's something we could probably change. Any suggestions, for seriously? Nostalgia's a dangerous thing I can understand your point about playing only a sample of a track gives an incentive to explore OCR, but it depends on your perspective. I'm not sure that the 30-60 second sample is enough to entice someone to download a track. It's a very vague guide to how "good" a remix is, and I feel that people could be missing out on tracks they'd otherwise have liked (and downloaded) if they heard more/all of it. Though of course there is the whole problem of keeping time down. Either way, my main point was that the RRR transparency thing is a bit wasteful.
Jillian Aversa Posted February 22, 2006 Posted February 22, 2006 I can understand your point about playing only a sample of a track gives an incentive to explore OCR, but it depends on your perspective. I'm not sure that the 30-60 second sample is enough to entice someone to download a track. It's a very vague guide to how "good" a remix is, and I feel that people could be missing out on tracks they'd otherwise have liked (and downloaded) if they heard more/all of it.Though of course there is the whole problem of keeping time down. Either way, my main point was that the RRR transparency thing is a bit wasteful. Hmmm, sorry you feel that way, but as I said... Unless more people express annoyance with the way we do the RRR, I think that's gonna stay the same. It's fun, and most people seem to enjoy it as is. Either way, the ReMix Reviews will definitely keep the same format. You're right, it does also have to do with time factor. But even if not every clip is long enough to impress someone, it's certainly better than playing them all the way through, which forces people to listen to the whole thing even if they don't dig it. I know that a bunch of people already skip over the actual music portion of the RRR for that reason. Sometimes it's better to play the tease. Maybe it would help to look at it this way: the ReMix Reviews are actually just a subset of the community news. This is the music that has been released this week; we're just keeping people up to date, ja? I really appreciate all the thought you've put into this stuff, TCK, so I hope you don't feel like we're just shooting down your ideas. It's great to hear a fresh perspective, because it helps us evaluate the effectiveness of our current format. Change requires time, but right now is the perfect opportunity for a little turnaround. Any new sections you guys might want to see on the show?
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